Athos has always had a happy life. Loving parents, talent from birth, a bright future awaited him. But what will he do when all this is taken from him? When the world he knew is torn apart in front of his eyes? How far will he be willing to go for revenge? And what will he have to sacrifice for that? I am not the owner of the cover. If the breeder wants me to take it down, please contact me.
Continent Adula, Holy Empire of Caria.
The Holy empire of Caria occupied all of the north of the continent and was exclusively human, every other race had been hunted to extinction. Even enslaving other races like the Makima empire was unacceptable to them.
Caria was the birthplace of the Eishin religion and had it as its official religion. They followed religion fanatically and believed in Eishin's teachings. Like the church, its view of magic was warped, placing the element of light above all other elements.
They had developed the light element to its limits, even the order of magic and the Makima empire couldn't match them when it came to researching the limits of the light element.
The Caria empire had implemented the element of light in all its national projects, from agriculture, civil construction, national defense, runesmithing research and obviously public health.