
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


"Hey!!! What's going on here!?" Dylan asked as he quickly rushed to the scene, he could see Damien beating the hell out of the man. Dylan had heard Damien's car pull over but he had thought that Damien was coming with good news. 

"That's enough Damien" Dylan warned as he tried to break the fight. Damien had his hand tightly gripping the man's collar as he throwed several punches at him.

"Damien!!" Dylan called again but Damien still didn't let go. Dylan was aware that if Damien continued like this then he was going to kill the man any second. 

"If you keep hitting him like that then he's going to die!!" Dylan yelled trying to talk sense into Damien, it look like he had lost his mind. "What good is he if he's dead!?" Dylan asked again and this time it seemed like he's words made an impact on Damien. 

"I wasn't going to kill him" Damien said as he let go of the man and watched him fall down hard on the floor. 

"Yh right" Dylan said sarcastically knowing fully well that if he had not shown up then Damien would have beaten the hell out of the man. "Tell me what happened" Dylan said with arms crossed as he looked at Damien. 

"She's not in the church, I'm not even sure she was ever brought to that church. The whole place is locked and it looks empty" Damien said as he fixed his eyes on the man, his hands were still itching. 

"So what are we going to do?" Dylan asked. He was worried about Selena but seeing Damien like this got him worked up too. 

"I don't know" Damien said honestly. On his way here he thought about it, there was nothing he could do, he had no idea where they kept her. Damien couldn't ask the cops for help because that would be putting Abigail's life at risk, so many things were at risk now and Damien didn't know what to do. For the first time, for the first time in years, Damien felt hopeless, beating up this guy was just an excuse to pour out his anger. 

"Well we'll figure it out" Dylan said as he tried to get the man to stand up but Damien had already beaten the life out of him. 

"Remind me to never get on your bad side" Dylan said jokingly as he tried his best to pull the man up and then made him sit on the chair. 

"I have an idea" Dylan said as he watched the man, he was still not conscious enough to answer questions. "Well he said she was kept in the old Roman church, but of course it's possible that they might take her somewhere else, somewhere close by" Dylan said. 

"All the houses around were abandoned" Damien said and then he too realized what Dylan was driving at. 

"It's possible that she's in one of those buildings, did you bother to check?" Dylan asked again.

"No, there's not enough time to check all the buildings by myself" Damien said and then he sighed, he ruffled his hair a little bit as he leaned on the wall of the garage. 

"Maybe that's the problem, you are trying to do everything by yourself, I'm here, we can get your men to cover some of the houses" Dylan suggested. 

Damien sighed, yes Dylan's plan was great and it did cross him mind earlier but Damien didn't want too many people getting involved. Considering the fact that Selena's life was still at risk, Damien didn't want too many people knowing about her. 

Damien didn't have a choice right now, he had to call them but he would make sure to keep a close eye on them. 

Damien picked his phone and dialed a number, but then he paused and decided to call someone else. 

Dylan watched him talk on the phone for a minute, Dylan could see the disheveled look on Damien. The man was stressed, Selena had been kidnapped for just hours and Damien was already like this. This only made Dylan realized that Damien really cared about Selena, even more than he knows. 

"Let's go" Damien said as he placed his phone back in his pockets and walked out. 

They got inside the car and Dylan offered to drive but Damien was reluctant, he didn't want Dylan to drive. He knew he reason Dylan offered to drive was because he thought Damien wasn't okay right now. 

"Are you alright?" Dylan asked when they started moving. It was going to be an hour drive or maybe more, Dylan thought it was best to get Damien talking so he wouldn't loose his mind. 

"What do you think?" Damien asked back. He was looking calmer now but the rage was still there, one wrong move and the man would start raging like a beast let loose. 

"Selena's alright, she's strong, I'm sure by now she's already looking for a way to break free. Maybe by the time we get there she'll be running out with her hands and legs tied and then you'll go get her like the prince charming." Dylan joked but still Damien didn't laugh, he had his attention focused on driving and he refused to pay attention to Dylan's childishness. 

"You really care about her this much?" Dylan asked, he had to admit that he was a bit surprised when he saw Damien reacting like this. Before this morning, Dylan use to think that Damien really cared about Selena but his thoughts were proven wrong when he saw Damien let her walk out without saying a word. 

And now, Damien was pissed, he wasn't thinking clearly anymore all because Selena was kidnapped. 

"She's my wife Dylan, which makes her mine and I don't like people taking my things away from me" Damien answered. 

"Yeah, let's just pretend like I believe that" Dylan said with a small smile. He could tell Damien wasn't ready to admit it yet, Damien didn't want to because if he did then that would be him labelling himself as vulnerable and Damien didn't want that.