
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasía
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62 Chs


Damien's eyes burned in anger as he drove so fast on the highway, his hands gripped the steering wheel so tight like he was going to rip it all apart. 

He couldn't help but laugh, how ironic that he was the cause of the problem, he was the reason why she was kidnapped. Earlier this morning he watched her walk out the door, he didn't stop her, he let her leave without a care in the world. And now, he was driving ninety on the highway, he wondered what she was going through right now. 

Damien knew that Diana did all this to bait him out and he was a fool for actually falling for her schemes but did he have a choice? Damien couldn't bare the thought of her being tortured. She had been kidnapped for hours now, Damien wondered what she was thinking, perhaps she must have been waiting for him for hours now. 

The thoughts continued to fill up Damien's head and he couldn't help but fall for them. 

Damien had been driving for half an hour now, The old Roman church was at the end of the city, an hour drive. Now Damien didn't know what to expect, was it just Diana, it was possible that the agency was the one responsible, maybe Diana was only working for them. 

'Fuck it' 

Damien cursed himself inside his head, he was getting paranoid, Damien couldn't remember the last time he felt like this, it had been years. For years he was composed, never broke a sweat, but this girl, the thought of her bring tied up in ropes and then having to endure pain, the thought alone fueled Damien's anger.

Damien decided to take a break from his thoughts, the road was free, no one usually comes to this part of the city. The road was quiet, anything could happen but all that need not matter to Damien right now. He was only concerned with seeing her, he had to see her, he had to be sure that she was safe, she was okay. 

Damien picked his phone and made a call, after the first ring the call was answered. 

"You let her get away?" Damien asked immediately the call was answered, his voice sounded cold and distant, emotionless. 

"I apologize" The man said. One would blame him for not feeling apologetic, he sounded like he already knew his faith. Perhaps he already knew that apologizing was not going to spare his life. He was aware of the things Mr Parker was capable of, forgiving wasn't one of them.

"You better pray" Damien said slowly making sure his words sink "If she touches a strand of hair on her head then you are dead" Damien said before ending the call. 

He had to blame himself for this, if only he had killed her when he got the chance, he would have killed her the day he took Selena to see her. A bullet on the chest would have done the trick, but for some reason Damien didn't want to do that, not in front of Selena. 

He had told his men to kill her but he should have known better than to send those good for nothing fools. Diana was smart and Damien knew that. 

"Damn it" Damien cursed out loud. 

He picked his phone and dialed her number again but it was still switched off. Damien tossed the phone on the car seat, he slowed down and looked around the place, he was sure this was where she was being held. 

Damien parked his car at the side and got out, he could see the big church in front of him, he would have to search the whole place by himself. 

Damien walked in, the church was dim and dusty, there was no light switch but he could see. The place was empty, he saw pews lined up and then a big brick table at the center. It looked like no one had been here for years which makes it the perfect place to hold someone captive. 

"Selena" Damien called out as he walked closer, he had his senses alert as he walked slowly. He couldn't hear a thing, it seemed like no one was here. Damien didn't want to give up yet and so he continued to walk closer, his first thought was that they had her tied up behind the brick box. He could only imagine how she was feeling right now. 

"Selena" Damien called out again, he looked around, the doors were locked with big metal padlocks and the windows looked intact, the only place they they could have kept her was behind that brick. 

Damien walked slowly, he was cautious, it was just him against unknown number of trained fighters, perhaps he had not thought this through, he was putting his life at risk coming out alone. 

Damien paused in front of the brick, something was wrong, he could tell, it all seemed too easy. Damien stopped walking as he thought about something, the guy at the bar told them that she was being held at a church but who could confirm that he was saying the truth.

What if all this was a trap, Damien couldn't stop himself from having these thoughts, he was being careful but something inside of him told him that he was making a mistake. Even still, Damien continued to walk towards the brick, he got closer and then he walked behind it. 

Damien wasn't shock to see nothing there, he was staring at a brick, there was nothing behind it. Damien didn't want to believe that he was given the wrong information, he didn't want to come to the conclusion that the man at the bar lied to him. 

Damien looked up, it was a big church, so many rooms but all of them were locked, even if Damien wanted to check each room, it would take him hours. And what if at the end of the search she is not in any of the rooms. Damien couldn't let her spend another hour in pain, if she wasn't here then that meant she was at somewhere else still being tortured. 

Damien looked at the doors one last time before walking out, no one was here, he was damn sure of it. But then again if Selena wasn't here then where the hell was she? Damien's hand turned to fist as he walked out of the church, he punched the wall next to him before finally exiting the church ground.