
I Am The Creator Of the Game That Changed The World!

Joseph:What! You are one of the top rankers in the game that merged with reality and can kill me with ease? Joseph:Sorry! But I am The Creator of the game.Oh! And you have now lost your account and power in real life:D

hirraj_coll_gi · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

5 Continents

"So system what should i do now?

[Host is recommended to create the game world.]

[Host Please think of some ideas]

Joseph thought for a bit.He then Said

'Okay System the world will be based on a fantasy world'

Joseph thought of this because nowadays most popular games had a fantasy theme 

[Understood Host Searching for fantasy games on Blue Planet ]

[Games Found...]

[Identifying Ideas Usable for the Game]

[Downloading Data]

[ Data usable :




Natural Features





[Host what time frame should the world be]

Joseph Knew that people liked the games aith feudal system kindoms so he decided

'Okay System the time should be the era pf empires and kindoms'

'And Create 4 Continents For each server'

North continent for american server(North And South America)

South continent for asian server

East continent for European and Australian server 

West continent for african server'

'Also Create a Central Continent that should be unlocked in the later parts of the game'

[Understood Host

Initializing Your Ideas...




Host is recommended to create some gods with churches with 1 major church in each continent to help in making the players seam like God's agents so they can believe in thier powers]