
I'm Just Level 1

In a world where adventurers—human warriors possessing supernatural abilities—must fight deadly monsters to protect humanity from certain destruction, a mere level 1 adventurer finds himself in a seemingly endless struggle for survival. One day, he was thrown by his party into the core of the dungeon and suddenly a mysterious program called the System selected him as a player, giving him a unique ability to increase his strength. This was something that other adventurers couldn't do, because adventurers' abilities were fixed after they awakened. He then embarks on a journey as he fights against all kinds of enemies, both humans and monsters, to discover the secret of the dungeon and the true source of his power.

Sirius459 · Fantasía
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75 Chs

A Story Of Impossible Dreams

The Razorback Troll approached them with an evil smile. "You guys know nothing about the true power of this dungeon," the Razorback Troll continued. "I've been observing you humans. I'm more than just a simple monster."

Axel, still panting, tried to get back up. "What do you mean?"

The monster smiled broadly, showing a row of sharp teeth. "I am the guardian of something greater. You have only seen the surface of what is inside this dungeon. But I... am the embodiment of true power."

"You are just a piece of meat, one of the many prey I have eaten," said the monster in a condescending tone.

Axel gritted his teeth, his eyes burning with determination. "We are not just prey," he said firmly. "We will beat you."

Alicia, who had returned to her feet, advanced again by swinging her katana at incredible speed, trying to attack the monster's vital points. However, the Razorback Troll dodged easily, displaying speed and agility that belied its large body.

"I've had enough of you weak humans," the monster growled, swinging its claws at Alicia. Alicia dodged, but the claw managed to graze her shoulder, sending her reeling.

Axel saw an opportunity when the monster focused on Alicia. With all his might, he lunged forward and plunged his dagger into the monster's side. The Razorback Troll groaned in pain, but its grip on Axel's dagger tightened.

"This won't be enough to stop me," said the monster in a low, terrifying voice.

Axel didn't back down. "Maybe not, but we won't give up."

"I deliberately didn't use this because I wanted to use it at the right time and it seems like this is the time," said Axel in a voice full of determination. As he blocked the monster's attack, Axel used his item box skill and took out a shining pill. Quickly, he swallowed the pill.

Slowly his body began to glow, and the 50th floor of the dungeon began to be illuminated by the light coming out of Axel's body. His wounds started to heal, and his badly injured left arm glowed before recovering to normal.

"W-what happened?" asked Alicia who was falling to the ground, her eyes widening at the unusual sight.

"You damn pest!!" shouted the Razorback Troll. The monster threw one of its arms at Axel with full force. However, Axel quickly parried the attack with his left arm which was already holding a sword.

Axel felt new strength flowing through his body. The light radiating from his body made him feel stronger and faster. With a single stomp, he pushed the Razorback Troll backwards, sending the monster reeling.

"Now, it's time to end this," said Axel in a firm voice. He saw Alicia who was still shocked but started to stand up with the last of her strength.

"Drink this, Alicia," said Axel as he threw an intermediate healing potion at Alicia. Alicia caught the potion with trembling hands, then immediately drank it. His wounds were starting to heal, and his strength was slowly returning.

Alicia felt the energy flowing again in her body. "Thank You."

 Axel felt a new power flowing through his body. In his right hand, he held a dagger that had accompanied him in many battles, while in his recently healed left hand, he held a sword that shone in the light of the dungeon. With these two weapons, Axel lunged quickly towards the Razorback Troll who looked very annoyed.

The monster growled, swinging its claws brutally. However, Axel nimbly dodged and parried the attack. Every step he took was full of confidence and precision, utilizing the new strength he had gained from the pills he had taken. Sweat dripped down his forehead, but his eyes remained focused.

"Feel this!" Axel shouted as he swung the dagger in his right hand, cutting towards the monster's weak side. The Razorback Troll growled in pain, but immediately tried to respond with a counterattack. Axel was ready, With his sword in his left hand, he parried the attack and immediately launched a counterattack, cutting through the air with surprising speed and power.

