
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · Fantasía
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17 Chs


Kayden woke up the next morning morning. He went straight to the bathroom and cleaned himself up. Glancing out the window to where he burried the boar, it looks like he managed to get the dirt over so it was no longer visible.

Last night he ended up having to dig with his hands, but thanks to that Kayden learned his first skill. His nails could grow and retract, they were sharp and strong. He seemed to have gotten to grips with how to control them, which was a good start.

Looking at his guild tag he was pretty sure he would die fairly quickly against monsters unless he could level up quickly.

Name: Kayden

Titles: Soul from another Plane,

Level: 1

Rank: F

Race: Vampire (Newborn)

Age: 2 day(s)

Skills: Swipe(Claws),

Weapon(s): Claws

MP: 500

HP: 1500

After finishing up in the bathroom he came down into the main enterance of the Inn.

Kayden noticed the inn wasnt very big, its capacity was probably 20 people inside at once. There were a few other rooms in the back but they were in rough condition. The inside of the building looked old and worn. But the fact that it had washing facilities was amazing.

The prey he saw hung up yesterday was already gone, it probably meant the man he yet yesterday had already left. The room was still cluttered with bits of junk and bookshelves.

He walked to the bookshelf closest and pulled one out, flipping it over. It was a book called 'Temple of the shattered souls'

What an ominous title .. Kayden wondered.

There were several others on the shelf but most of them were in disrepair. There was some writing on the spines though, it read "A collection of ancient myths and legends, collected by a scholar named Papere."

Kayden continued to look through the shelves finding more than he expected.

''Well this place will help me gather some information..'' Kayden said

He found a bunch of books on Elves, Beastmen, Magic lore and even on the different types of Myths and legends.

But even better was his new discovery; a book that detailed basic use of magic.

This is perfect!

Kayden thought as he opened the book and started to study the concept of magic.

There were several elemental types of magic which included fire, water, wind, earth, light and darkness.

Each type of magic had it's own strengths and weaknesses, but also needed to be practiced in order for the user to master their power.

For example Wind magic was a good choice for those who desired flight or levitation. Fire magic was useful for heating and offensive attacks. Water magic was useful for creating barriers or healing. Earth magic was used in creating weapons or armor. Light magic was used as a healing tool and banishing tool mostly used by paladins or priests. Darkness magic was mainly used to hide and create shadows.

There were also types outside of the primary elemental magic listed above such as lightning, mental, ice and poison. However these were harder to come by.

To discover what Magic you possess you can try casting a basic skill to see if your magic responds to the spell.

If it does then you have discovered your affinity for that Magic type.

As for skill development, there were many ways to increase the skills. You could learn swordmanship skills by training with a sword. Even the most simple things such as Cooking, if you can learn, it will appear as a skill.

Just like in a game those skills can level up with practice.

However, you may have to invest time and effort into learning.

There were also things that could be done to speed up the process.

For example: A mage could gain additional mana from consuming by using a skill called 'Energy absorption' which will absorb energy from other beings and object and use it to re-energise the user.

Or people could use items such as Mana boosters which could grant temporary hightened mana points.

Kayden thought that of what abilities he could learn as a vampire, he should be able to use something similar to 'Energy absorption' since the idea of taking blood can be seen as regaining energy..

He took note of the basics in magic and turned his attention to the books surrounding myths and legends, there should be something about Vampires.

He looked through several of the books, they were quite detailed in the legends of the different creatures. Just as Kayden was thinking there would be no other information, he found a section that seemed to be explaining the existance of Vampires. The books written appeared more like a journaling of what they have discovered more than a factual book, Kayden was sure he wouldnt be able to discover everything from this.

Vampires expertise includes Blood arts and transmutation, they can manipulate blood as a medium.

They also have a special ability where those they drink from feel euphoric, the ability to erase short memories is possible once the victim is in this state.

Strengths of Vampires include increased strength, enhanced reflexes, heightened senses, increased stamina, regenerative capabilities.

Magic can be used and be possessed however it is not known what they specialise in as a race.

Their physical appearance seems to not change, some claim that vampires cannot be killed, and others that they can die like humans.

Vampires can shift forms, this includes wings or claws both retractable. Their inheritance determines on the differences in their wings.

Vampires can be considered an undead species in the way that they feed on energy from the living, giving rise to beliefs and superstitions.

Some of these beliefs include:

- Vampires can switch over bodies of those who have just passed, this leads to theories of immortality.

''...'' Kayden frowned at this part.

He appeared in this body randomly, he wasnt sure how he got here but he had some theories, even if they seemed profound to him, they probably weren't so profound in this world.