
I'm Buggy the Pirate

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A weeb that lost his name with his memories of his previous life has been transmigrated into none other than Buggy the Clown from One Piece. Already stuck with the Bara Bara no Mi how does his MC stand against the Emperors, Navy, Pirates, Revolutionaries, and Im. "By getting flashy dangerous!"

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: [Bara Bara no Mi] True Potential With Time

Since I register my fate as Buggy, for now, I guess I can keep that name as my own searching around I see Buggy bag is still in my room as I began to search through it to what I hold.

Come on original I knew you were a coward before, but I know for a fact he isn't that dumb to not leave any treasures or maps with him considering the way he thinks a lot a majority of his time.

Searching through Buggy's stuff I grin happily seeing the items he has on him, "A map of the Grand Line, Log Pose, my daggers, compass, and my money. Good at least I have something with me for the time being."

At the very least I'm not poor and not a complete idiot out in the open sea.

Now comes the next step of my plan and that is to find some worthy people under me and find some devil fruits.

The Devil Fruits is that I can give to my crewmates who are strong and loyal to me without questioning my orders that sounds simple enough to do.

However, at this point finding some good help would be hard to come by since the majority of One Piece characters are still kids at this point and time.

Although I do know where to find certain Devil Fruits in this world, I have a sure-fire way to secure them or even keep them safe.

Sure, I could keep them the old fashion way like putting them in a chest but then anyone would be able to steal from a chest.


Think Buggy think what the best way would be to keep my treasure safe from getting stolen.

I just wish I have some kind of inventory like in those video games or system users to have right about now it would certainly make my life a bit easier…


For now, though I should concern myself on what to do next I have a good start on what to do next with my fruit now I just need time to figure it out.

Gathering my bag, I place it over my shoulder and quickly leave the hotel I was in Loguetown as I decided to wander around the place viewing what they have to offer.

But still going by boat isn't going to be very helpful to me no way shape or form the only way I can leave this place is either by sea or by air.

Going around Loguetown I can see the people are still going on about my former captain's death.


If these people knew that he let the Marines capture him then they wouldn't get as many praises they have.

The Navy didn't win if Roger went out on his own terms and Garp capturing him never existed, to begin with.

No matter.

Going around the city and passing by the people I already chop myself a few atoms to have their sense around me sort of like Law [Room] ability in a sense.

Except I can always tell when my atoms are hit it's like sensing having a mini-map in games that tells the player who is there when they bump into my atoms.

Either way I still need to leave this place, but the better question would be where to next?

I know I plan to become the King of the World but being in the East Blue really gives me fewer options to work with here.

Finding a quiet place to read my maps of the world that the previous Buggy has created I saw that he kept it nice and clean.

So, with that, I decided to see what where the islands that are located in East Blue have to offer…

Have to admit I managed to find some non-canon islands around this place in the East Blue was quite fascinating to visit personally as I saw certain names pop up from their more specifically Ocean's Navel.

Recalling from what I can about this place I remember that there was some treasure in that place that kept Joke alive throughout the years despite being dead already to the bones but was still kicking.

Grinning at this it happened only 12 years before canon begins so that means that treasure is good as mine to take.

After all what kind of pirate would I be if I didn't take any treasure to find?

But then again the scary monsters are guarding them but…

Observing the area I see that no one was outside around me while I have a clear view of the East Blue to keep me company as I say to myself, "Well now is a good time as any to test out if I can chop my body own flow of time so that I can see if I can use his ability outside of time…"


My [Bara Bara no Mi] ability shouldn't just limit myself to just chopping my body parts by some kind of invisible spatial force, but I also have the ability to chop my own time.

Sure it's a conceptual thing to chop my time but hey my body can chop down certainly using some kind of space ability so why could I not chop my body time?

Because as a Paramecia user I can't use my abilities that are outside unless they are a part of my body in the first place.

So, I have to use everything I have that originated from my body to make it possible since my chop ability devil fruit power has the power to do it.

Standing up and taking another glance around the place I see that no one is around.


Time to begin phase one of chopping my body time.

With that I first began with my first order of business was to 'chop' the time of my heart.

