
I am the King of the Undead (has now been moved)

Richard Cross, born as a bastard, went through many difficulties, but he didn't let that defeat him, being raised with the love of his mother, who kept him going forward. Time passes by, and now he's in his early twenties, with a great paid-off job, a lovely girlfriend. Living his life to the fullest, but it didn't last long... As young and promising as he can be, he lost his life in his own apartment at the hands of an assassin. But not being the end of his journey, he got a second chance to live, and experience the wonders like a Fantasy book But, lucky is not completely on his side, he's born as a bastard again. Nevertheless, he has a power bestowed upon him from birth, and he will make use of it to the fullest. Join Richard's journey to become stronger, to become the KING OF THE UNDEAD. ------------------------------------------------- Here my patreon https://www.patreon.com/Mattfuncool Discord https://discord.gg/HcaG8GgQ3U Mattfuncool#0219

mattfuncool · Fantasía
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77 Chs

The entity that watches Loren

Enidut Pathwarrior had entered Cecelia's room where she and Angelina were expecting Loren instead.

"So you two girls want to tell me what both of you are doing, I heard laughing." she asked.

"Oh that just Angelina enjoying me about to be pushed by Loren for what I have done."

"And what would that be."

"for beating the shit out the princess." Cecelia tells her not to hold back from smiling.

That made Enidut Pathwarrior surprised to hear that.

"I didn't think you would be the one to have done that, I had a feeling it was going to be me one day or Angelina for that matter, but how did such a thing happen."

Cecelia explains to her until reaching the end.

"Wow, I feel sorry for you as this will probably make Loren mad, but on the other hand that doesn't mean the princess is innocent either, I hope she does get a share of this punishment yet, I am more interested in why you were also in his room."

"Oh that's because sis Cecelina touched herself while smelling the clothes that big brother wore."

"Angelina! You backstabber." she yelled at her

Angelina laughs while Enidut Pathwarrior looks at Cecelia with a questionable look.

"Alright it's something, I do when Loren is gone because of sanitation we are not being able to be intimate with him all fault of the set up marriage."

"Well your right it does suck even, I…. at times will secretly sometimes watch Loren shower."

"What really? Do… you as well… touch yourself while watching him." Cecelia asks.

Enidut Pathwarrior became embarrassed not answering her, but still it was an answer to Cecelia's question.

"You two are so weird to be doing such things." Angelina said shaking her head at the two of them.

"Hey you don't get to say that as you the one who still sleeps with him which don't you think is time that you dear Angelina to sleep alone."

Enidut Pathwarrior brought that up as she faced her.

"But that is never going to happen because big brother loves me more than you two."

"I am sorry what did you say, Angelina you're definitely not loved more by him."

"Say the one who isn't sleeping with him at night." she mocks her while at the same showing a smile.

Endiut Pathwarrior stares at Angelina angrily like she is about to attack.

"If the two of you are going to kill each other do it outside, not in my nice room, I hate for it to get dirty."

Both the girls look at Cecelia after she said that acting as if the girl wouldn't care if they kill each other.

Soon all three of them couldn't help it, but to laugh as the room was filled with it for a few minutes until things went back to being quiet.

"Do you have the box with you?" Enidut Pathwarrior asks her.

Cecelia showed a realization expression on her face.

"I almost forgot, yes I made sure to take it with me along with his book."

Cecelia begins moving to find the chest and the book in the room and show them to the girls.

"We never were told about these two from Loren; he kept them to himself." Enidut Pathwarrior said.

"The book he writes sometimes at night doesn't know what about and I always wonder what could be inside the chest."

Angelina tells the other two while moving close to the two of those things.

"Well has Loren ever told us not to look into them." Enidut Pathwarrior asks the two of them.

"No not that I know of, but we always respect not to do that to him yet I can understand what you mean, I too I'm curious."

All three of them stare deeply at the two items and think if they should take the risk of looking into them behind Loren back.

Yet the question is who is going to be the one to make that daring move.


Loren was walking down the halls until accidentally someone ran into him quickly he reacted to catch this person before they fell onto the floor.

"Are you alright." he asked, holding this person, who was a young maid who was Katelyn.

She looks at him for a moment until realizing who he is reacting to, pushing him away from her.

"Oh my I am so sorry prince Loren please forgive me." Katelyn said while bowing in front of him.

"It's fine there, no need for apologies, I am sure you have an important place to be about right now."

"Ah yes that right princess Hannah must be with her."

Katelyn went back to walk passing by Loren, he was about to do the same when she stopped and called out to him.

"Princess Loren, wait a moment." she asked him.

Loren turned his attention back on her as Katelyn walked closer to him.

"Tell me something, do you care about Hannah." the girl asks with a look of series on her face.

"I am sorry what."

"I have asked you prince Loren to care about princess Hannah feelings because from where I am standing, I don't believe you do and it's hurting her while you do not see it. Do you even know what one of those girls have done to her?."

Loren stares at Katelyn then closes his eyes thinking to himself as he sees the person before him is more than just a maid to the princess.

He has this strong feeling the girl is Hannah friend someone who doesn't care about

"I was already informed about that accident. I will responsibly handle it as for Hannah's feelings. I have no interest in hurting her in any way."

