
Truth of the matter

It was a warm day, sun light shone through the windows of the apartment's bedroom illuminating the place.

Feeling the light on his eyes, a young man slowly woke up yawning

"What a dream… of all things to dream about, it had to be a short man of a work of fiction, something must be really wrong with me" The young man said recalling what he perceived as a dream.

Yet to open his eyes, he slowly raised his body as he tried to get down the bed and start his long-awaited weekend.

The young man landed his feet on the ground trying to stand up not completely awake yet



The young man yelped as the moment his feet touched the ground, he lost his balance and for some reason it felt like his feet went through the floor.

"What the…"

The young man finally opened his eyes looking at his feet that were deep in two small cracks in the floor but that wasn't the only thing that caught his attention as his eyes looked at his clothes.

"Strange, when did I get blue pajamas?" the young man thought to himself.

True the floor cracking was something unexpected and he didn't understand why it happened but he could understand that accidents do happen, however, what he found stranger than that was the fact that he was wearing clothes he doesn't think he bought nor having in the first place.

"Did I buy them last night?" He remembers that he was very tired last night and some parts of his memories weren't clear thus he decided not to dwell on the matter, after all, he probably just forgot when he bought those blue pajamas he is wearing.

The young man pulled one foot out of the holes and stepped forward but again, his foot broke the floor

"Is this house getting old or something?"

The young man pulled his foot again and tried to walk towards the door but each step he took made a hole in the floor.

The young man looked at the trail of holes behind him.

"This is weird, isn't something wrong here?" he pondered for a moment


"This not my bedroom!" He said in shock

"Where am I? where is this? How did end up here?" he was full of questions as he looked around that room, if anything he remembers that he was in his bedroom and nowhere else, that much he was sure of.

Looking around his gaze fell on a long-standing mirror.

"I don't have a standing mirror… no that's not important, who is that?" he asked surprised as he looked at the figure reflected on the mirror as he approached it.

"Looks familiar" he said as he stared at the reflection in the mirror.

The reflected figure was that of a handsome man somewhere in his twenties with a height that reached nearly two meters tall, short black hair, sharp blue eyes, and well built, very strong and developed muscles that made the figure both more attractive and intimidating, as the muscles looked as if they are about to rip through the pajamas.

The young man stared at the reflection, age wise the figure didn't look much older than him however if he were to say what made the figure special, then that would be that the figure was better looking than him

"This mirror is weird, is it malfunctioning, or is it broken?" the young man kept looking at the reflection that kept repeating the same movements he did at the same time.

"No, it is a normal mirror, what am I saying?"

The young man sighed as he shook his head and slapped his cheeks then looked again at the mirror as he yelled with wide open eyes


As a fan of comics, how could he not realize who that figure is, thus was another surprise.

The young man kept touching his face while staring intently at the mirror.

As he focused more and more on the figure not believing what he is seeing, his eyes suddenly turned bright red and before he realized it, a red beam like laser was launched from his eyes very fast and went through the mirror or rather it melted the mirror and the heated beam didn't stop there but continued in a straight line towards the wall behind the mirror

"Heat vision!" the young man again shouted in surprise or rather he was a bit shocked by the lasers he suddenly shot from his eyes.

He quickly covered his eyes with his hands.

Confused by the whole situation, he could hear his heartbeat getting faster as he looked like someone that couldn't tell left from right in his current situation, the situation was too sudden for him to process, the only thing he could tell, is that his brain might overheat.

Not knowing how to react or what to make of his current situation, he decided to take deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, after all, when in a problem, it was better to be calm and rational.

The man racked his brain trying to understand what was taking place then he said as a certain name came to his mind

"Mr Mxyzptlk"

[Yes? You called?] a familiar voice suddenly echoed in his head

"That wasn't a dream?" the young man said as if he just realized something

[Dream? I am no dream, you reap what you sow, you should be happy I didn't kill you, now hurry and show me how you are going to change my mind about superman]

"What are you saying? Are you serious? What do you mean change your mind? It was just a comment!"

[Just a comment? Human you ridiculed me, you made fun of me JUST LIKE SUPERMAN] Mr Mxy didn't sound happy

[Anyway, rather than worrying about that, I suggest you hurry because you see, right now your soul is out of your body and is even in a different universe, in a sense you can be considered dead, however, since I like to be fair I shall take care of your body so it doesn't actually die and rot, hahaha…]

"What? Die? Rot? What are you talking about? Hey what should I do? Hey?" the young man kept calling but Mr Mxy didn't say any other words.

Realizing the gravity of the situation and that what he was experiencing was real, the young man fell down as he felt overwhelmed.

Staring blankly, he looked at the ceiling

"So, I am superman now?"

"I need to change Mr Mxy's opinion of superman?"

"My body might die?"

The young man repeated what he heard and understood, one sentence at a time as if he was trying to make the situation sound better or reach some conclusion

"But I got powers? I GOT POWERS!" his eyes suddenly full of vigor as he seemed to finally accept the situation and found a ray of hope in that weird situation he found himself in, after all, it is the dream of many if not all to have super powers and especially for fans, having the powers of superman would be a dream that comes true and who wouldn't be happy to have sharp senses, superhuman strength and speed amongst many other abilities.

Finally, the young man was very excited

[Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, if your body, that is currently in a vegetative like state, dies then that mean you die too, bye~] Mr Mxy's voice echoed in the young man's head again.

"What?" the young man's new found hope shattered hearing the news…