
I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?

A young man, after remembering his past life memories, trying his best to become the most fearsome evil lord in history. This fanfiction is set in my original world, but MC will travel to an anime world per volume. To be warned, this story is not a Kingdom Building Fic. P.S. Typical Japanese LN name, yea? Thank you, Yvel Draws for the cover art! https://www.deviantart.com/yvel1342 Please take care of me!

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

Gifts from Noir

My eyes snapped open and I look around the room I'm currently in. It looks like some kind of high-class room with all of those sparkling. I look at my hands. They are tiny. Then my memories of this life rushed into me like water from a broken dam.

My name is Urien Gregorios. The only son and the heir of the Gregorios family. Noir said that he would reincarnate me into the count's family. Looks like he kept his promise. After all, if my memory serves right, the Gregorios family is a noble family from Starfall Empire.

Gregorios family governs a frontier city including the Crystal Dew Forest which is huge. I mean really really huge. According to what I've read in the book, it is said that we would need two months just to cross the forest with a carriage. I don't know why the previous king gave this forest to our family. But it has been over 60 years since the monsters inside the forest do not break out from the forest.

"Noir really kept his promise," I could feel a smile creeping up my face. Did he really think that with given a noble life, I would live a slow one? Live my life by doing good? Dream on! I will become a tyrant! The Evil Lord that would everyone feel fear whenever they hear my name! Being the heir of the family like this is better than I've thought.

I get up from the bed and look at the mirror. Nothing unusual, just like most of the five years old, my height is around 3 feet 7 inches (around 109 cm), white hair with violet eyes. I quickly prepare myself because today is my birthday.

Then, something hit me. If I want to become an evil lord, I should know what an evil lord does. In my case, I got nothing. In Light Novels and Games, they oppress people. Then, what? Living my life with only alcohol, women, and gambling? Why the fu*k should I do that?! They are something that douchebag do. Not the way of the Evil Lord.

Then I remembered my past life. Father came back home with bags under his eyes because he needs to work overtime. It seems that a rival company that has a close relationship with the politician bribed the politician to increase the tax for the company.

Yosh! I will increase the taxes to use for my own and take bribes from people. Then there is a letter from Noir stating that he can't come because he is busy and will give me a gift for successful reincarnation.

When I get into the dining room, both of my parents are waiting for me there with a smile. Then, the man comes and congratulate me on my birthday. He is my father, Ruin Gregorios.

"Happy birthday, Urien. I got a birthday present for you," he said with a smile. Then gesture the maid behind to come here. The maid is holding the stack of papers. When I read those, I got to know that they are the transfer of titles, territory, and other rights over to me. Are they high? Why would they give something like this to a five years old child like me?

"Father, what are these?" I ask. Calling this man, a father is strange. According to my memory, I don't have much connection with my parents. I can do whatever I want as long as I don't go outside the house and they don't care more than that. And calling other people than my father from the previous life seems strange.

Seeing my confused face, the man laughed out. "My boy, for the present for your fifth birthday, me and your mother had decided that we will be giving the entire Gregorios house as a gift."

The *entire* Gregorios house. This time is for real. Did he sniff glue or smoke some kind of weed? Then, I remembered the letter that Noir sent. Did he give me the gift by manipulating my parent's mind to give me the whole Gregorios house for my own? As I thought, he is really a good man.

Seeing my baffled face, my parents have those warm smiles on their faces. The old butler behind my parents is having a sigh. As I thought, this is pretty strange. And because it is strange, this must be the gift from Noir.

"With these complicated things finish, I and your mother will be going for a vacation, Urien," my father said.

"Hmm? You are going? To where?" I made the saddest face I could do.

My father rubbed his chin. "We will be going to the royal capital. We had already bought the mansion to stay there. I don't know when we will be coming back though."

I said nothing and started signing the documents. Then I saw a document, it said that I will be sending the living expenses to them every year. What a pitiful parent. They need to ask their child for living expenses. They look at me with hopeful gazes. I smiled at them and signed that document too. I mean because of what Noir did they need to give whatever they had to me. At least I could do this for them.

It seems they planned to leave today. "Goodbye father, mother. Don't worry about the living expenses. I will send you yearly."

They smile at me from the carriage window. "Of course, I know you will Urien," my father said. And then they started rushing out from the mansion.

After seeing their carriage become a small black dot, I skipped into the mansion. I became a count at the age of five. The large territory is for me to rule! I know that there are many houses with the same or higher status than Gregorio's house. But in my territory, I am king!

After eating dinner, I went back into my bedroom. At that time,

[Multiverse System Booting Up]

Eh? I made a surprise face. The gift has not ended yet? Noir! You are too generous! Giving me a system as a gift.

{What can you do, System?} I tried asking.

[System include <Inventory>, <Multiverse Travel>, <Multiverse Quests>, <Skills> and <Chat Group>]

Oh my, eureka. I really got the jackpot.

[But due to limitation, only <Inventory> and <Skills> can be used.]

Meh, no problem. {System, do I get a starter pack?} I tried asking. A man can dream, right?

[You got a starter pack! Please check it in <Inventory>]

YES! {System, please open the starter pack.}

[Opening the starter pack.

You got 2 x <Random Character Summon Ticket>, 2 x <Random Skill Ticket> and 1 x <Troop Summon Ticket>]

Not a bad start. {System, use one of each ticket.}

[You have used 1 x <Random Character Summon Ticket>, 1 x <Random Skill Ticket> and 1 x <Troop Summon Ticket>

You got <Sakuya Izayoi Summon Ticket> from <Random Character Summon Ticket>

<Word Magic (restricted to use in Multiverse Travel only) from <Random Skill Ticket>]

I expected that. And I admit I want Sakuya Izayoi. Because I am going to be an Evil Lord, I can trust no one. Having a maid that is aware of the System is what I need. Word Magic is too overpowering. I can understand they restrict that.

When I see what I got from the troop, I rubbed my eyes once. Then twice. Then thrice. I'm glad I got them. Although they only got 27 people in their troop, their strength is nothing to scoff at.

[You got <Knights of the Sun belonging to Gold Paladin> from <Troop Summon Ticket>]

Ninjas and Gotei 13 are overrated! Here, have some troops from Cardfight!! Vanguard instead.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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