

3rd POV

Inside the carriage on the way to the Royal Capital, the husband and wife and sitting face to face instead of sitting side by side. They do not look kind as shown in front of their child. In fact, there is no love when they look at each other.

"Are you sure you are going to leave everything to the child?" the woman asked.

The man doesn't reply immediately. He is twirling the glass of wine in his hand, "Of course. What? Are you worry about him? You can go back and live with him if you want."

"Like hell, I am going to go back. I am just worried that he won't send the money once a year," the woman smirks.

"That's what the document is for. He needs to pay for our living expenses even if he needs to drown in debts," he smiles.

"I see, he would be sent to the court if he doesn't send us the expenses. You are a genius. With the entire Gregorios house in his hand, he will also need to pay off all our debts," she opens up the wine bottle and proceeds to pour it into the glass.

"I even forgot how much debt we have. But I am sure that it goes over the amount we can pay with all our land. I couldn't understand why they borrowed us the money more than we could pay off."

"Well, that's for him to solve that matter. Now, when we got to the capital, you do your thing and I do mine. Don't get involved in my love life," the woman replied without a worry in her tone.

"I know and you too don't get involved my in things. Well, with the money he sends us, we can live leisurely in the capital," the man laughs.

Without them knowing, a man is sitting beside the husband. The man's name is Noir. "Well, this is my gift to you Owen. No, it's Urien in this life now, right? Struggle. Struggle and show me your despaired face. After knowing that you get to work for your whole life just to repay the debt even that isn't yours. Now, I need to go to other worlds to spread despair," the scarf of Noir grows longer and wrapped him. After that, he is no longer in that place.

Back at the Gregorios house, an old butler is walking through the hallway. He still can't believe how far the Gregorios house has fallen. He was working in the Gregorios household since the father of Ruin Gregorios, Shade Gregorios.

Back during the era of Shade Gregorios, it was the golden era of the Gregorios family. But he got his only child at the age of forty and he left the world in his fifties. Everything went wrong when Ruin became the head in his teens. The house started piling debts after debts. And now, the man tries to push all of his debts to his five years old child.

He heard the moaning sounds coming from the empty room. He won't be bothering with it. It becomes a daily thing after Ruin became the head. Instead of recruiting the servants based on their skills and character, he and the madame employ them based on their appearances.

He arrived at his destination. It is the room of the current lord of the house. He knocks on the door.

"My lord, this is Keith," he announced his arrival.

"Come in," an immature voice can be heard from the other side of the door.

After going inside, Keith is met with the sight of a child sitting on a chair bigger than his tiny body. There are many documents on the table.

"Tell me, Keith. Why are there many mansions of our house in this city? Why would we need over 5 mansions in the same city? And I assume there are many useless things inside of those mansions as well," the child asked.

"Yes, that is true my lord."

"Then sell all of those useless things to other nobles from different lands. They might like those. As for the mansions, demolish them. And we will use something profitable on those lands," the child gave out the order.

"I understand. But my lord, can we demolish the mansions one at a time? We are currently low on funds," Keith gave the suggestion.

"I see, we will discuss this tomorrow. And another thing. The maid and a sword instructor will come tomorrow. Please prepare rooms for them," Urien ordered.

"I will get it done my lord," Keith bowed a little and exit from the door he came in.

Urien's POV

Sigh, it is annoying. According to the documents, the people in this land are dirt cheap poor. How am I supposed to raise my tax if they are too poor to pay one? Hmm… how about I raise their standard first and then raise the tax? If I do that way, I will get more money, right?

Damn, I am a genius. I'm even scared of my brilliance. I will raise their living standard first. I should use my own money first. This will be an investment for future money that will keep rolling in.

Now, back to System. I slept early after seeing my summoning ticket results and I haven't learned anything about it.

{System, are you there?}

[Yes, I am here]

{Who is the one that gave me this Multiverse System?}

[An unnamed being is the one who gave you the System.]

Damn, Noir must be pretty high up, huh? Even the System said he couldn't give me his name.

(At that time, inside the void, an old man sneeze. "Wait, I am a concept above Death and Illness. Why am I sneezing?")

{Then, when can I go to Multiverse Travel? And please tell me about Chat Group too. Tell me everything I need to know about those.}

[You can start going Multiverse Travel on your 8th Birthday. Since your mental age is older than your physical age, the System will change your body age to the suitable age when you go Multiverse Travelling and doing Quest until you reach the age of 15. When you go on Multiverse Quest, System will make a random identity and fake memories for you to integrate into the society.]

{Wait, wait, wait. Doesn't that mean personality from the fake memories will take over my personality?}

[You don't need to worry about that, host. Your personality won't clash with each other because we will make sure the new personality from the fake memories will be the same as yours.]

{Well, that's reassuring.}

[As for Chat Group, System will invite 4 random people from the Multiverse to go on the mission together.]

{Are you talking about Multiverse threats? I don't like that very much.}

[You don't need to worry about that, host. All the beings from high above made sure there will be no threats inside the Multiverse. All of them destroy the threats from the root when they start sprouting. It is too fast that they had no time to do any damage.]

{Well, I am relieved.}

[By asking one of the main questions before System reminding it, host get 1x <Random Weapon Summon Ticket>}

{Wow, cool. By the way, System. Can I summon only one person from the troop?}

[Yes, you can, host. Who do you want to summon?]

{Then please summon Sakuya Izayoi from the character summon and Gurguit from the troop.}

[Initiating summoning sequence.]

The light shone inside the room and there are two new people inside here. One is the maid and the other one is the knight.

The maid has dark blue eyes, silver hair, has a long braid on each side of her face with green bows at the ends, she carries many knives. Wearing a dark blue French maid's outfit with long sleeves, and a white maid headband on her head. Her name is Sakuya Izayoi.

The knight has orange eyes, red hair, and wearing a long dark blue shirt under armor full of gold. It has the symbol of the sun on his chest with a blue orb in the middle. A long red cloak falling to his heels. Wearing Sky blue wing-shaped hair ornaments on both sides of his head. If I were to describe with the way Weebs say, he is an ikemen. His name is Gurguit.

And these two are my very first loyal subordinates for my Evil Empire. MwaHAHAHA!

I'm not satisfied with this chapter but meh.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zimrencecreators' thoughts