Alicia, who had recovered partially from the healing potion, did not remain silent. She moved with incredible speed and precision, following the rhythm of Axel's attacks. Every time Axel creates a gap in the monster's defense, Alicia takes advantage of it to launch a deadly attack with her katana. Their movements seemed to be in sync, a harmonious dance of death against a common enemy.

The Razorback Troll, usually dominant and intimidating, was starting to get pushed around. New wounds continued to appear on his body, and although his regeneration abilities were strong, the successive attacks from Axel and Alicia were too fast and too much to handle. The monster roared in pain, black blood dripping from its increasing number of wounds.

Axel realized that they had to keep pressing. "Don't let him recover!" he shouted, making sure they continued to suppress the Razorback Troll without giving it a chance to regenerate. Axel used a combination of his dagger and sword to slash and stab, while Alicia swung her katana with deadly grace, like a beautiful yet deadly sword dance.

Axel, realizing that ordinary attacks would not be enough to defeat the Razorback Troll, Axel decided to combine the skills he had. He activated the Appraisal Level 3 skill to find the monster's weak point. Axel's eyes flashed briefly as information regarding the Razorback Troll appeared before him. The monster's vital points and weaknesses were revealed, giving him a clearer view of how to defeat it.

With this new knowledge, Axel immediately activates Fatal Strike Level 2, an ability that significantly increases the power of his attacks when attacking an opponent's weak point. His sword began to glow with focused energy, ready to deliver a deadly attack.

"Alicia, focus on defense! I'll finish this!" Axel shouted, his voice filled with determination.

Alicia, who was exhausted but still enthusiastic, nodded and immediately shifted her focus to protecting Axel from the monster's counterattack. She slashed and parried with her katana, creating enough space for Axel to launch his attack.

Axel got into position, his eyes focused on the weak spots in the monster's neck and heart. With incredible speed and precision, he lunged forward. The Razorback Troll, already starting to feel the pressure of their attacks, tried to parry the attacks, but Axel was too fast.

"AAARRRGGGHHH!!" Axel screamed as his sword stabbed right into the weak spot in the monster's neck, followed by a deadly strike to its heart. Bright light spread from the point of contact, flowing through the monster's body. The Razorback Troll let out a pained roar that echoed throughout the room.

The monster tried to swing its claws to attack Axel, but Alicia swiftly parried the attack, giving Axel the opportunity to complete the final attack. With full power, Axel swung his sword once again, piercing the last weak point in the monster's heart.

The combined attack hit with incredible force, breaking the Razorback Troll's regeneration abilities. The monster fell to the ground with a final roar, its body dissipating slowly into dust. His black blood scattered around them, but they stood victorious.

Axel and Alicia stood in the middle of the 50th floor, breathless but triumphant. "We did it," said Axel, smiling tired but satisfied.

"Finally I beat him..." said Axel in a low voice, almost a whisper. His vision began to blur, and the world around him seemed to fade. Alicia, who was nearby, immediately noticed this change and panicked.

"He-Hey! Are you okay?!" Alicia shouted in a worried tone, trying to keep Axel conscious.

Alicia repeatedly called out to Axel, shaking his body gently. She felt Axel's pulse, feeling relieved when she realized that his heart was still beating. Axel was simply exhausted, trapped in exhaustion after that fierce battle.

"It seems like you've been through a lot…" Alicia said with a small smile on her face. She stroked Axel's black hair gently, feeling moved to see this young man's struggle. Axel has shown extraordinary courage and determination, and now he deserves a rest.

Alicia carefully lifted Axel's head, placing it on her lap. "Sweet dreams. You've fought hard," she whispered, hoping the young man could hear her words even though he was half-conscious.

The room on the 50th floor now felt calmer after the tense battle. Alicia looked around, seeing the remains of their battle and the disappearing bodies of the Razorback Trolls. She knows they have overcome great challenges, but they still have a long way to go.

Carefully, Alicia kept Axel comfortable, waiting for the young man to recover from his fatigue and injuries. In the silence of the room, only the sound of their breathing could be heard slowly returning to normal, indicating that they had survived one of the biggest threats in this dungeon.

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