"I hear you words, but can not feel that you mean them, tell me do you even wish to marry the princess."

"Asking that question should be an answer within it, I can tell you this, I know that your princess doesn't want this marriage and that she is in love with someone else."

Katelyn's eyes widened in shock when Loren said the part about princess Hannah being in love with someone.

"You knew of that." she asks, a little worried for the princess.

"Of course, I have known of this, do you think? I have not put in the work to look into the princess, I will be marrying before meeting her."

"If this you know then…. Will you….. I mean what are you going to do about it because I am sure my lady has taken care of such a thing already."

Loren laughed like he was told a joke as Katelyn did not seem pleased about that.

"Forgive me, I might be rude in any way, I just find it funny because even if the princess has forsaken the one she loves doesn't mean it that love is truly gone and I am not the type of person that is going to force his way into her heart that is all up to her."

"So you won't try anything not even to win her heart."

"I try, but to be a part of my world she has to be ready to accept me for who am and what I will become in the future Now, I believe you have somewhere to be, I do like talking to you, but I don't want to anger my future wife who is right waiting for you to return."

When he brought that up she quickly remembered and started walking right away Loren laughed a little then did the same.

Yet while walking he felt a cold chilling feeling of something watching him and knew what this entity could be.

"Why don't you speak to me? I knew for some time now that you have been watching me even such, I could think to myself."

He senses this spiritual entity right behind him slienting staring deep into his back.

"Still giving the silence yet I am more curious about you appearing now than it has been for some time. I wonder if it could be you just to pay me or there something more behind it."

Only silence was Loren's answer from the entity, he thinks there is no more point in talking with it any further as it is just doing what this thing usually does and begins walking.

"The...…. Blood.... Desire.... Power...… conquer... world."

Loren turned his head around to look at the entity, but it was gone before he could say anything to the thing.

"It tries to take me, but what this entity just said was only about a few words that I can not understand the meaning behind it, I would like to try speak further with it if able to make contact with the thing sadly I am going to have leave that for later."

Loren was a little disappointed, but he has something important to do and must take care of it.


"Boss we have a problem, our guy….." before a man had the chance to go on talking he was cut off.

A strong pouch hit the man straight in the face sending him falling against the wall.

His head completely smashed into the wall where it opened bleeding out as the skull was crushed.

"And there goes another one of our men, you know that right boss."

Another person entered the room looking at the body that was twitching for only a few seconds before stopping showing no further sighs.

"I told them not to bother me when I am sleeping Porter." a strong voice came from a man laying on the bed.

He slowly got up from the bed letting the blanket fall to the floor as the man grabbed a cup that was near the bed drinking from it in one go.

"Yes, but that guy had an important matter that you, Carson , as boss should know. Yet sadly of course you reacted instead of letting the poor man tell you then kill him."

Porte laughed after saying that as it was funny to him.

"Well your here and as right hand man Porter, you can fucking tell me."

"Very well boss, we have a problem with the men who were sent to have a nice lovely chat with the blacksmith. Sadly they were taking long, I had thought they went too far and had killed the man, but upon arriving at the shop, I was wrong because they were dead in a not so pleasant way."

"So someone had interfer then do you know who that person could be because I would like to know as I want to pay that someone back dearly."

Porter said right as he crushed the cup in his hand.

"I do yet have a bigger problem you're not going to like." Porter tells him.

"And that is." Carson asks, facing Porter now.

Porter sighs, rubbing the back of his head as he brushes through his long hair.

"The problem is the person that did this was none other than the son of king Veron or should I say bastard."

"That is indeed a problem, but it doesn't matter to me if that son of a bitch daddy is king, you mess into my business then you pay with your own life."

"I had a feeling you were going to say that why as your right hand man that I take care of this."

Carson raises an eyebrow looking at Porter somehow knowing what he plans.

"I hope you're not planning to go behind my back and seek some help from that bitch."

"You know me so well yes I plan to, but it will not be her instead of someone who works for her."

"I don't like it as it makes me seem weak doing that, you understand Porter I am not someone to be seen that way I am or does there need to be a reminder."

Carson slammed his hand against a wall cracking it with powerful strength yet at the sametime Porter doesn't seem too much affected by it.

"Relaxe big guy, let me handle this, so we can have this problem removed before it gets any bigger than it gets in our way of business. Well that happening all you got to do Carson is do what you do best to make us more powerful."

"Ha very well, I trust you on this since I made you my right hand man and you had given me any reason to kill on faliuring me, so you better make sure that something good comes out of this."

"Don't I always do, I am damn good at what I do boss."

Carson and Porter look at each other smiling then laughing at the sametime

Now this means that a new opponent now has eyes on Loren which he must deal with.


Loren finally arrived at Cecelia's room , opening the door without needing to knock as the girl should already know that he was coming.

When entering inside he soon saw three of his girls foucing on the chest and book which those two things belonged to him.

Loren makes a fake cough catching all three of their attention as each one slowly turns to him.

"Hello girls I would like to know what you all plan to do with my things."

Happy Helloween guys, I hope you have spoky fun night and also staying safe.

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