
I'm a celestial dragon in One Piece

In the cold, realistic world of the Celestial Dragons, Ethan Mars stood as a beacon of potential change, a young boy whose distinct ideas and unyielding spirit would one day challenge the very core of their supremacy. This fanfic will have a new version soon so if you don't like it this try please give me a second opportunity in the next version DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT.

Cronos_512 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter twelve:Ascending

Between Ethan and Hancock

The courtyard was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows and painting the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple. Ethan stood near the fountain, his expression unreadable as he awaited Hancock's arrival at the agreed upon time. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation.

Hancock approached cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest. She hadn't seen Ethan much over the past three months, and the uncertainty gnawed at her. What if he had changed? What if he no longer cared about her?

"E-Et-Ethan," she Greeted, her voice low and stuttering from the agitation that had been generated within her by seeing Ethan

Ethan turned, his face impassive but his eyes betraying a flicker of interest and nervousness. "Hancock. How are you, have you been good these past three months?"

Hancock hesitated, searching his face for any sign of emotion. Finding none, he took a deep breath and began to speak. "It has been difficult. Silas, our teacher, these 3 months has been training my sisters and me. The training is hard, but we have become stronger. I have learned more about how to use Haki, although it is still mostly at a level basic, b-but I know that I will get stronger, I will completely master the basic techniques of haki and soon I will be able to start learning the more advanced techniques of haki." He finished saying this with a smile on his face which Ethan ended up returning to a lesser extent.

Ethan nodded, his gaze unwavering. "That's good to hear. It's important to get stronger in this world there are big threats out there."

Hancock felt a pang of frustration at his detached demeanor. She needed to know if he still cared, if he still saw her as more than just another servant. "What about you? How was your training, was it complicated?"

Ethan's eyes flickered with a hint of pride. "It was demanding but at the end rewarding. Kael finally took me seriously after I managed to defeat him in a battle. He underestimated me, and I used that to my advantage and i win."He said with proud tone in his voice

*Flashback to Ethan's Training*

The scene shifted to the private training grounds of the Mars family. Ethan and Vice Admiral Kael stood facing each other, swords drawn. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with anticipation.

"Are you ready, Ethan?" Kael asked, his voice steady.

Ethan nodded, his grip on his sword tightening. His weapon was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with a gleaming blade of black steel and a hilt adorned with intricate carvings. It was a gift from his grandfather, a symbol of the legacy he was meant to uphold.

Kael lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. Ethan parried, his movements fluid and precise. The clash of steel rang out, echoing through the training grounds.

"Impressive," Kael remarked, his eyes narrowing. "But you'll need more than that to make me take you seriously and a lot more to even think about defeating me."

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest, but he kept his focus. He could sense Kael's intent, the subtle shifts in his stance that betrayed his next move. Using his Kenbunshoku Haki, Ethan anticipated Kael's attack and countered with a swift strike.

Kael's eyes widened in surprise as Ethan's blade connected, forcing him back. "You're getting better, Ethan. But don't get cocky."

The battle continued, each exchange more intense than the last. Sweat dripped down Ethan's face, his muscles straining with effort. He knew he had to push himself beyond his limits to win.

In a moment of overconfidence, Kael left an opening. Ethan seized the opportunity, channeling his Haki into his sword and delivering a powerful blow. Kael's sword flew from his hand, and he fell to the ground, Ethan defeated Kael.

Ethan stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion. "I did it," he muttered, raising his fist in triumph.

Kael got to his feet, a proud smile on his face. "Well done, Ethan. You'veyou have improved a lot these 6 months."

* Marcus, Kael, and Silas*

The scene shifted back to the present, in a grand hall where Marcus, Kael, and Silas sat around a table, discussing the progress of the sisters' training.

"Silas, how are Hancock and her sisters progressing?" Marcus inquired, with his tone authoritative.

Silas leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "Hancock has shown proficiency in both types of Haki, though at a basic level. She has a lot more potential than her sisters. Her sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold, have each mastered one type of Haki with two basic skills. They're all improving rapidly but not as rapidly as Hancock, she is a genius."

Marcus nodded, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Excellent. I want to propose a series of tests to gauge their abilities compared with Ethan abilities right now. First, Ethan will face the three sisters. Then, he will have a confrontation with you, Silas."

Kael glanced at Silas, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Are you sure that's wise? Ethan has made significant progress. He's not the same boy he was six months ago."

