
I Am The Creator Of the Game That Changed The World!

Joseph:What! You are one of the top rankers in the game that merged with reality and can kill me with ease? Joseph:Sorry! But I am The Creator of the game.Oh! And you have now lost your account and power in real life:D

hirraj_coll_gi · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The 4 Sacred Gods

'What do you mean by making them believe?'

Joseph was confused as he thought that the characters of the game will just be data so he can just modify it.

[Host Only another world can merge with a world therefore the game world needs to be real with real people.]

[So Host is recommended to create some gods and say that the players are God's agents to make the natives believe them.]

Joseph then thought that this was crazy creating another world!!?

'Ok system then create 4 main gods for each continent and some minor gods and scatter them all'

[Understood Host,What Gods do you want to create?]

'Just randomly make some '

[Understood,Creating gods]

[The main gods are:

The Goddess of Life-Evelin

The God Of death- Death Lord

The God of Light- Lynthal

The God of Justice- Astan

Minor gods have also been created information is being inputted inside host's mind]

Joseph then suddenly got a little dizzy as lots of information entered his mind

'Okay so the gods have been created now what system'

[Host The Other part will be done by the system you don't need to worry]

[Host can now make some special changes or implement some rules as you please]

Joseph then for about 5 hours chatted with the system to create classes for the players.Some kindoms and Empires,And Some small Easter eggs(Author's Note:Maybe revealed later:) )

'Btw system how will the players join the game?'

[Don't Worry host the system has created a website for the game and the players who register will all get a custom gaming capsule for 100 Dollars]

Joseph Inwardly cursed 'Bruh this game is cheaper than my life'

Jospeh then said 'System this game will give them powers in real life make it a little expensive'

[What should the price be host?]