
I am in konoha, I have ten skill bars

Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre.Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome.I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically.Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?”Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!”Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!”Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!” well this fanfic is not mine just trying to translate and see how its work, well let me know. If you want to read more 20 chapters!! Ahead, go to patreon.com/Akumachikara --------------------------------------------------------------

Akumachikara · Cómic
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18 Chs

CH 3

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[Passive skills 1, 2, 3… 7. Completed once.]

[Passive skills 1, 2, 3… 7. Completed once.]

In the early morning, a sudden rain stirred me awake.

As I gazed at the familiar room, I realized I was still lying in my own bed.

Oops: When did I fall asleep?

What happened to Chakra Refinement?

I immediately called up the system using my mind.

As I examined the skill bar still present, I let out a relieved sigh.

Originally, I was quite anxious, fearing that if I fell asleep, my Chakra refining would stop or the system might disappear. But now, my worries were put to rest, and it was clear that the system hadn't vanished.

"By the way, how's the Chakra refining going?"

[Passive skills 1, 2, 3… 7. Completed once.]

Suddenly, a surge of enhanced Chakra coursed through my body.

I was left in awe by this experience.

Sensing the incredible Chakra flow within me, it was more than twice as much as before. My Chakra levels now surpassed the requirements for a Shinobi.

Not only did it meet those requirements, but it even exceeded them.

At this moment, it felt like I had reached the mid-stage of the lower ranks. My Chakra had doubled, and it was refined to perfection.

In terms of quality, it surpassed the Chakra I had refined before.

"I doubled my Chakra amount in a single night's sleep, and the quality is extraordinary!"

I looked at the word "Passive" displayed on the skill bar.

"Passive skills, I don't need to control them at all; they run automatically, regardless of what I'm doing."

"So whether I'm walking, running, or sleeping, it doesn't affect Chakra refining!"

"If that's the case... This system is simply amazing!"

Even without the mall module, mission module, or reward module, these few skill slots were more than enough. The best part was that they didn't have any restrictions; I could place any skill into them, and they would function autonomously.

In this way, even mundane activities like eating and drinking made me stronger. Even if I never learned about those three active skills, these passive skill slots felt sufficient.

It was a shame that there were only a few passive skill slots; it would be great if there were a hundred, or even a thousand!

With that thought, I couldn't help but feel a bit greedy. Having a system was already a blessing.

Suddenly, a warm current surged through my body, and my Chakra levels increased once more.

"I can complete Chakra refining in five minutes and add seven traces of Chakra each time!"

"There are 1440 minutes in a day, which means I can refine Chakra over 2000 times using these seven skill bars!"

Over 2000 Chakra refinements in a single day; even someone with a system like Naruto wouldn't be able to match that!

More than 2000 times!

At my own pace, refining three times a day, it would take me almost two years to reach this number. And not every Chakra refinement would be perfect.


"Let's eat something first!"

I was excited, but I didn't feel hungry. I found something in the refrigerator to eat.

After satisfying my hunger, I checked the date.

"Today is Saturday, and it's a school holiday!"

"In these two days, let's see how much Chakra I can accumulate!"

Passive skills didn't require my control, and they didn't interfere with my own Chakra manipulation. They kept adding Chakra automatically.

After sitting for an hour, I began to feel a bit idle.

"I'll refine Chakra on my own!"

I thought, why not make use of my idle time? Even if I could only refine three times a day, every little bit helped.

I returned to my room and closed my eyes, ready to begin Chakra refinement.

This time, Chakra refinement felt incredibly easy. I guided the fusion of physical and spiritual energy in my body to extract Chakra, a process that had become quite familiar.

There were no difficulties at all.

I successfully completed a Chakra refinement and opened my eyes to check the clock on the wall. Unlike the passive skills, it had taken me nearly thirty minutes.

[The host has completed a skill release that exceeds the quality of a fixed skill].

Should I update the skill status?


I said tentatively.

The skill status was updated in the next moment. All the Chakra Refinements in the seven skill bars were updated.

Five minutes later, my Chakra levels increased again, leaving me even more surprised.

"Even more than before!"

The same seven-segment Chakra, but the amount was clearly about a third more than before. Was this the effect of updating the skill status?

The Chakra Refinement Technique on the passive skill bar was now running at its most perfect state. With every refinement I completed, the system recorded it and pasted it directly into the fixed skill bar. This made all the passive skills run at their best.

"And the ability to update skills, that's just fantastic!"

As my body grew and my spirit increased, the quality of my Chakra refinements would naturally improve. If I continued using the previous standards, the fixed Chakra Refinement technique would become insufficient.

"Seems like I've run out of things to do!"

The system was responsible for running the skills, and for updating their status. But then something struck me.

I had just completed a Chakra refinement by myself. Why didn't I feel tired at all? Refining Chakra by myself should have left me physically exhausted and mentally drained, but I felt full of energy. Had refining Chakra by myself also become non-consumable?

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