
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
121 Chs

Chapter 23

A gigantic battle barge. It measures around the size of the whole African continent, both in length and width. It's equipped with unknown weapons theorized to have enough firepower to delete a star from existence including its matter. It's considered to be the peak of every human technological advancements. The cream of the top type of ship. This ship was originally sitting on a spacedock of the Adeptus Custodes waiting for the right time to be taken out and grace the galaxy once again of its presence.

It has the Imperial Aquila on its deck as tens of thousands of different weapons was protruding out of this ship. This ship was one of the two flagships used by the Emperor. They chose to use this ship because of its great appearance. With the size of a continent, even the largest star destroyer will look like a corvette when compared to this ship.

The appearance is so grand and filled with gold that you'll think the Emperor has a thing for golden objects. It's making everyone who saw it feel fear and majesty as the gold reflected the sunrays to their eyes.

The giant of a ship created a gold color eclipse on the planet of Coruscant. It literally blocked out the whole sun from reaching the planet. Looking like the doomsday device.

People looked up at the shadow and was immediately frightened on what they saw as panic engulfed every normal citizen.

They saw that the battleship's hull moved as it suddenly launched thousands upon thousands upon thousands of starfighters, fighters, and bombers. All of the vehicles launched has golden streaks present to inform their hangar origin.

The defensive starfighters of the planet also launched as a gigantic dogfight was engaged. The republic plans to trap the fighters on the planet with the planetary shields as the strafighters that's engaged on space fought bravely against the far superior Imperium starfighter.

"Now!" ordered the officer in control of the planetary shields as the shields turned online and immediately engulfed the whole planet in the blink of an eye. A whitish blue hue hexagons civered the whole sky as the trapped fighters and bombers didn't mind the happenings.

"Hah! We're not trapped here with you! You're trapped here with us! Everyone! Carry with the battle plan! Don't shame the Emperor!" shouted the squadron commander as everyone engaged the starfighters on a deadly dogfight.

"For the Emperor! Glory to the Imperium!" this chant was broadcasted to the channel if the fighters and bombers as it drowned screams of death. The morale didn't even plummet one bit as everyone ensured to complete their job till the very end.

The bombers dipped on to the defense force building containing anti air weaponry.

"Drop the bombs!" ordered the bomber squadron leader as they dropped cluster bombs dealing immense destruction and killing anyone indiscriminately.

As the dogfight slowly raged on, back at the Captain General saw the shields of the planet as he ordered it to be scanned. The remaining ships has already pincered the home defense fleet of Coruscant and was busy turning the defense fleet's hundreds of ships to smithereens. The Emperor-class battleship of the vanguard fleet led the charge as it rammed directly on the enemy flagship.

"Charge the shield cracker to test this shield's capabilities." ordered the Captain General to the officers.

"Yes your excellency."


Moments before the ramming action...

"Ha motherfuckers! The Emperor himself has arrived and your heads will be my present to him!" shouted the lord admiral in joy as the bow of the Imperator Somnium flagship portruded out of the space ripple and following that ship was tens of ships thundering down on the flank of the enemy fleet.

"Tell everyone to prepare for boarding action! We'll ram our ships and hit them personally!" ordered the lord admiral as she wears a semi power armor.

Every ship that's defending the space portal has started to counterattack as their speed increased and they crashed on ships near them.

The corvettes didn't even stood a chance as the great bow of the Imperium's ships tore through the hull of this type of ship like chainsaw to butter.

Aboard the flagship of the defense fleet, everyone was stunned. The enemy was fighting and hsing unorthodox tricks such as ramming their ships. Don't they regard their ships with importance? Weren't ships hard to replace? Then why are they ramming them on the Republic's ships like crazy.

"What... are they... doing?" asked Honor Salami absentmindedly as she looked at their enemy ramming their own ships on the defense fleet ships like crazy. But what's more crazy is that the tactic they used worked like a charm as everyone was caught off guard and failed to evade the incoming spear like ship.

"Order everyone to retreat! We still have problems with our-"Honor Salami managed to regain her thoughts and composure as she tried to order a retreat but missiles flew on the direction near a star destroyer which easily penetrated its hulls and rendered it immobile.

