
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Cómic
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65 Chs

Planning for Xia Yuanba

"Yuanba, when did you come back?" Xiao Xianzhi asked as he looked at Xia Yuanba in front of him. He had gone to the capital for a year because for some reason Xia Hongyu didn't tell anyone, and now, after a year, Xiao Xianzhi saw him again.

(Author's whisper! I kind of forgot about him.)

"Brother!" Xia Yuanba said with an excited expression and was about to hug Xiao Xianzhi, but then he felt he couldn't move. Looking back, he saw Xia Qingyue at his side holding his hand, and seeing this, Xia Yuanba smiled and said, "Sister!"

"Yunba, you are back! But how many times I have told you not to hug your brother tightly? It's good that I was here, or you would have made him unconscious like before." She said while shaking her face, but the smile on her face didn't leave as she is so happy to see her brother.

"Hehe! I forgot!" Xia Yuanba said as he scratched his head.

"Come inside and we will talk.' Xiao Xianzhi said, and everyone went in the room. Xia Yuanba looked around the room and then his eyes fell on a poster and seeing this, his eyes shined, and he said, "Brother, I also want a new outfit like you are making for sister and sister. I also want an outfit."

He said while pointing to a poster and Xiao Xianzhi and Xia Qingyue looked in a direction and saw a black-haired man wearing a blue Gi with an orange undershirt, and white gloves and boots. He also wore golden-colored earrings. (Vegito)

Looking at it, Xiao Xianzhi smiled and said, "If you want an outfit like this, you will have to work hard for it and become like him. With your thin body, you will look bad in it. Though you can attain same body as his and become like him if you work hard."

Hearing this, Xia Qingyue chuckled and Xia Yuanba's face became red, but he couldn't get the image out of his head and said, "I will work hard. If I become like this, will you make this outfit for me?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at Xia Yuanba and thought,

'Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins. He needs to have the heart of a tyrant and desire to become an emperor and wants to possess so much power that it outweighs all other aspirations. Considering that I made the Vegito poster while imagining his fighting spirit, I think it somehow reacted with the veins. Can I use this method to awaken his veins?'

'I just have to change a little of Vegito's personality and give the details to Yuanba. If he really becomes like him, then I am sure he would be able to awaken in his veins. Vegeta's pride and desire to power, while Goku's cheerfulness and empathy to others, these two things would be most important as I don't want Yuanba to become a tyrant later.'

'Though I can make sure his definition of tyrant and emperor becomes different. Emperor of his heart, and fate, and Tyrant towards his enemies, and those who scheme against him.'

Xiao Xianzhi looked at Xia Yuanba and seeing his childish face full of excitement, he felt bad, but he knew that he has to do it and make him learn the truth later.

"Are you sure you want an outfit like his and become like him?" Xiao Xianzhi asked in a serious voice and Xiao Yuanba nodded at him.

"Yes!" Xia Yuanba said. He could feel his spirit and body screaming to be like him.

Nodding at him, Xiao Xianzhi took out another three posters and put them in front of Xia Yuanba.

'With this, I will know if it's just childish curiosity or his hidden spirit speaking.'

"Then what do you think of them?" He asked while showing the posters to Xia Yuanba. While Xia Yuanba looked at the three posters, Xia Qingyue appeared at Xiao Xianzhi's side and asked, "What happened? What are you planning?"

"You will know in the future; this is an important moment for Yuanba."

Xia Qingyue nodded while she also looked at the posters. She didn't have any feelings towards the poster and for her, they looked like ordinary posters, but then she remembered the feeling she had when she looked at Scathach's and she understood what is happening.

"Is this the same as when I looked at Scathach's painting?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at her and nodded. They both waited for Xia Yuanba and finally, he answered, "Too gentle and cheerful, too much pride, and last one is good, just like before."

He said in a serious voice, different from the childish and cheerful voice, hearing this, both Xiao Xianzhi and Xia Qingyue were surprised, and a smile appeared on Xiao Xianzhi's face. After all, he had given the Posters of Goku, Vegeta, and Gogeta to him.

Xiao Xianzhi took the posters from Xia Yuanba and with a smile, he said, "If you really want to work hard, Tomorrow Morning, meet me in the training ground. Later, I will send you a book and a few photos. Stick them into your room later."

