
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasía
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62 Chs


Damien gently placed her body on her bed, he pulled away and then his eyes scanned every inch of her body. He noticed a few red stripes on her arm , he guess it was the result of the bloody ropes. 

Damien could feel anger pooling in his veins as he watched her feeble body lay weak on the bed, a part of him knew he was the blame for this and Damien couldn't help but punish himself. 

Damien knew that he would have been able to stop this, he had watched her walk out the door, if only his ego didn't get the better of him. Damien would have stopped her that instant, but his pride had got in the way and she had to pay dearly for that.

Damien covered her with the sheets before walking away, he looked at himself and realized that his body was converted in dirt and blood stains. But that was the least of his problems now, what really bothered Damien was that his hands were itching, he had to do something. The thirst for revenge, the blood lust Damien took in deep breaths to try and keep his mind sane but truth be told, he was having a hard time. 

"Damn it" Damien cursed under his breath as he walked away from her bed and moved towards the open patio. He placed his hands on the rail as he felt the cold midnight breeze touch his skin, this seem to have helped to tame his anger but still Damien was still uneasy. 

Damien remembered the last time he felt like this, it was five years ago, that was the second time he had the memory loss. 

Damien sighed as he leaned on the wall, he let his body slide down till he was down on the ground. He closed his eyes as he tried to remain calm, he could feel a splitting headache coming up. Damien knew this was not his anger, his memories were slowly coming back. He closed his eyes and let the memories sink in, though the process was painful, Damien tried his best not to make a sound. 

Finally the pain subsided and Damien could open his eyes, his vision was a little blurry and he couldn't stay conscious. He glanced at the girl on the bed for a few seconds before his eyes closed again. Damien was slowly drifting to slumber but he had to fight it, he couldn't risk sleeping and leaving her alone. The thought of what might happen to her next taunted him and he had to stay awake. 

Damien rolled his head backward as he swallowed the lump in his throat, he had regained most of his memories now but he still looked like a confused man. Damien couldn't stop thinking about what Selena had told him inside the building, he had heard her words loud and clear, those three words that he hated so much, but he seem to like them when she said it.

"Fuck it" Damien cursed again through gritted teeth, he was only fooling himself, there was no love in his world. How foolish of him to think that he was capable of having something like that, he seem to have forget his reason for keeping her here. Damien had to remind himself, his marriage with Selena was for a reason, he needed information and she wanted protection, he couldn't let some stupid feelings mess up his plans. 

Damien sighed as he looked at her again, even though he knew all that, his mind still wasn't settled. Damien's hands ruffled through his hair as he looked at her, a while ago he was thinking that he might never get to see her again and the thought was not settling for him. Damien didn't know what to label this emotion, was it fear, Damien had never been scared for the past 15 years, he had always been brave and ready to face anything and everything that might cross his path. 

But tonight....Damien couldn't believe that the mere thought of her being locked away was terrifying for him, he wasn't able to stand it. He had been trying to remind himself of what was important, information but Damien knew he was only fooling himself. 


Somehow she had managed to turn him into this raging beast in a few hours, Damien had to shake his head several times to get rid of his thoughts but they kept coming. Damien was at lost, he couldn't let this happen, not now, he was at the peek of his business. 

The one reason why Damien was able to get this far in the business world was because he was immune to weakness. Up till now Damien had no weakness, he was strong, he showed no emotions, no one could tell what he was thinking, his mind was unpredictable but today, today Damien had showed Anatoly that he did have a weakness. 

Knowing the kind of man Anatoly was, Damien knew that he would one day use his weakness against him, even though they had parted ways with a nice handshake, Damien knew that this was only the beginning. He had failed to hide his emotions from Anatoly now his enemy had an upper hand against him. 

Damien would have to deal with that in the near future, but now, the present was all that matters and that was Selena. Her life was at risk today because of him, Diana wanted him not her but somehow she had fallen right into her trap. Damien wondered how many more people would come after her life now that the whole world knew about them . 

Damien knew one thing for sure, he wouldn't hesitate to eliminate anyone that tried to arm her, afterall she was his and one thing Damien Parker was famous for was his possessiveness. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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