"Damn it! Retreat!" said Honor Salami as the ship she's currently in ignited its engines to retreat. This order was passed down on all the ships under the republic as they desperately tried to evade the incoming weapon fire on their way and the ships that does the ramming.

As they move, the ships on their flank and front increased their speeds as the ships on their flank has also succumbed to ramming the republic's ships.

"Arghhh!" growled Honor Salami in anger but before she can order another thing, a massive force hit the ship she's riding making it turn in a weird angle.

The Emperor-class battleship has managed to thunder down a path to the flagship using the other ships as escorts as they cleaved the ships that stands on the way of the Emperor-class battleship.

As the battleship rammed on to the star destroyer and had it bent on a weird angle due to force the lord admiral ordered the boarding action.

"Follow me! I'll kill them with my sword!" shouted the lord admiral as she moved towards the star destroyer to lead the boarding action.

The guardsmen complied as they thunder down to the corridors of the star destroyer.

Blaster fire after blaster fire as the tight corridor proved to be a choke point for the guardsmen. The clones managed to defend some of the choke points as they gave the guardsmen a hard time to gain a strong foothold on the ship.

"Fire at will!" shouted a clone commander as he fired his blaster rifle and killed a guardsman. Every clone complied at his orders as they desperately defended the corridor.

On the other end of the corridor a comissar was at the very back of the charging guardsmen to ensure the morale when he saw someone trying to retreat.

"What are you doing guardsman? Are you trying to retreat?" said the comissar as he pulled his pistol and shot the guardsman before he can answer.

"You don't need to answer me. You're clearly deserting." said the comissar as the guardsmen looked at him and continued to charge at the corridor.

The guardsmen after sometime managed to gain a stable foothold as they overpowered the clones in terms of firepower and number.

The comissar out of annoyance mived to the very front of the charge as he pulled out his whistle.

"You all will charge there and kill all the enemy! It doesn't matter how many of you dies! This is the enemy flagship and its important is absolute. Now charge!" shouted the comissar as he blowed his whistle and everyone charged at the clones.

Soon, the clones finally succumbed as they got stabbed by bayonets or shot directly in the fave by the never ending wave of guardsmen.

This was seen on almost every heavily defended choke point in the ship.

Time slowly passed by and the corridor that the lord admiral took has eventually lead her to the command room. She's dyed in red by the blood of the clones as she continued to charge and the guardsmen on her back followed too.

"You piece of fucking filth!" she slashed a clone with her power sword as each slash mutilated a body part of the clone.

She wiped the sweat off her forehead as she looked at the door to the command room and once again charged.

She ran towards the command room, killing any clones that tried to stop her.

She then stood and sliced the door apart easily with her power sword as it crumbled. She entered the command room eyeing the frightened eyes of the officers inside the command room including Honor Salami.

"You bitch!" charged the lord admiral to Honor Salami as she deduced she might be the one who's commanding the whole fleet and the one who told her to surrender because she's sitting in a good looking seat.

Clones tried to stop her as the clones pulled out electric batons to try and stop her.

A clone slammed his baton overhead towards the lord admiral which the lord admiral easily evaded ny sidestepping. The lord admiral then slash horizontally, cutting the clone in half.

The other clones saw this and was shocked but they charged nonetheless.The guardsmen finally entered as they charged towards the clones with the bayonets on their lasrifles.

The other officers inside the room pulled out their service blaster pistols but everyone who pulled out was immediately shot down by the guardsmen.

The clones was eventually all killed as the lord admiral demanded the surrender of Honor Salami.

"Kill them all!" said the lord admiral as she pointed the tip of the power sword towards the neck of Honor Salami.

A massacre unfold as blood stained the whole command room of the star destroyer. None of the republic officers survived, not even Honor Salami.

The whole star destroyer has fallen to the hands of the Imperium as the other battleships of the Imperium has readied to complete the next step.


"Shield cracker fully charged...Ready to fire your excellency." said an officer to the Captain General.

"Very well" the Captain General nodded and the command to fire has been transmitted.

Golden discs was launched from the battleship as this discs floated around the battleship. Then, a golden laser was fired from satellite like dishes from the battleship to the floated discs.

The discs then reflected the golden lasers. These lasers then converged into one big laser that descended upon the planetary shield of Coruscant.

The beam hit the shield and as the planet shook something happened...