
I am in konoha, I have ten skill bars

Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre.Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome.I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically.Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?”Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!”Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!”Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!” well this fanfic is not mine just trying to translate and see how its work, well let me know. If you want to read more 20 chapters!! Ahead, go to patreon.com/Akumachikara --------------------------------------------------------------

Akumachikara · Anime & Comics
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CH 2 Chakra Alchemy Unleashed

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"Is it beginning to flow?"

"Should I insert it and start right away?"

The concept of Chakrati Alchemy doesn't require extensive explanation. The second class at the Ninja School focused on Chakra refinement.

While theoretically, everyone possesses Chakra, ordinary individuals cannot refine it. Only those with extraordinary talents, specifically those with an inherent Chakra aptitude, can merge physical and spiritual energy to refine Chakra.

For six years, Rain dedicated night and day to Chakra refinement. However, talent qualifications are limited, and Shi Yu's current Chakra volume only places him in the lowest tier at the ninja school. He still has a way to go to meet the requirements of lower tolerance.

Chakra refinement cannot be an all-day endeavor. Both physical and mental energy require recovery time, making it impossible to continue refining Chakra indefinitely. Different people with varying talents can refine Chakra to different qualities every day. Regardless of their genius, there is a limit to the consumption of physical and mental energy. Pushing beyond this limit results in fainting and the dissipation of Chakra.

Shi Yu, for instance, can refine Chakra three times a day and faint on the fourth attempt. The Ninja School teacher explained that, as the body strengthens and the spirit grows, the number of Chakra refinements will increase, and Chakra volume will gradually expand. However, individuals like Naruto from the Uzumaki clan can refine Chakra with ease. Naruto, for example, could complete hundreds of refinements in a day, even on his first attempt. This highlights the chasm between geniuses and ordinary people, an insurmountable divide.

[Passive Skill 1: Chakra Refinement].

[Completed 1 time]

When the voice rang out, Shi Yu was momentarily stunned. He sensed a warm current surging within his body, a familiar feeling experienced three times a day. This was the sensation of successfully refining Chakra, and it felt perfect.

However, Shi Yu's Chakra flow was still quite weak, not yet reaching the forbearance standard. Carefully examining the newly acquired Chakra, he realized that it was perfectly refined, providing optimal results. This passive skill allowed Shi Yu to refine Chakra effortlessly without depleting physical or mental energy.

[Passive Skill 1: Chakra Refinement].

[Completed 1 time]

Shi Yu was once again surprised when Chakra increased for the second time within ten minutes. This could be the effect of the passive skill. It seemed too good to be true, suggesting he could refine Chakra limitlessly.

As time passed, he completed six Chakra refinements in half an hour, surpassing his daily limit. The amount of Chakra had significantly increased, making it clear that he could now meet the forbearance standard.

Shi Yu's excitement was palpable. He had six empty skill slots and contemplated which skills to acquire. Among the options, Chakra Ti Alchemy caught his attention. Could he install the same skill multiple times?

Intrigued, Shi Yu decided to give it a try and installed another Chakra Refining Technique into the second passive skill slot.

[Passive Skill 2 installed successfully].

[Current Passive Skill 2: Chakra Ti Alchemy].

[In operation]

It worked! The next second, two traces of Chakra appeared simultaneously, doubling the effect. Shi Yu couldn't believe his luck.

"I can install all of my Chakra Alchemy..."

He filled all five empty passive skill slots with Chakra Alchemy. Now, he could refine Chakra at seven times the speed, achieving the most perfect refining effect with each attempt. It was a level of proficiency that even geniuses like Sasuke and Naruto couldn't reach.

Shi Yu's Chakra refinement was now flawless, requiring no rest and maintaining the highest possible quality.

"Installing all of my Chakra Alchemy...!" Shi Yu exclaimed.

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