

In the "housings," or for some people rather tiny rooms of the Rose Gold Domain, Vin walked past a couple of doors- which were right next to each other- unlike typical rooms which have spaces in between each door- until he saw one with the name "Aphelion's Room" written in golden letters and a white marking on it.

The white marking was his "signature logo" which was just a V with a line going through it, like an upside down A.

A white key was pulled from his pocket and he unlocked the door to be met with a white and black spiral on a wall that felt like it wasn't even there. Walking forward as if the wall wasn't even there, he found himself inside another realm. He locked and closed the door which simultaneously existed in both the realm and the main world.

Vin looked around the room which screamed luxury, spatial boxes that could store way more than expected. A painting that was likely rare, then some paintings that slowly evolved from amateur level to amazing. A bed that was out of place for the room being extremely simple, not even king sized. Glass cabinets with potions that could only be health and Arcane Energy potions.

He spent a good minute or two looking around and enjoying the 'scene.' "Let's check this 'starting menu' this system mentions." Vin thought aloud as no one was there to hear a mere 16 year old's monologue.

Upon pressing the button for the starting menu a ding resounded and shiny gold messages appeared.

[Welcome to The System.]

[This allows you to create your own system! All features unlocked currently is all you will receive for free, other than the one you will receive right now. You will have the choice to pick between three options!]

[Number One: Gacha]

[Number Two: Soul]

[Number Three: Death]

[Note: You will likely never receive help again from The System. <3]

"Wow that's harsh… I guess I will choose one since I got all the five star characters on the Impshin Genact without much effort." Vin boasted to himself as he chose one.

[Redeemed Gacha Menu. Gacha Points.]

"…This is too simple… Gacha Menu." Vin said with uncertainty in his voice.

Several golden transparent screens appeared in front of him.

[Gacha Menu]

[Points : 50]

[Upgrade : 0/2500 Editing Points]

[Uncommon Capsule : 5 Points]

[Rare Capsule : 45 Points]

[Super Rare : 650 Points]

"Guess it wasn't a trap… but wow… that's expensive." Vin said as he saw he could only afford a rare capsule and uncommon capsule. Considering it over he realized it was actually quite generous to give him anything for free.

He had two choices with the handouts he received, instead of zero like he should have gotten. A light smile found it's way across Vin's face thinking of the possible rewards and what this system entailed.

The obvious option was then pressed as Vin's vision shifted to his mental space as he was dragged into his own consciousness by the Rare Capsule.

A wooden box with silver lining was a few steps in front of him. With each step to the box his heart palpitated with vigor, knowing the rewards must be great if it's going to take almost all of his points.

His arm extended and he opened the box…


'Still no flashy lights?' Vin thought as that was great for him not being blinded for when spams capsules in the future.

The box held inside of it a ball that felt a bit prickly and square-ish. The ball was painted black with green and red lines scribbled across it.

A blank expression immediately appeared on Vin's face as he grabbed the ball. "A ball… really now? Wow." Despite knowing games and novels in general use this as trick to build fake suspense for a decent item, he still wanted to challenge whoever thought of this cruel joke to a life or death duel.

Just as Vin was disappointed a message appeared in his face.

[Dice of Thousand Fortunes]

"That is not a dice. Nope, no fucking way that's a die." The blank expression changed to one of disbelief, almost believing the system he just obtained wanted to troll him. At least he would have not for the two energies he saw spiraling off the ball. One green, the other red. He could discern the former represented fortune while the later represented misfortune.

Two elusive energies that aren't commonly used. Though it was important to note each energy invoked different feelings in Vin, the first gave off tranquility and calmness while the second made him want to get as far from it as possible.

If the green wasn't overpowering the red he knew he probably would have been let out a green liquid solid abomination all over his mind palace. 'Note to self, invest into strengthening my mental space.'

After that final thought he was back to his body with the dice in hand. Forgoing everything he thought before, Vin realized he still hasn't seen the true reward. "There's nothing else to do but test out this… dice." Weakly uttering those words, still not believing it was a die, he rolled the ball with high hopes based completely off the name. The dice after rolling a 2-3 meters stopped and erupted with a green light that spelled out 1000 in the air.

Hesitant, Vin waited for a few seconds before going to pick up the dice. That option was hastily taken from him as the dice dismantled itself into pieces, showcasing a seemly aged piece of paper above the mess it created.

The paper was quickly by the system identified as the words on it shone with a silver light. A verdant green message appeared telling Vin what his new, rare, and extremely cool piece of paper was.

[Skill Page: Gambler's Gambit]

On the page displayed the way manipulate energy in a way to use the skill. Unlike the skill book- which he used earlier- with a skill page, one had to manually learn to cast the skill.

The skill in simple terms was used by bringing in Fortune Energy and some Misfortune Energy. Then mixing the two into luck and throwing the user's energy into it to stabilize the skill. Then by absorbing that energy the skill is cast.

Some energies exist that normal people can manipulate besides Arcane Energy. Such as Fortune and Misfortune, but also ones like Fire, Water, among other things. Typically it all begins with the four elements but some- a lot- exist outside the four elements. Like Light, Darkness, Aether, Destruction, Creation, and many more. Each requiring varying degrees of skill.

Abstract things such as Karma are many times harder to learn and make skills for.

"Fuck." Vin voiced his frustration because this was two advanced level energies! He hadn't even learned anything yet as the classes started tomorrow. Looking at the instructions made him feel it would be easier to remake the dice than learn it. But something pushed him to at least try.

Activating his specials eyes he got to work.

covid i have

pretty hard to write when your head wants to go boom

oh look i can write again, wrote literally most of the chapter today

DeadpanDemecreators' thoughts