
I Am Reincarnated As A Shark

I write this story when I am bored and also while waiting for the fanfic I read update new chapter So if you see this story not updated then it's mean I am reading my favourite fanfic/story or doesn't have any motivation or just really lazy to write the story. Also, English is not my main language so you gonna some grammar mistake ********************************************** Edward Jasper is a normal person who his favourite fish is shark especially megalodon and with a sad backstory. He was abandoned by his parent when he was only a baby but a kind heart old man come and take care of him. He died because of an accident and meet "Him". He was told that he will be reincarnated as a shark and will be granted with a system and wishes. If you want to know what happen next then read the story and know his story life and his upcoming journey

Electric_Dream246 · Otras
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Stats and Information

MC Pov

The last thing I hear was the man name E.D whisper something which I didn't understand what is it.

I ask him what he was saying and he told me it is nothing and then I see him snapping his finger and suddenly it was dark and I feel like I am floating because I didn't feel like I am touching the ground.

Suddenly a hole appear next to me and I can't even try to say anything before I was pull into the hole.

It was actually a wormhole and I am traveling very fast and I can see many things around me like the stars, planets, different world I somehow feel familiar but the weird thing is that I see a world where everything in that world is not moving. It feel like time is stop and I see a big shadowy creature inside a deep lake.

That creature look familiar to me but I somehow can't pinpoint it where I have seen it but before I can think more about it, I see a light at the end of the wormhole and it is getting brighter by seconds. The light was so bright that I have to close my eyes to not be blinded by it.

After few seconds I open my eyes and my head it hurt. I feel dizzy for a moment but then see a vast colourful coral reef and rocks scattered around the ground with many colourful fishes swimming around the reef and some swim inside the reef seemingly trying to hide themselves from a something.

I was amaze by the views that I didn't even realise that I was nearing a rock which was infront of me and when I notice the rock, I try to dodge it by turning my body to the right which work but my reaction was a bit slow and my speed is quite fast making my left 'hand?' hit the rock.

3th Pov

We can see that a shark which is quite big for him to be even though he is still a baby just barely dodge a rock but his left 'hand?' hit the rock making the shark recoil in pain from it.

(Ow ow ow ow it hurt dammit. Who put a rock moving rock in my room) thought Edward in his mind because somehow he can't talk.

Suddenly he realise somethings. He can't talk!

(W- what is happening! Why I can't talk!Someone! Help me!) Edward trying to make any sound come out of his mouth but he can feel his mouth only open and close without sound coming out.

This make him feel panic and scare thinking that he has become mute and does he moving aimlessly in the same place.

Suddenly he feel like his chaotic thinking become more calmer and sharper. Making him more calmly and logically think things through.

(Calm down, there is no use to be panic. I need to think what happen to me. I remember I die) Edward recall his memories that he has die.

(Wait! I die! Does that mean it is not a dream and I am truly reincarnated as what I think it is!) Edward eyes went wide thinking about it.

He turn his head and to look at his supposedly hurt hand but only see his left fin.

(It is! I am reincarnated as a megalodon!


Edward was overjoyed and excited knowing that everything is real and he has gain a second life and go on a journey to evolve and become stronger.

He would have scream out loud in joyfulness if he were to have a voice

(Now that I think about it. Shark doesn't have a vocal cords so they can't make any vocal sounds and that include me as well) Edward sigh inside his mind.

(Like a purple potato once say, a small price to pay for salvation) thought Edward.

Suddenly he hear a notification sound inside his and a screen appear infront of him.

[System is connecting please wait for a moment.....





Edward was feeling so much excitement that it make him smile, forgetting that he is not a human anymore but a shark making the smile seemingly a bloodlust smile scaring away every sea creatures around him.

(Woah! Yea baby! That's what I have been waiting for!) thought Edward with excited inside of him.

Seeing that it is almost reaching 100 make him smile even more and does making the already scary smile become even more scarier and luckily there is no fishes around him to see his expression or they gonna die of heart attack.





