
I'm a Quincy, Are you kidding me!?

i do not own bleach, tensura or any anime/novel that I use in this fanfic. A regular guy was reincarnated into bleach as uryus fraternal twin brother, but before the canon could start he was sent to another world. watch as he traverses the dangers the cardinal world with the friends he meets along the way.

John_Dose · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 3: to Sarion x getting money

Riku POV

Kusha Mountains

I am currently heading to The Sorcerers Dynasty of Sarion wearing clothes that i made using [Material Creation] to see if I can get information about this worlds timeline and to see if a can acuire about magic. Though i would prefer that people not sense my magicules, is there a way to conceal my magicules from prying senses?

[Answer, it is possible to create an item using the skill [material creation] to add a concealing affect to hide your magicules]

Ok let's do that then, but the question is what item to use to conceal my power? I could make a mask but I feel like that's been done. Hmmmmm. OH I know! I'll make the coat used by organisation XIII, after all in the kingdom hearts game series that coat was used to hide from poeple who use the power of darkness.

Me: '[Material Creation]'

So using my skill, I create the coat from kingdom hearts that fits like a glove.

me: "I've always like this coat. did it work?"

[Answer. the magicules in your body have been supressed and will be percieved as an ordinary human.]

Perfect, now poeple won't sense my power. Now that I think of it, could I use [magic manipulation] to add effects to my arrows and attacks since magic is usually created by using imagination?

[Answer. Due to having the intrinsic skill [magic manipulation] and the unique skill [archive] you should be able to create magic and store that knowledge to be used later.]

Me: 'Wait I just had an idea, would it be possible to use my unique skill [Archive] to store items and take them out when I need them?'


[Answer. using the [archives] sub-skill [Date conversion], it should be possible to turn items into data and store them in the space created by [archives] sub-skill [Data storage].]

So first ill create a card with [material creation], then ill open the screen that pops up when i uses my [archive].


After the screen and keyboard pops up, I type in the command to create a new folder labeled (item storage). Once the folder was created, I opened it to see that it was empiy so i decide to test my idea by placing the card on the screen.

me: '[spirit sage] use [data conversion] to send this card into the (item storage) folder'


Then i see the card turn into digital pixels and were sucked right into the screen. I look at the screen to see a grid view with a icon of the card i just stored. it really works!! But lets see if I can take the card out first. So i touch the icon on the screen and the digital pixels exit the screen and come together to for the card. This really solves my storage problem. So i start putting my old clothes into my [data storage], then i decide to create some kingdom hearts weapons and store them for later use. After thats done I continue to my destination of Sarion.


2 days later

border of the Sorcerer Dynasty Sarion

Thanks to using my [Hirenkyaku] I was able to get to the border of Sarion in two days, could have been shorter but I needed to sleep and eat so while on the move I decided to hunt for things that might be edible. A guy's gotta eat, and some of these creatures might be valuable so i could get some money to survive in this world until i get back to the bleach world. I've hunted bulldeer, knight spider; not hard to kill but to cook is mor difficult or would be if i didn't have [Spirit Sage].

After taking them apart, I place the parts into my [data storage] under folders labelled (bulldeer materials) and (knight spider materials) respectively. Maybe these materials can be sold and i could get a homunculus that I can analyze to try to create my own gigai that I can use just in case.

After getting to the border, I don't see grass for miles and a giant tree in the distance. That, if im not mistaken is Sarion. well I have to keep going to get what I need.


3 days later

at the edge of Sarion

Well I made it to Sarion after spending 3 days traveling a desert while hunting monsters that I come across. But, thanks to that I got more materials that I could sell when I need to, got materials for poison lizard and sand lizard along my travels. I walk around until I find a merchants shop to see if they will buy the materials I have to offer.

Me: "Hello, is anyone here?" I said after walking into the shop.

merchant: "Well hello there sir. Is there something that I can help you with?" he asked as I approached the counter.

me: "Yeah, I have materials I would like to sell. I'm new to the area and i don't have money, so I would like to sell materials I've obtained through my travels."

luckly I thought of creating a bag using [material creation] to hide my storage method. They would think that I have a magic bag, since they are uncommon it wouldn't seem strange that I might have. I pulled out materials from the bulldeer, knight spider, sand lizard and poison lizard. the merchant looked surpised when I took out the materials.

merchant: "Meat from bulldeer, legs from a knight spider, venom from a poison lizard, and skin from a sand lizard. Quite the assortment of materials you have brought me today."

me: "Yeah the bulldeer was easy, the knight spider required a bit more finesse to kill and one good shot with a weapon or projectile was enough for the lizards."

merchant: "yeah, Sounds like you have a fair amount of strength to defeat monsters like knight spiders and poison lizards."

me: "well, you have to have strength in order to survive fighting to survive when traveling."

merchant: "too true."

The merchant now had a look of contemplation, probably wondering how much to pay me for the materials. There are many factors to consider; condition of the materials, what they could be resold for, the person selling the materials to you. After thinking for a couple of minutes he started to talk.

merchant: "considering the remarkable freshness and condition of the materials... how does 36 gold coins sound?"

I look at him with a surprise expression before replying.

me: "Are you sure you want to pay that much for these materials?"

merchant: "Of course, look at the quantity and quality of these materials. Add the fact that you defeated these nobsters and took them apart by yourself. You could consider it my investment."

So he thinks that I can help him make more money with the materials I could provide him. Well thanks to using [archive] to store items, they are just as fresh as when you first take them apart since once the item is turned into data it is unaffected by time. If he's offering this much money, who am I to say no.

me: "Alright, you got yourself a deal sir."

Merchant: "please just call me Elroy, I'm the owner of this shop."

Me: "Ok Elroy, then you can call me Riku."

The merchant, now known as Elroy seems like a good guy. Maybe he has items in his store that could be useful for my journey. Maybe I'll ask him a few things since Merchants travel around and hear things that they can use to profit.

me: "I have a couple of questions for you Elroy."

Elroy: "Sure, ask away Riku."

Me: "Do you have any books on learning magic in stock? Beginner magic should be fine." I asked.

Elroy: "Yeah we got a beginner book for each of the 7 elements; fire, water, wind, earth, space, light and darkness. each book costs about 10 silver coin each."

So at least one gole coin for the 7 books huh.

Me: "Okk I'll take them. Also, have you heard of the storm dragon Veldora?"

Elroy: "of course I know. Hes been sealed away a long time ago."

Me:'now for a big question on my mind.' i though befor saying "How long ago was Veldora sealed?"

a/n 1: Should I have Riku go to the dwelling of spirits after his work in sarion or later?

a/n 2: wasnt sure if I should have riku sent either 2 months before tensura cannon or 2 years, did not want to alter the plot to much, What do you readers think?

a/n 3: comments are encouraged, they may provide inspiration.