
Chapter 11 Beach Party

Gin lean on the door and put his hands on his pant's side pockets. His gaze is making me nervous. His cheek is a bit red because of alcohol.

"You don't have to worry. I'll speak with our parents. I'll explain to them." I said in a reassuring voice.

He just stared at me for a moment before he answered.

"How did you convince them to set us up?" He asked.

"I can't remember. Beth told me it was way before the accident." I answered.

"Accident?" He asked muddled.

"It was a car accident. It was pretty bad. I have amnesia. I can't remember what I did before the accident even talking to our parents to set us up. I'm sorry." I said.

His expression changed. There is curiosity and concern.

"How bad was it? You mentioned before in the bar, you couldn't walk for months?" He asked.

"I was in a coma for 6 months. I just woke up 3 months ago." I answered.


His face looked stunned.

"My parents set us up to also save my reputation. The rumors of me being pregnant and giving birth won't stop. And they think the engagement would save my face." I explained.

"You should have told me." He said.

"I tried but you were so mad."

The memory of what happened in the parking lot of the restaurant flushed. He must have remembered it too. I can see the guilt and regret across his face.

"Gin, what you said to me is true. I may not remember but I was awful and I deserve everything you said."

He closed his eyes and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I heard him say.

"No. Don't be sorry. You just said what feel."

'I don't like you! I don't want you! You're disgusting!'

I look down and smiled bitterly as I remember.

"Georgina, it's-."

I look at him. Guilt is all over his face.

"Gin, it's okay," I assured him.

We stayed quiet for a while. I can see he's struggling. He wants to take back what he said in the parking lot but he also doesn't want me to think that this thing can happen again between us. He doesn't want to hurt me but he wants me to stay away. I think I understand him.

"What will you do about the rumors?" He finally speak.

"Nothing," I answered.

He look at me confused.

"Nothing?" He muttered.

"Gin, it's just rumored. It won't hurt me. I don't care about them. My parents are just worried about me. That's all."

He stared at me like he's reading a mathematical equation he can't understand.

"You're not the same. You're different from the Georgina I used to know." He said.

"It's still me without my memories of you."

He stared at me. Thinking, studying my face. The little changes after more than a year of not seeing each other. I feel uncomfortable with his gaze.

"I'll speak to your parents tomorrow. I'll explain to them that I changed my mind about the engagement." I said to break the silence.

"You don't have to. I'll speak to them myself." He answered.

"Anyway, please don't mention to anyone about my accident. I don't want to talk or explain why I can't remember them."

He agreed.

We stayed quiet for a few more seconds before he speak again.

"Are you fully recovered now from the accident?" He asked.

"Aside from my memory lose, everything else is okay," I answered.

He walked towards me. I felt my heart skip a bit. He stopped in front of me and sit on the bed. He is several inches away and our knees are almost touching each other. His eyes were on mine.

"Georgina." He uttered my name with tenderness. "I know I've said a lot of hurtful words to you a few days ago and I'm sorry." He said with all sincerity.

I can feel my heart rate go up. I gulp as I stared back into his eyes.

"Ok," I answered trying not to sound nervous.

We look at each other and I can feel something. There is this pull that trying to close the distance between us but I know it's just me. He doesn't like me. He doesn't want me. He is disgusted with me.

Then we heard the sound of the door unlocking. Gin and I both stand and saw Cherry open the door.

We all went out and scold Cherry on the way to the beach. She just laugh. She sensed that we're okay now.

Cherry and I went for a walk around the shore.

"So?" She asked curiously.

I smiled then nodded.

"See? Gin is a saint. He can't get mad for so long as long as you apologize. I've been a brat with him so many times but every time I look at him with my puffy beautiful eyes he would melt. He's a softy."

"I'm so glad he forgive me. Thank you Cherry but please don't do that again. I don't want to be trapped in a room with him again."

She nodded then laugh. "Come on! I know you love it." She joke and I just rolled my eyes.

We sit on the picnic mat and I drink with Cherry. I also texted Simon to go home since Cherry offered me to stay the night in her room. I saw Gin talking with Jeremy and the woman she's been with. I want to ask Cherry about her but I don't want to give her the wrong idea. I don't want to meddle in Gin's romantic affair in any way. I want us to be friends.

A few minutes later, we finished our beer. Cherry left me to get some more. That is when I started to feel dizzy.

I looked at my wristwatch. It's past midnight. I can hardly hear the music and there are only a few people left on the beach.

I closed my eyes and lay down for a moment while waiting for Cherry. I think I lost consciousness for a while cause I woke up when I felt someone lift me into his arms. He's really strong. I tried to open my eyes to see him but my eyelids felt heavy. He smells like perfume with alcohol. My head is resting on his shoulder.

After a few minutes, he stopped walking. He lay me down in a bed and put a cover over me. There is a long pause like someone is staring at me. Then I felt his fingers touch my forehead and cheek. It was like taking the strands out of my face.