
I Am Reincarnated As A Shark

I write this story when I am bored and also while waiting for the fanfic I read update new chapter So if you see this story not updated then it's mean I am reading my favourite fanfic/story or doesn't have any motivation or just really lazy to write the story. Also, English is not my main language so you gonna some grammar mistake ********************************************** Edward Jasper is a normal person who his favourite fish is shark especially megalodon and with a sad backstory. He was abandoned by his parent when he was only a baby but a kind heart old man come and take care of him. He died because of an accident and meet "Him". He was told that he will be reincarnated as a shark and will be granted with a system and wishes. If you want to know what happen next then read the story and know his story life and his upcoming journey

Electric_Dream246 · Otras
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: First Battle

A/N: My first time writing a battle scenes.

At this moment, two shark is keeping their distance between eachother and swimming in circles and it seem that they were watching eachother movement.

Both shark seem to be on an equal both but if you look closely then you will notice that one of the shark size is actually a bit bigger then the other.

That shark is our MC who is right now facing his first enemy he encounter in his new life and not long after they both make the circle.

The shark that is know as Spinner shark rush toward MC because of it hunger making the shark more aggressive toward anything to satisfy it hunger.

Spinner shark is known as a fast and agile predator, which the shark utilize it to attack Edward.

Edward seeing the shark rush toward him, immediately swim down to dodge the incoming shark which didn't go unnotice by it.

The shark with it agile body turn around and immediately follow Edward from behind and Edward seeing this keep swimming to keep the distance from the shark.

Even though Spinner shark is fast Edward was much faster then it. He only get hurt because he was caught of guard and didn't focus on his fight.

(I need to make a plan. It seem I am a faster then the shark and the shark bite doesn't even deal that much damage to me so I can take that as a point that either I have strong skin or the shark bite is weak) thought Edward while swimming

Suddenly Edward got an idea and with that idea, Edward turn his body around and immediately rush toward the shark. Meanwhile the shark who is following Edward was a bit surprise that the supposedly escaping prey turn around and rush toward it.

The shark didn't think much about it and keep rushing toward Edward and Edward was doing the same.

When both sharks getting closer to each other, the Spinner shark open it jaw ready to bite onto Edward meanwhile Edward was doing the opposite and keeping his mouth shut.

When both shark were only 2 meters away from each other, Edward immediately use his tail to push himself to the left barely dodge the bite.

The shark bite down immediately only to feel nothing and feel confuse why he didn't feel any resistance only to realise that it somehow missed.

When the shark was confuse, Edward immediately swim toward the left side of the shark as fast as he could and bite down onto it left fin.

Edward target the fin because the fin help the shark keep its balance as it moves through the water and without the fin, the shark will be having a hard time to keep themselves balance and to turn their body.

The Spinner shark was unable to react to Edward attack and was bitten by Edward. It try to wiggle itself to escape from Edward jaw.

Edward seeing this only bite down even more harder grip the shark as tight as he can and start thrash the shark.

In the end, Edward sever the shark fin and the shark able to escape from his jaw but at cost of losing it fin.

With the shark fin still inside his mouth, Edward eat the shark fin and can feel that his injury is regenerating and he is regaining his HP.

(I didn't expect that to work, I thought it only work in the game. Who cares as long it work then I am good with that.

It looks like my HP is back to full but my wound is still not close yet. I am lucky that there is no bleeding but I still need to eat more.)

Edward turn his attention back to the spinner shark who is trying to escape and see that the shark is bleeding a lot and having hard time swimming and balancing itself from going down.

The spinner shark try to keep itself balance to escape but with the amount of blood it losing, the shark body is getting weaker and weaker and it start to fall down onto the ground.

Edward seeing this toward swim toward the shark and see that the shark still alive but barely.

The spinner shark lay on it left side where it fin is gone and without it to support his body. The spinner shark sees that Edward is getting close to it but can do nothing and only lay down, waiting for it death.

Edward without much care rush toward the shark right side and bite onto it body. He start thrash to get a small piece of the shark and eat it. Edward continue doing this until he eat the entire shark without living anything behind.

After finish eating and having his wound heal does he got a notification from the system.

[Ding you kill and eaten a level 3 Spinner Shark. You gain 60 experience 20 evolution point.]

[Quest: Kill the Spinner Shark(Complete)

Reward: 100 experience, 50 evolution point and 200 shop point.]

[Accept both reward?]


Edward immediately say yes inside his mind and suddenly his body emit a light that only he notice.

He feel a weird sensation happening to his body. He feel that his skin is getting tougher, his muscles is getting more denser and his bones is getting stronger and more flexible. The feeling was amazing for him. He feel that he is evolving

After the sensation is gone, he ask the system to show him his stats.

[Name: Edward Jasper

Race: Megalodon

Level: 2

Experience: 151/200

Evolution Point: 149

Hp: 1100/1100

Stamina: 2100/2100

Stamina Regeneration: 200 per minute

Size: 2.2meter (7.2ft)]

(Nice I level up. That feels amazing and looks like I am getting bigger, just similar to the game) thought Edward but then he notice something is missing.

(System why is my shop point is not in the stat?) ask Edward

[You need to place your grotto first to have the access toward your shop point.]

(Okay then. Well off I go finding a suitable location for my grotto and maybe hunt some fish while I am on it) say Edward while swimming away.

This is the end of the chapter. This chapter is shorter then other chapter.

Sorry for posting this chapter late and I am also sorry if this fighting scene is not up to your expectations. This is my first time writing a fighting scene and please give me some advice on how to improve it.

I hope you guys enjoy it and have a nice day.