
Journey to a new world.

At the moment I'm old something years old and I'm a closed, tired and not very sociable person, I'm not very interested in meeting new people.

I think I should explain why I'm writing, so I'll try to explain: -Recently I realized that no matter how much I close myself off.... Reality always catches us and there is no way to escape.

I have always been a person who cannot choose, like the direction of the sea. It can be calm like the rhythm of the tide or like a storm that destroys everthing you build you never know you gonna get.

I am what you may call a otaku if you are familiar with the term "Dahhhhhh, if you dont know your are the wrong place " i live in a fantasy world that is better than the world we live in, a world where you can be free of the restrains of the world that binds us, a world that you can be the ideal you a place you can dare.

A place you can dream of being everthing you want to be, there is no limit no even the sky.

But as much i want to stay in the infinity of worlds i have no chance but to try at the least to join the "the real world".

I m gonna try to tell this story to this new world as thruthfull as a can.

But as i said from the start "I AM A LIAR" so welcome if you choose to read to my crazy journey where i try to write my life as story in a fiction style life...

ps: If you choose to go foward on this journey that even i do not know the "Happy ending" here are a few warnings.

- English is not my first or second language so do not expect much from this.

-I am most sure that i am crazy.

- i worship chaus so do not expect this story to make any sense.

-This is my first story ever.

-I consider this a fanficton because is a fan fiction of my own story...

- And accept many more warnigns up front!!!!!!!!