A smile appeared on Xia Yuanba's face as he heard this and he rushed to Xiao Xianzhi to hug him while saying in an excited voice, "Thank you, brother."

But before he could move, Xia Qingyue held him and stopped him from moving.

"Control, Yuanba! Control!" She said in a soft and teasing voice while hiding her shock as she had to use more than 30% of her strength to stop Yuanba from moving, and she is currently at the 2nd Level of Elementary Profound Realm.

"Haha! I am sorry, sister!" Xia Yuanba said while controlling himself and then he looked at Xiao Xianzhi and asked, "Brother, can you give them to me?"

He said while pointing at Gogeta and Vegito posters and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi smiled and said, "Sure, I will send them later with other posters and books! Now, did you come here to just meet me, or did Uncle send something else too?"

"Ah! I forgot about this. Here, these are the materials you asked for." Xiao Yuanba said as he took out a ring and gave it to Xiao Xianzhi. Seeing this, Xia Qingyue shook her head and took the ring.

Seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi smiled at her awareness though he could use the ring by using a talisman, he let her do her work.

Xia Qingyue took out the materials from the ring and put them on the table. Seeing the materials, her eyes shined as she understood that these materials were for her and Xiao Ling's dress and she looked at Xiao Ling with an excited face and asked, "Zhi, how many days will it take?"

"Five to Six Days, now Yuanba, you should go and meet your other sister. I am sure she must have heard about you."

"Shit!" Yuanba shouted as he heard this and then he felt two pairs of eyes on him.

"Where did you learn to speak like this?" Xia Qingyue asked with a 'smile' on her face, and seeing this, Yuanba knew that it is time to escape.

"Sister, I need to meet with Sister Ling, or she will again 'teach' me a lesson." He said while running away and seeing this, Xia Qingyue shouted, "Where are you running away?"

She also ran at him, and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi laughed while shaking his head.


Six days passed by. During these six days, except for training Xia Yuanba in the morning, and teaching Xiao Ling, and Xia Qingyue in the evening, Xiao Xianzhi focused on making dresses for Xiao Ling and Xiao Qingyue.

Now he looked at the two beautiful ladies in front of his wearing his work and a smile appeared on his face.

Xia Qingyue looks stunning in Scathach's dress. The fabric flows around her, accentuating her curves and complementing her regal posture. The colors of the dress shimmer in shades of midnight blue and deep violet, creating a mystical and alluring aura.

The dress flows endlessly, with intricate patterns on the hem like constellations. Xia Qingyue wears an elaborate updo, revealing her graceful neck, and exudes quiet confidence and power.

Xia Qingyue's dress embodies her presence and the spirit of Scathach, leaving stardust in her wake. Her movements capture strength, grace, and enchanting allure, leaving all in awe.

Xiao Ling dons the Scathach Skadi dress with stunning elegance and radiance. The dress is adorned with hues of icy blue and silver, exuding a remarkable resemblance to the frosty landscapes and Northern Lights. The dress's neckline is both enchanting and refined, complementing Xiao Ling's poise and power.

The intricate patterns on the dress evoke the essence of ice and snow, forming a dazzling display of artistry in motion. Xiao Ling's dignified demeanor and graceful features command attention, leaving an unforgettable impression on all who witness her remarkable beauty.

"Brother Zhi, how do we look?" Both of them asked in a sweet voice making Xiao Xianzhi shake his head and he said, "Your voice is too sweet. Speak in a slightly colder tone and it will match your style. Besides, I think I focused too much on the dress and now I don't want you to wear it outside."

Xia Qingyue's and Xiao Ling's faces became red as they heard his words and then asked, "Why would you not want to let us wear this outside?"

"Because you two look too beautiful and I don't want anyone else to see you like this. Qingyue, this dress shows your curves and even though you are just 11 years old, your body is that of a mature 15-year-old girl, and in this dress, you look stunning. While Sister Ling, I don't think I need to explain anything to you."

He said while looking at Xia Qingyue's body and then at two mounds on Xiao Ling's chest.

Their face became red as they heard this, and their heart started to beat faster at his praise. The duo looked at each other and with a nod, they ran away from the room while shouting, "Idiot!"

Looking at them, Xiao Xianzhi smiled and then his smile froze as he again remembered his words and how he said those two girls in puberty.



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