
I Can Gain Power From the Novel's I've Read

Reo Carter, a book-loving teenager and typical NEET, wakes up in a mysterious world filled with magic and mystic powers. Despite everyone else being able to use magic, Reo discovers he's the only human unable to do so. Feeling depressed, he finds himself in a dire situation suddenly becoming a damsel in distress. Due to an incident with a demon he discovered that he has the power to jump into the world of novel's he read before and use the power he gain from the novel. Join Reo as he wrecked havoc upon the world.

MercuryDrone · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Chapter 21: Aetheria


"Wake up!"

A thunderous echo pulsed within me, freezing the dispersal of my essence. A peculiar heat coursed through my ethereal shape while the spectral voice persistently beckoned me.

"Can you hear me? Don't give up!"

Struggling against the waning energy within me, I focused every ounce of my willpower to reconstruct my ethereal form. Slowly, the wisps of my ghostly essence gathered together, shaping me once more into a tangible being. Determination etched on my translucent features, I knew I had to seek out the origin of that soothing voice.

As my vision cleared, I found myself pulled towards a shimmering light, like a beacon cutting through the encroaching darkness. There, silhouetted in the brilliant glow, stood the figure of a young girl.

"N-Nora?" I rasped out, scarcely believing my eyes. Yet there she was, her cute chubby face adorned with a wide smile.

"You remember!" The girl rushed forward, a look of relieved joy on her face.

Though I didn't recognize her at first, cause of her ethereal form similar to mine. But I felt an undeniable familiarity deep within my soul. Like a long-lost friend rediscovered after an eons-long separation. I reached out with a trembling, translucent hand, and she grasped it tightly.

"I've been searching everywhere for you," Nora said, her voice tinged with worry and relief. "You nearly got obliterated."

I lowered my gaze, memories of my family's cruel indifference causing my form to flicker unstably. "They...they didn't care. Like I never mattered at all."

Nora's eyes softened with empathy as she listened, her own ethereal form radiating warmth and understanding. "No, Noel, that's not true. You've always mattered, to me at least," she insisted, her voice a gentle melody in the void.

Her comforting words unlocked something deep within my consciousness. Flashes of a different existence flickered through my mind - a world where Nora was indeed my twin sister.

As she held me, I felt myself regaining substance and strength. No longer alone, my despair began dissipating, replaced with a profound sense of solace and familiarity. I returned Nora's embrace fiercely.

"I remember..." I whispered hoarsely. "I remember you, sister."

Our spiritual reunion was a beacon of hope and warmth, driving away the bitter loneliness. Her light became my anchor, pulling my adrift spirit back from the void.

With a deep breath, I shut my eyes, focusing all my energy on the task at hand. The malevolent presence of the demon crept through the air, its sinister tendrils reaching out to ensnare my very essence.

Filled with newfound power, it ignited within me like a celestial firework, drowning out the shadows with its luminous light, blazing in intensity.

As the radiant energies of Noel and Nora intertwined, a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow unfolded, painting the vast expanse of the ethereal realm with kaleidoscopic hues. Their translucent forms shimmered with ethereal brilliance, their souls pulsating with newfound power and unity.

Noel's essence, tinged with the cool tranquility of moonlight, melded seamlessly with Nora's warm radiance, creating a harmonious symphony of opposing forces. Their intertwined spirits glowed with an intensity that rivaled the brightest stars, casting cascades of shimmering light across the celestial expanse.

Our ethereal forms began blazing with brilliant energy, expanding and morphing together into a radiant, captivating new entity. Waves of power rippled outwards, shattering the demon's illusory construct like glass.

The nightmare dream fractured and dissolved around us. The last vile tendrils clung desperately, but our combined life force incinerated the demon's control. A final burst of fusion expelled the last remnants of its foul influence.


A blinding white light flared from the breached cocoon, cutting through the night like a blazing sword. Cassandra and the Shadow Wraiths braced themselves against the brilliant force. The tendrils of their dark energy were burned away as the cocoon's corrupt interior was bathed in purifying light. Shielding their eyes, they strained to see what cosmic force was now emerging.

The cocoon's pulsating walls twisted and convulsed violently. Thick tendrils lashed out in agony before being reduced to ashes by the intense radiance from within. Cavernous maws in the mutating biomass unleashed shrieks of torment that shook the air. Finally, with one last spasm, the cocoon burst open in a brilliant explosion of light. The dazzling glow spread out like a supernova, banishing all darkness.

From the radiant center, a stunningly graceful figure rose with regal poise. Four slender arms unfurled, each movement trailing strands of prismatic light. Long, toned legs extended below a body that seemed sculpted from condensed starlight. Lustrous golden hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of animated sunlight, shifting and rippling with its own inner glow. Light sparkles danced across her exquisite skin, reacting to every flex and movement of her celestial form.

Her beautifully sculpted features were a masterpiece of perfection – full lips, high cheekbones, and almond-shaped her eyes glow with a radiant, multicolored light. 

As the radiant being assessed her new form with graceful movements, her sheer presence caused bursts of brilliant light to radiate outwards. The air shimmered and distorted around her, unable to contain the stellar energies now given physical shape.

With a subtle flourish of her four arms, she allowed her brilliance to shine even brighter, achieving an intense glow that made the Shadow Wraiths recoil instinctively. A swirl of stardust surrounded her, reacting to the ethereal patterns she wove through her hypnotic, fluid motions.

"What...light is this?" Cassandra gasped, witnessing the birth of such a being. 'An infernal could never produce such light...A spirit?' she thought, unable to believe a spirit could emerge from a cocoon filled with demonic energy.

"No," the woman spoke, her voice an unrecognizable blend of male and female tones harmonized together. "I am Aetheria," she proclaimed in ethereal harmonics that reverberated through the devastated courtyard. "Avatar of the Elements, birthed from the fusion of two souls made whole." As she spoke, the lights around her gathered to form a halo of elemental energies behind her.