
I Can Gain Power From the Novel's I've Read

Reo Carter, a book-loving teenager and typical NEET, wakes up in a mysterious world filled with magic and mystic powers. Despite everyone else being able to use magic, Reo discovers he's the only human unable to do so. Feeling depressed, he finds himself in a dire situation suddenly becoming a damsel in distress. Due to an incident with a demon he discovered that he has the power to jump into the world of novel's he read before and use the power he gain from the novel. Join Reo as he wrecked havoc upon the world.

MercuryDrone · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Primusyn's Power

Chapter 19: Primusyn's Power

As the massive circular platform breached the surface, carrying the towering form of the Hexacore Primusyn into view, a collective gasp went up from the youths, knights and Oliver gathered at the mansion's walls.

The immense size of the construct left the crowd awestruck and silent. To them, it was the embodiment of their ancestral heritage brought to life – the pinnacle of alchemical mastery, harnessing the power of every elemental attribute through their unique bloodline ability, making them the only ones capable of creating such a golem.

Even the seasoned knights, like Sir Markus, were amazed by the Hexacore's overwhelming presence. Many instinctively gripped their swords or steadied their shields, as if preparing themselves against its sheer power.

The youths, however, were filled with excitement and reverence. Their eyes gleamed with awe, wondering if they could ever create something so magnificent.

As the Hexacore thundered into battle, its impossibly huge footfalls shaking the very earth itself, the gathered crowd could only gape in stupefied awe.

Cedric stayed within the command center, his eyes fixed on the array of monitors and magical screens that displayed real-time images of the battlefield above. His fingers flew across the control panel, activating a fleet of flying golems designed for reconnaissance. These mechanical constructs, small but agile, were equipped with various sensors and enchantments to provide a comprehensive view of the ongoing battle.

"Arabella," Cedric's voice came through the communication link, clear and steady, "I'll guide you from here. The flying golems are surveying the battlefield. Follow my instructions, and we'll maximize Primusyn's impact."

Arabella, now fully integrated with the Hexacore, felt the immense power of the elemental cores surging through her. "Understood, Sir Cedric. I'm ready."

Cedric watched the screens as the flying golems spread out over the battlefield. The constructs transmitted detailed visuals of the demonic horde, highlighting key targets and strategic points. The air was filled with the sounds of battle – the clash of steel, the roar of spells, and the cries of both the defenders and the demonic forces.

"The eastern flank is collapsing," Cedric instructed, pointing to a section of the battlefield displayed on one of the monitors. "Move Primusyn to support our forces there."

Arabella directed the Hexacore Primusyn towards the designated area. The massive construct moved with surprising agility, each step causing the ground to tremble. As it approached the eastern flank, the elemental cores began to glow with intense energy. The fire core, a swirling vortex of crimson flames, ignited with ferocious heat.

With a sweeping motion of its arm, the Hexacore unleashed a torrent of fire upon the demonic horde, incinerating everything in its path. The flames roared and crackled, turning the tide of battle in favor of the defenders.

"Good, Arabella," Cedric's voice came through again. "Now shift to the western front. The water core will help extinguish the infernal flames the demons have set."

Following Cedric's guidance, Arabella moved the Hexacore to the western front. The water core, a churning maelstrom of blue energy, surged with power. The Hexacore raised its arm, and a massive wave of water crashed down upon the demonic fire, quenching the flames and clearing a path for the defenders.

From his position in the command center, Cedric continued to coordinate the battle, deploying the flying golems to key areas and providing Arabella with precise instructions. The combined might of the Hexacore Primusyn and the tactical advantage provided by the golems turned the tide of the battle.

With each coordinated strike, the demonic forces were pushed back, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault. The defenders, emboldened by the presence of the Hexacore and the strategic support from Cedric, fought with renewed vigor.

Oliver watched quietly, understanding once again why the noble families of this realm were both respected and feared. Dealing with descendants of bloodlines able to wield such immense power was like inviting disaster. The Vier's inventions, usually seen as wonders of magic, became dangerous tools in the hands of those with the right lineage.

"Can you believe our lady could control such powerful forces?" Sir Markus said, his voice tired yet filled with awe. He recalled the tale of Lia Vier Levasti, Nora and Noel's mother, who once fought off an Eight Class Imperial Mage. "The Vier family always pushes the limits of what's possible..."

As gouts of elemental power rained down indiscriminately, scouring the lands of its demonic infestation, the youths erupted into raucous cheers and thunderous applause. For so long they had studied and innovated within these hallowed walls, ever pursuing their family's proud traditions of transcendent genius. But now they were witnessing these lofty principles brought to spectacular life on the battlefield before them.

Cedric's keen eyes scanned the displays, analyzing the chaos unfolding on the battlefield. His mind raced, formulating intricate strategies to outmaneuver the demonic horde and secure victory for their forces.

As the demonic forces regrouped, Cedric's voice echoed once more, his instructions clear and concise. "Focus your attention on the airborne threats. Deploy the wind core to create a protective barrier and intercept their aerial assault."

Arabella nodded in understanding, her focus unwavering as she commanded the Hexacore to summon swirling gusts of wind to ward off the demonic flyers. With each precise movement, she deflected incoming projectiles and disrupted enemy formations, buying precious time for their defenders.

Meanwhile, Cedric continued to monitor the ever-shifting dynamics of the battlefield, his tactical acumen guiding their every move. "We must capitalize on their weakened flank," he instructed, his voice tinged with urgency. "Engage the enemy's rear guard strike swiftly and decisively."

Arabella heeded Cedric's directive, directing the Hexacore to unleash crackling bolts of lightning upon the unsuspecting demons, sowing chaos and confusion within their ranks. With each electrifying blast, enemy formations shattered.

Emboldened by their success, Cedric's voice rang out once more, his orders imbued with unwavering determination. "Now, Arabella, unleash the full might of the Hexacore. Channel the elemental cores in unison and deliver the decisive blow that will break their resolve."

With a steely resolve, Arabella channeled the combined energies of the elemental cores within the Hexacore, her concentration unwavering as she unleashed a cataclysmic barrage of elemental fury upon the demonic horde. Fire rained from the sky, earth trembled beneath their feet, and lightning danced across the battlefield, leaving devastation in its wake.