
I Can Gain Power From the Novel's I've Read

Reo Carter, a book-loving teenager and typical NEET, wakes up in a mysterious world filled with magic and mystic powers. Despite everyone else being able to use magic, Reo discovers he's the only human unable to do so. Feeling depressed, he finds himself in a dire situation suddenly becoming a damsel in distress. Due to an incident with a demon he discovered that he has the power to jump into the world of novel's he read before and use the power he gain from the novel. Join Reo as he wrecked havoc upon the world.

MercuryDrone · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Chapter 4: Reality

Inside the room, Lamy, a blue-haired maid of the esteemed Levasti House, sat quietly on a wooden chair, clutching a quill and an old, rusty notebook.

Her surroundings were modest, with only a cabinet and a small table holding a magically-powered lamp.

Engrossed in her thoughts, Lamy diligently wrote in her journal, chronicling her experiences within the noble household.

As a second-class mage, known as an acolyte adorned with two rings, her affinity lay in water magic.

Despite her magical abilities, Lamy hailed from a commoner background and resided in one of the many village occupied by the House of Vier, Aquilux. When she was little and minding her own business, staring blankly at a lake, she stumbled upon a traveling mage. Upon seeing her, he gave her a book. As she was just a little girl, she tilted her head and tried to bite it, but the mage stopped her and gave her a candy alongside the book, after which he left.

Lamy's cheeks flushed red, remembering the scene. She then quickly shook her head and took out a worn-out book from underneath the desk drawer. The front cover had some torn parts in the corner, yet the font looked as if it hadn't aged at all: "Fool's Errand."

Nostalgia flashed in her eyes as she gazed at the book, recalling the days of her hard work. She wouldn't have made it this far without this book.

Opening the book, she ran her fingers over the pages, each one holding memories of endless hours spent studying and practicing magic. Even though every human could use magic, not many could form a ring and become a fully-fledged mage. It was the dream of many, yet she was one of the few in her village who managed to become one. She even shared the book with the village, but none managed to progress as much as she did.

The Levasti Family, a Marquis Household, renowned for producing exceptional mages throughout the kingdom's history, stood as a powerful entity, rivaling even the grand dukes. She was lucky enough to be hired into this prestigious position marked one of the happiest moments of her life.

At just ten years old, she had been compelled to work due to her family's circumstances. Her initial task involved caring for a pair of twins alongside Camilla, a black-haired maid.

Whenever Lamy pondered Camilla, one word immediately came to mind: "peculiar." Camilla possessed an icy, distant gaze, and her ever-present grasp on a pair of scissors added an air of mystery. Nevertheless, Lamy made efforts to foster a cordial relationship with her.

Suddenly a shrill sound of a bell came from her waist. Hearing it Lamy immediately went out of her room and went to the kitchen of the mansion where a tray of food was already prepared.

One of the servant preparing the food called out to her, "Here, you can take it out now"

"Thanks" she took the cart containing the foods prepared and thanked the other servants.

She arrived shortly through a garden located on the east side of the mansion; she couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery of the garden.

In her mind she was praising how it was made and impressed at the gardener's who maintain it.

Lamy carefully balanced the tray of food as she made her way through the enchanting garden, its vibrant blooms and delicate fragrances captivating her senses. The soft rays of the morning sun filtered through the foliage, casting a gentle glow upon the winding pathways.

As she walked, Lamy couldn't help but appreciate the meticulous beauty of the garden. Each flower seemed to have its own place, blooming in perfect harmony with its surroundings. The colors danced in a symphony of hues, painting a picturesque scene that whispered of tranquility and serenity.

At the center of the garden, a towering structure stood tall, resembling a tower of the medieval era, with two knights stationed at its entrance. Lamy cheerfully approached them, waving her hand in greeting.

"Hello, good morning, you two!" Lamy greeted the knights cheerfully, waving at them as they approached.

"Energetic as usual. Good morning to you too, little Lamy," one of the knights replied with a smile.

"Oh, it's already that time.. I'm so hungry~ Oh, Thanks!" the other knight chimed in, his stomach audibly growling.

Lamy reached into her pockets, searching for something. With a mischievous grin, she pulled out a handful of snacks and offered them to the knights. They eagerly accepted, expressing their gratitude for the thoughtful gesture.

"Lamy, you're the only one who has permission to enter the tower. I'm really curious about what's inside. Is it true a monster live here?" one of the knights confessed, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

The other knight, sensing the delicate nature of the topic, nudged his companion with a slight shoulder bump. "Sorry, he just arrived here," he interjected, trying to dismiss his question.

In response Lamy took out a key to unlock the tower and ventured inside.

As she ascended the spiraling staircase, she reached the top floor, only to discover a disheartening sight—a young boy, trapped within the confines of the tower, his eyes devoid of life. He appeared lost and disconnected from the world around him.

He has short blonde hair, and a delicate face making him look like a girl, currently he was staring outside the tower with a distant look in his eyes.

A wave of emotion flooded Lamy's heart, looking at the boy.

She placed the snacks nearby, ensuring he had access to them if he desired. Instead of bombarding him with conversation, Lamy simply sat beside him, creating a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere. She hope to be friend with her and provide him with reassurance.

Occasionally, Lamy would glance at the boy, exchanging gentle smiles whenever their eyes met. She wanted to convey that she was there for him whenever he was ready to open up.

In the silence between them, Lamy focused on her surroundings, taking in the view from atop the tower. She admired the distant landscapes and the beauty of nature, hoping that the tranquil atmosphere would provide the boy with a sense of solace.

Eventually, it was time for her to go, without saying farewell she left the tower.

As she left she couldn't help but blame herself for inadvertently contributing to the boy's current state of captivity.

"My lord, there's something wrong with the young master," Lamy expressed her concern, noticing that the child constantly repelled mana in their surroundings. She worried that he might be ill or experiencing some kind of distress.

A look of disgust twisted the Marquis's face as he sneered, "Lock him up in the eastern tower! And leave him there."

Lamy was taken aback by the Marquis's harsh command. Confusion clouded her thoughts as she couldn't fathom why he would utter such heartless words towards his own grandson.

"B-but, my Lord," Lamy stammered, her voice tinged with disbelief. She struggled to comprehend the severity of the situation and the callousness of the Marquis's order.

"Noel Vier Levasti is dead! He died in the explosion caused by his sister's awakening. Only you and she survived. Understand?" The Marquis's voice dripped with a menacing tone as he directed his threatening words towards the young maid.

Regret weighed heavily upon Lamy's conscience as she replayed the events in her mind. She questioned her decision, wondering if she had unknowingly led the boy into a situation from which he couldn't escape.

Day after day, Lamy faithfully visited the boy in the tower, bringing with her anything she could find to alleviate his boredom and provide a temporary escape from his confined world.

She introduced him to stories of mythical creatures, shared her knowledge of magic, and regaled him with tales of adventure and wonder.

Yet, instead of kindling a spark of hope or curiosity within the boy, Lamy's efforts seemed to have the opposite effect. The more she tried to engage him, the further he sank into despair. The once vibrant light in his blue eyes grew increasingly dim, reflecting the weight of his isolation and inner turmoil.