
I am already a mother at the age of 19

Bai Lu, the female lead of our story, got pregnant in high school with a guy she loved, Ai Chang, our male lead. when her parents found out about her pregnancy her parents asked " Lu tell father, did someone force you ? Just tell me I will kill him with my own hand, I want to see who dared to touch my daughter in this country." hearing her father she didn't dare to tell Ai chang's name because she believed his family is poor and her parents will really murder him as they are from one of the three mysterious and powerful family's leader. so she just told him without mentioning Ai Chang's name "Dad no one forced, and can you guys leave me alone for a while....please ". "we will leave, could you tell us who is the guy? what is his background? so we can meet his family and come to a decision " Her mother just wanted to know about the guy more, not for any decision. Knowing what her mom was thinking she didn't tell anything about Ai chang. After that she left for abroad without informing him, it's not that she didn't want to inform him. She tried to inform him but his phone was not reachable....when she tried to find him in school, her class teacher said he had transferred to another school just before their college entrance exam. after 4 years they met again at university.....let's get to know how they reunite again... take responsibility...and their sweet love story. author's note: there is no major misunderstanding. It's a sweet love story and definitely does not promote any underage pregnancy.....both main leads were 18 .....and doesn't contain any rape. THANK YOU FOR CHECKING OUT THE NOVEL and do leave a review to improve myself even if you don't like the novel.

starla_A · Ciudad
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24 Chs


While looking at the album Bai lu lost in her memories when they were desk mates . Then mother-daughter pair fall asleep while being lost in their own thoughts.


Bai lu walking towards her desk shown by the class teacher. She stop infront of the her desk looked at her new deskmate Ai chang then sat on her seat beside him.

While others are shocked because no one dared sit besides him as he is too cold and doesn't talk much. [author : students at their age like cheerful people and goofy one. ]

 Many girls wants to be close to him as he is handsome and good at studies but didn't dare .And many didn't approach him thinking about rumors of him being poor. 

on the other hand, AI CHANG watched bai lu sitting beside him without saying anything. He is actually looking forward to his high school life which he initially thought it will be same as before. He wanted to say something to her but didn't know what to say....

In lunch time , Nini the girl Bai lu saved approached her cheerfully "hey! so your name is Bai lu....thank you for saving me today....if you need anything you ask me .....do you want to go to canteen?...i will give you treat today as showing you gratitude for saving me".

Bai looked at the girl who talking to her cheerfully then finally remembered her "hmmm...no need for the treat...i saved you because i saw wearing same uniform as me thats why nothing else".

Nini was little bit shocked at her way of rejection because most people would try to flaunt about themselves but Bai lu just told her honestly why she saved. So nini started to admire her even more than before.

"then....can we go to the canteen together? and i can show you around the school as well" nini asked while looking hopefully because she wanted to be friends with Bai lu.

seeing no harm coming from her Bai lu agreed "sure".

"lets go then" nini said enthusiastically with little louder voice than usually.

a voice suddenly startled them " can you talk softly ...you are disturbing me". It was Ai chang who asked nini to talk softly while keeping his eyes closed ,putting his head o the desk.

just like that the day came to an end.

on the way back to her home, Bai lu saw 5 gangster looking guys were surrounding a guy which looks like her new deskmate . They seem to be saying something aggressively but Ai chang just stood still. she thought letting out a sigh 'my deskmate seem to be weak.....i have to save him....no one can bully my deskmate otherwise what will people say.....i dont know what the hell is happening today ...in the morning i fought and now i have to fight again...anyways" 

 just like the morning she kicked two off them when she was about to kick another one....one of the gangster wanted to hit her but was kicked off by Ai chang .

Ai chang was initially shocked to see her fighting with them....he came back to his senses seeing someone was about to hit her....before the gangster could hit her...he kicked him off... after that both of them fought with gangsters and deafeated them. They were panting heavily .....just then Bai lu complimented "you are good at fighting....I thought you were weak seeing you standing still when they surrounded you"

"weak? and me? ...are you serious?"Ai chang asked with a pissed off tone because of her thought about him being weak.

"then why you stood still?" Bai lu asked.

"because i am lazy to deal with them..."

"oh...then i will take my leave...i am already late my parents must be worried about me".

"since you are late because of me, do you want me to drop you to your home by my bicycle?". Ai chang asked out of courtesy since she is late because of him.

"na...thank you for asking....my home is 10 min away ".

"oh....see you then" said with a soft smile...which looked made him look more handsome.

"see you tomorrow ...deskmate...bye...and by the way you should smile more ...it suites you" bai lu said before going away.

When ai chang heard her compliment he blushed which was not noticed by Bai lu. For some reason he was happy hearing her compliment ....its not that no one compliments him...its just different feeling hearing from her.

Bai lu who was running back home didn't know her one compliment left a deep impression on him. And thats how there friendship started.

when she reached her home.... her mother asked worriedly "where were you? why are you so late ...you should have reached home by an hour ago.....do you know how worried i was?"

"mom i just met my deskmate on the way who was in little trouble ...so while helping him i got late" Bai lu answered without mentioning about the fight...as she know her mother will get supper worried and tell her father....and they will make fuss about her going to school alone.

"what trouble did he get into? and how did you help?" madam Bai asked suspiciously as she felt her daughter is hiding something from her.

"oh mom i am tired .....i am going to my room to freshen up" Bai lu said this and left hurriedly before she spill the beans.

-----flashback ends-----