
I am a Liar...

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What is I am a Liar...

Lee la novela I am a Liar... escrita por el autor Pedro_Neves_2123 publicada en WebNovel. we have to start somewhere... I'm a liar...I lie for no reason, not to help myself or others, I lie because I don't want to face reality.I don't know who I am, what I want to do or where I'm going. ...


we have to start somewhere... I'm a liar... I lie for no reason, not to help myself or others, I lie because I don't want to face reality. I don't know who I am, what I want to do or where I'm going. -But maybe we should start at the beginning or at least where I think I should start. I remember a portrait that I saw in a restaurant and I realized that I was not the same as the others, I don't know how old I was because I was never good with chronologies but I had family members, small and large around, but I didn't fit in... I don't know if it was the first time I felt like this, but at least in my memory, it was the one that marked me the most, I felt like I was alone and that I was in a different dimension from a third-person perspective

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