
Trying to get used to super powers

*Tik tok tik tok*

Time was running, the young man who accepted the truth was sweating profusely, and who wouldn't, knowing that their life became a play thing in the hands of a mischievous creature and that they got no control over what happens.

His current situation was a strange thing never heard of before except in fiction stories, perhaps, that's why he quickly accepted it especially since he is a fan of such stories and hoped that some day he can live a life like those characters he read about, nevertheless, amongst all the stories he read and wished to live in, getting into trouble with someone like mr Mxy wasn't what he had in mind and who would? He didn't think that a creature like that exists in reality, the young man knew of the saying 'the world is a big place' but only now did he understand the meaning of such words.

*Ring ring*

Disturbing the silence in that room, the young man turned towards the ringing phone, perhaps, by reflex or because he was startled, the young man picked it

"Hello" the young man said

"Kent! What are you doing? Go to the harbor now!" a hoarse voice commanded before it hang up the call.

"Ah?" the young man again realized his current situation, he was now superman or rather he is the man behind the superman persona, 'Clark Kent' or 'Kal-El' the real identity of the super hero known as superman, being sent to earth as the last son of planet 'Krypton', when his spaceship landed in a country side called Smallville, the baby superman was found by a couple and raised as their own child…

"That is right I am now Clark Kent" the young man said as he again looked at the room and at his reflection in the damaged mirror.

The floor full of holes, a big part of the mirror was gone and there was a wall with a burnt mark, when he saw that mess, the young man didn't like that, given his personality he couldn't stand being there.

"I need to fix this"

"But I need money for this" the young man said displeased looking at the room.

"But first things first" the young man said excitedly as he looked at the clothes he is wearing then at the wardrobe.

If asked, what makes having super powers a good thing? The young man's answer for such question is very clear, it is chores, chores become much easier while having super powers.

As such he decided to give his powers a try thus, he run outside the room


*BOOM! *

*Crash! *

*Rumble! *

*Bam! *

Sounds of broken glass, bricks, marble, etc… echoed through the apartment, one would assume a tornado was taking place in there.

The young man was excited, as a fan he wanted to try what having super powers is really like forgetting one simple detail, and that is, although he got the powers of superman but he isn't superman or rather he isn't used to controlling such powers, as a fan he knew what superman's powers are and what they are capable of, therefore he made sure to be careful while he used his powers, but that doesn't make a difference as he wasn't yet used to the body nor the powers in it thus the apartment was very close to the 'collapsing threshold' as the damage it sustained in a moment far lesser than a second can only be described as 'phenomenal'.

The young man or rather now that he accepted his new identity, superman came back in front of the wardrobe after he nearly destroyed the apartment, in that moment, he finished the daily routine that each person does after waking up meaning he took a shower, washed his face, etc… what is only left was changing his clothes.

Albeit the destruction he made, superman was very excited, displeased with the mess he caused that far is for sure but his excitement to try his powers far surpassed such emotions, at least for the time being...

Alas, he looked at the 'displayed' clothes, and he didn't take too much time to choose what to wear, as he already made up his mind.

A tight blue suit with a big red S on the chest area and a big red cape, in other words the 'trademark' suit of superman.

Fortunately, after almost destroying the apartment, he got just a bit used to how much power to use else he might end up ripping the suit just by trying to wear it.

In a sense he was impatient, from one point he is living in what should be fiction and he didn't want to think about what is going to happen to his life and his work now that he is living as someone else, second, his life might end up at any moment or at least that is what he understood, thus he decided not to waste time and enjoy his current situation, therefore he decided that the next thing to do was flying.

Perhaps because humans can't naturally fly that is why planes came into existence, after all, people always tried to come up with solutions to cover up for their weaknesses, and in a sense not being able to fly was one of humanity's weaknesses of course not taking planes, space ships and such into consideration that is, but flight was one of superman's powers, not to mention, he already tried the super strength, super speed and the heat vision but yet to try flying amongst other abilities.

Thus, after putting the suit on, he puffed his chest and looked at the window.

"What a nice day" he said admiring the beautiful sky as he headed to the window.

What could possibly go wrong? He is in trouble with a troublesome imp with immense powers, his life could end at any moment, he already tried some super powers and already made a mess of the apartment so why not try flying next?

Alas, superman put one foot on the window, looking at the blue sky and not paying attention to anything else

"UP up and awayyyyy" he said as he jumped out the window in an attempt to fly.

He enjoyed the feeling of going up high in the air, the speed was fast but there was one little detail he didn't account for.

Flying wasn't just about how good at jumping he is, or rather it wasn't as easy to figure out as how to control his muscles from putting in too much strength or speed or like how to use the heat vision, flight was something else that he didn't know how to use, should he go back to Smallville and try how to fly there just like where the actual superman learnt to do so? Was what he thought as he fell like a speeding bullet, speeding more and more towards the concrete ground, towards the noisy road full of passersby.


He fell making a wide big crack in the road, fortunately, he crashed into no one.

"What was that?" some people wondered as they approached the place where superman fell because of his failed flying attempt.

Some people gathered to see what happened, while some escaped thinking they were under attack, and some just hurried on to their business, after all it wasn't the first time that such thing happened, the people of 'Metropolis' were used such 'accidents' and attacks…

Superman rose up from the ground scratching his head or rather he was trying to fix his hair in case it got messed up because of the wind and the fall, obviously he didn't feel pain from just that much damage, in fact there wasn't any damage on him in the first place.

"Wow" superman said looking at the hole he made in the concreate ground, a normal person would die instantly and become like a crushed patty if they fell the same way like he did.

Surprisingly he wasn't scared nor nervous at all, instead he felt even more excited, but he felt that neither the flight nor the fall were perfect, both could be better.

He was a bit of a perfectionist after all, therefore he readied himself to jump up again this time putting even more strength into his legs.


"Hey it is superman!"

"You alright superman?"

The gathered people approached once they saw what or rather who the person that crashed down like builder was.

It was at that moment that superman paid attention to his surroundings, listening to the many people around, at that moment, it was like some barrier was gone and his hearing suddenly became several times stronger as lots of noises, voices and sounds bombarded him.

Superman's senses were excellent and very sharp, hear in particular was one of his strongest senses, it was strong enough that he can hear all sounds in the world if not even beyond it literally, the reason that he didn't hear as good before was because he didn't pay attention, in fact it is not like he didn't hear as good or that his hearing suddenly improved, it was just that he didn't pay attention before thus in a sense he blocked all sounds, it is was a busy person that didn't pay attention to their surroundings but once they stopped and tried to listen they would hear lots of things, a person that could see usually doesn't rely much on their hearing sense unless when they want to listen to something, in a sense it was like the saying 'in one ear and out the other' as the sounds are there, they do reach the brain but they won't get remembered meaning the person won't react to them giving the person the illusion that they don't exist.

The same could be said about superman's current condition, he wasn't paying attention to any sound or noise but when the people caught his attention and he tried to listen to what they said, it was like he suddenly was in a closed up soundless room then suddenly thrown right into a loud party, especially because of how excellent his hearing was, the effects were several times greater than what they would be for a normal person.

The young man at that moment covered his ears as he wasn't ready used for such noise beating in his head, while superman wouldn't find a problem listening to all those sounds at the same time, the young man wasn't used to such noise, it was torture to him thus he run away instantly disappearing from everyone's field of sight as he was looking for a place to hide or at least till he can get used to that hearing ability.