System connection complete. Hello host, I am your system and I am going to help you on your journey.]

(Hello there system. My name is Edward Jasper and it is nice to meet you and I hope we could work together) reply Edward inside his mind.

[It is also nice to meet you my host and I also hope we can work together as well.]

(That is good to know. System can you show me my stats please)

[Yes host.

Name: Edward Jasper

Level: 1

Exp: 0/10

Health: 1000/1000

Stamina: 2000/2000

Stamina Regain: 200 per minute

Size: 2meters (6.5ft)

Age: 40 minutes -still counting-

Race: Megalodon

Abilities: Gamer Mind {passive}, Water Breathing {passive}, Sonar, Stealth, Sharp Teeth, Gene Lock {passive}, Gamer Body -Maneater Version- {passive}

Skills: Bloodlust smile

Organs: None

Inventory: Starter Package

Inner world: Lock

Grotto location: 0/1]

Edward seeing the infront that appear on the screen that is infront of him was surprise for a moment.

He then read his stats and after a minute he finish reading it but has few questions he want to ask

(System how did I gain the gene lock and bloodlust smile)

[The gene lock ability was bestowed upon you by 'creator' and every person who he choose to be reincarnated will gain this ability.]

(Wow, what a nice person he is) thought Edward while nodding his head inside his mind.

[Meanwhile for the bloodlust smile, you gain it just a moment ago. You were too excited and make a very wide smile expression forgetting that your are not a human anymore.

You scared many sea creatures around you and making them avoid you if they ever see you again.]

(Oh... I didn't know I did that. Well I guess I need to watch my surroundings first before doing something that will make me look like a crazy shark or something) thought Edward with a chuckle at the end of his sentence.

He then remember the last two thing he see on his stat and can't help but ask again.

(System why is my inner world is lock and what I need to do to unlock. Also what does it mean by Grotto location 0/1).

[The 'creator' set a requirement for you to unlock your inner world which you need to level up and evolve to an adult to unlock it.

While your inner world is still lock, you have a new feature that the 'creator' add into your system which allow you to place your own grotto in the world you are currently on so that you can stay in there to rest.]

Edward was a bit surprise about the requirement he need to unlock his inner world. It is not because it was too hard but it just seem a little bit too easy.

He just need to be an adult to have his inner world unlock. Doesn't this just sound similar to real life where you need to be an adult to own a house of your own?

Edward didn't think much about it and continue hearing the explanation about the grotto.

The more he hear the explanation, the happier he become because now he has a place that he can stay in while his inner world is still lock.

If the grotto work like how he think it work then it would be it would be very amazing to travel around the world or escape from my enemies and so he ask the system.

(System can I fast travel around the world with the grotto?) ask Edward hope the answer is yes.

[Host need to upgrade the grotto and the max capacity of placing grotto to unlock the ability to fast travel and other abilities as well.]

Edward reaction was as we expected. He is happy that it work just like in the game but a bit sad that he has to upgrade two things to unlock one skill but hearing the word 'other abilities' make him just bring his mood up a bit.

(Can you tell me the other ability that the grotto has?)

[No host, you need to discover it on your own]

(Okay then. Wait system how long have I been swimming and where am I even going?)

[You have been swimming in a circle around the reef for 1 hour host.]

(I didn't realise I have been doing that and it feel like I am doing subconscious. Feel like I been inside this body since I was birth

Well I gonna travel around for a bit to get myself use to the location and find a suitable location to place my first grotto) say Edward inside his mind while moving his body and turn around, swimming away from the reef.

After Edward swim away does other fishes start to come back to the coral reef and many come out of their hiding spot and continue their normal life circles.


Hello everyone. I hope you guys enjoy reading the chapter. MC and system dialogue is going to be like this for now and tell if you want it to be like this or I should change it a bit.

I also decided that the current world MC is in right now is just a normal world with a same history and stuff but I need help from you guys to give me information about the seas, oceans, location under the ocean and which place MC should put his first grotto.

Anyway, I hope you guy enjoy reading the story and have a nice day