If this works as I think it does, then I just created the most OP technique in the One Piece world have ever seen.

The likes of which that can't be stopped nor can be blocked…

Even with Haki, it's impossible to stop…

Not even Logia Users are going to be safe from this if it works after all I got this idea from another anime although tragic it's still a best seller…

Activating my power I 'chop' the flow of time of my heart as I started to feel the immediate strain on my body!

But not yet!!

Quickly getting the dagger from my bag I now threw it out in the open sea air as I felt the pressure of my body being strained increasing…



The dagger that was with me as I threw it out made contact with me…

Just broke the fucking everything as the blue sea leaving behind a large wave of sea ocean out of the way?!!!


Once again I have surpassed the use of my [Bara Bara no Mi] ability mother fuckers!!

What I just did by chopping off the flow of time from my heart was the same ability as that Sin Archbishop fucker with his time power!!

Yes, I'm talking about that normal guy Regulus Corneas!!

I had a hard time understanding that guy on how to use his power when I thought back on how to abuse my chopping devil fruit powers on conceptual ideas till I remembered about that fucker ability and cheat.

He used his power to stop time on himself or his heart to become a living anomaly to everyone around him and those that are imbued to become living natural horrifying disasters to everything in a matter of seconds.

Now how can I a Splitting Human be able to use this fucker ability?

Quite simple in fact.

I just chop my heart flow of time to achieve the same results as that Regulus by becoming an anomaly of time myself.

If my chop powers can chop myself spatially then temporal should be something I can chop down as well so long as it's from my body, then it's possible.

As I become an anomaly to time itself everything I touch will have their time stop as I can do with them as I wish because I freed myself temporarily from the concept of time itself as I chop the flow of my heart to do it.



With this power active, I WILL be completely cut off from my world's flow of time, literally becoming a temporary walking anomaly.

I will no longer need to have any need for eating, drinking, or even breathing and my body will not age a single second, nor will it perform even the most basic of human body functions such as sweating or excreting bodily wastes.

But the best part is that I could even ignore every physical law that this world has to offer while I'm chopping off from the flow of time of my heart.

However, I quickly return my 'chop' flow of time of my heart to me as I began to feel normal again.

This overpowering technique might look seems absolutely unbeatable if I can't escape the strain it does to my body.

I felt that my body was returning to normal again as I felt the strain of the pain fading away, but that rush of power is highly addictive…

But now I need to leave the whole scene of the crime before I'm spotted time to use phase two of my plan to chop myself.

While the first step is to chop my flow of time of my heart was a success what happens if I chop off my WHOLE body?


I'm about to find out now, wouldn't I?

Using my Devil Fruit power I 'chop' my whole body of the flow of time as I was now outside of it…

Viewing my area I see that I'm in some kind of space or void-like area of Loguetown as I see the citizens are looking for someone as I'm in the middle but they can't see me…


Quickly going into the opposite direction of the town changing myself into atoms I fast traveled out of there in a flash.

Although turning into atoms on the flash is scary fast since they travel at 1% of the speed of light I was already away from the commotion as I check the clock carefully.

But I need to get away quickly since I still need to breathe!

Whatever this place is it looks like I can't breathe in the place must hurry to find a spot!

When I return my 'chop' flow of time on my body I see that I return everything is normal except for one thing…

"What the hell how did I get here?"

"Yeah wasn't there something happening?"

"No, I was definitely there and not over there?"


All according to my plan.

What I just did was basically copied King Crimson's ability to skip time.

Since King Crimson is outside of the flow of time to erase it I just copied the same method except for the erasing part.

Maybe when I awakened I could tap into that kind of power in the void of time to chop down the section needed.

Although from the results of the people going around to see what happened they don't even remember where they were originally but at the result.

Ho ho ho…

I did this by going outside the flow of time by chopping my body's flow of time to do it…


Now this is how you use a devil fruit ability creative folks!

But since I have these skills under me I think I should call my copy of Regulus [Bara of Time] and [Bara Time Skip].

Better to simplify these for me to use.

Now that I have a good set of skills, I still need a ship to leave in.

Time to start searching.