
I am already a mother at the age of 19

Bai Lu, the female lead of our story, got pregnant in high school with a guy she loved, Ai Chang, our male lead. when her parents found out about her pregnancy her parents asked " Lu tell father, did someone force you ? Just tell me I will kill him with my own hand, I want to see who dared to touch my daughter in this country." hearing her father she didn't dare to tell Ai chang's name because she believed his family is poor and her parents will really murder him as they are from one of the three mysterious and powerful family's leader. so she just told him without mentioning Ai Chang's name "Dad no one forced, and can you guys leave me alone for a while....please ". "we will leave, could you tell us who is the guy? what is his background? so we can meet his family and come to a decision " Her mother just wanted to know about the guy more, not for any decision. Knowing what her mom was thinking she didn't tell anything about Ai chang. After that she left for abroad without informing him, it's not that she didn't want to inform him. She tried to inform him but his phone was not reachable....when she tried to find him in school, her class teacher said he had transferred to another school just before their college entrance exam. after 4 years they met again at university.....let's get to know how they reunite again... take responsibility...and their sweet love story. author's note: there is no major misunderstanding. It's a sweet love story and definitely does not promote any underage pregnancy.....both main leads were 18 .....and doesn't contain any rape. THANK YOU FOR CHECKING OUT THE NOVEL and do leave a review to improve myself even if you don't like the novel.

starla_A · Urban
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24 Chs

most handsome man

"mama?mama?" Ai Yun called her again waking her up from sleep.

 'I was dazed again' Bai Lu thought while looking at her daughter who was calling her.

"Yes baby...let's go to your grandparents now"

"Yes, Mama, let's go!" exclaimed excitedly.

Both of them came out of the car, Bai Lu looked at the luxurious mansion where she grew up for 18 years...she through the main door and saw her parents waiting for them.

"Why haven't they arrived yet? It's been such a long time. They should have been here by now." Master Bai expressed his impatience.

"Why are you being so impatient? You will see them soon," Madam Bai remarked, noticing her husband's impatience.

"I should have gone myself to bring them". Just then a sweet voice came.

 "Grandpaaa" Ai Yun called while running towards him.

"Ohh, my little princess has arrived," Old Bai said while holding her in his hand and giving a peck on her cheek.

 "Yes Grandpa....did you miss me?...I missed you alot Grandpa".

 "Of course, I did....how can I not miss my little princess?"

 "Ummuh" "You are the best grandpa," Ai Yun said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Dad, you forgot about me after seeing your granddaughter. Don't you miss me? Mom, look at him" Bai Lu whined to her mother.

Madam Bai hugged her daughter and asked, "How have you been? Do you want something to eat? I'll ask the chef to prepare for you."

"You are the best mom....I am tired I want to rest for now...you can cook as before you used to do and ask that little devil what she wants to eat...she forgot me after seeing her grandpa.."

"Mama how can you say that I forgot about you.." ai Yun asked cutely.

"Yeah my little princess is right....how can I forget about you..huh?" old master Bai also agreed with Ai Yun.

 "You to just stop acting....I am going to my room Mom, and you little devil come with me to change now" Bai Lu said as she looked at her mother and then the granddaughter-father pair.

"Ok, Mamas coming," Ai Yun said as she climbed down from her grandpa's arms and followed her upstairs. 

 "Servers, please take the young miss and little miss's luggage upstairs," ordered master Bai.

As they sat on the sofa, both of them sighed while looking upstairs. "Our daughter grew up too fast. She should be enjoying her university life without any responsibilities, but instead, she's burdened with them," commented Madam Bai.

"Yeah....she grew too fast then she should be at her age...all because of that boy"..old master Bai said angrily.

"Don't forget your daughter was also involved in this with her consent. Why are you always blaming him?" Madam Bai defended.

 In the upstairs, "Mama this house is so beautiful, I like this" Ai Yun praised to her mother.

"It's good that you like it... You can always come here to stay whenever you want "Bai Lu said

 "Are we staying in a different place mama?" ai Yun asked.

 "Yes baby....the university will start soon so we have to stay somewhere near my university so that I can take care of you as well"

 "Oooh....mama can I stay here in the daytime when you are at university...please??"

 "We can consider that until you go to kindergarten, I am trying to find you a kindergarten around my university area "

 "But Mama I don't want to go to kindergarten....I already studied that" Ai Yun complained....

" you have to go to kindergarten... There will be alot of new friends with whom you can play."


 "No but we will see about these later, now go freshen up yourself" Bai Lu commanded.

"Ok mama" Ai Yun followed obediently.

After they freshened up...they went to bed for a nap. While hugging her mama ai Yun asked "Mama? Is daddy very handsome?"

 "Yes, most handsome man.....do you want to see him Yun?"Bai Lu asked her daughter while looking at her.

Ai Yun answered hesitantly "Can I?".

"Of course"

"Yay!!" Ai Yun exclaimed excitedly.

Seeing her daughter so excited she is happy...she also wants to meet him....but don't know where he is right now.....she wished he was with them now it would have been wonderful.

She took out an album of photos from high school....which was opened after years ....she saw his pic with her where they seemed to be arguing about something.

Then she pointed at a handsome young man in the picture to her daughter and said "This is your father and that's me"

Air Yun broke into a sweet smile looking at her father "Dad is really very handsome as you said". 'maybe I can find my father in the future with the help of this picture ' Ai Yun thought.