Silas smirked, a glint of challenge in his eyes. "I'm aware of that, Kael. It will be a good test for both of us."

*Ethan vs. the Boa Sisters*

The courtyard was now filled with spectators, including Marcus, Kael, and the housekeeper. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the scene. Ethan stood in the center, his sword gleaming in the fading light.

Hancock and her sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold, faced him, their expressions a mix of determination and anxiety. They knew this would be a test of their training and their bond as siblings.

"Ready?" Ethan called out, his voice steady.

Sandersonia and Marigold nodded, while Hancock's eyes met Ethan's, a silent understanding passing between them.

The battle began with a flurry of movements. Sandersonia and Marigold charged at Ethan, their Haki-enhanced attacks aiming to overwhelm him. Ethan moved with grace and precision, his Kenbunshoku Haki allowing him to anticipate their moves. He parried their attacks effortlessly, his sword a blur of motion.

"He's gotten so much stronger," Marigold muttered, her frustration growing.

"Focus, Marigold," Sandersonia urged, trying to coordinate their attacks.

But it was no use. Ethan's skills were far beyond their own. He disarmed Marigold with a swift strike and sent her sprawling to the ground. Sandersonia followed soon after, her attack met with a powerful counter that left her weaponless.

Hancock watched her sisters fall, her heart pounding. She stepped forward, her body tense with determination. "I won't go down so easily, Ethan."

Ethan nodded, respect evident in his gaze. "I wouldn't expect you to."

They clashed, the sound of the Ethan´s sword and the Hancock hand covered by armor haki ring out. Hancock's Haki-enhanced attacks were swift and powerful, but Ethan's experience and advanced techniques gave him the upper hand. He pushed her back, his strikes relentless.

Hancock gritted her teeth, summoning all her strength. She coated her arms in Armament Haki and lunged at Ethan with a powerful punch. Ethan blocked it, but the force of the impact made him stumble.

"Impressive, Hancock," he said, regaining his footing. "But this ends now."

Ethan channeled his advanced Armament Haki into his sword, the blade glowing with a dark aura. He moved with blinding speed, his attack precise and devastating. Hancock's defenses crumbled, and she fell to the ground, defeated.

*Ethan vs. Silas*

The courtyard was silent as Ethan faced Silas, the air thick with tension. The sun had dipped below the horizon, and the sky was now a canvas of deep reds and purples.

Silas drew his sword, a sleek, menacing weapon that seemed to radiate power. "Let's see how much you've really improved, Ethan."

Ethan nodded, his grip tightening on his own sword. The blade, with its intricate carvings and black steel, felt like an extension of himself. "I'm ready."

They charged at each other, their swords clashing with a resounding crash. The spectators watched in awe, the intensity of the battle captivating their attention.

"Ethan's movements are so fluid," Kael remarked, his eyes following every move. "He's truly become a formidable swordsman."

Marcus nodded, a proud smile on his face. "He's lived up to my expectations."

The battle raged on, the courtyard echoing with the sound of steel. Silas was relentless, his attacks powerful and precise. But Ethan's advanced Armament Haki gave him the edge. He could feel the strength of his opponent, the subtle shifts in his intent.

In a decisive moment, Ethan channeled his Haki into his sword, the blade glowing with a dark, menacing aura. He parried Silas's strike and delivered a powerful blow that shattered Silas's sword. The broken pieces fell to the ground, and Ethan held his sword to Silas's neck.

"Surrender," Ethan said, his voice calm but firm.

Silas looked up at him, a mixture of surprise and respect in his eyes. "You've truly grown strong, Ethan. I surrender."

*Spectators' Reactions*

The spectators erupted in applause, their expressions a mix of awe and pride. Kael clapped Ethan on the shoulder, his face beaming with pride. "Well done, Ethan. You've surpassed my expectations."

Marcus approached, his eyes filled with pride. "You've proven yourself, Ethan. You've made me proud of you right now."

As the applause died down, Ethan stood in the courtyard, his thoughts turning inward. He looked up at the sky, the colors of the sunset reflecting in his eyes.

"Mother, Father," he thought, his heart swelling with emotion. "I've become strong, just like you wanted. And I promise, I will avenge you. I will find Shiki the Golden Lion and make him pay for what he did."

He sheathed his sword, the weight of his promise settling over him. The path ahead was still filled with challenges, but he knew he was ready to face them. With his training, his strength, and the support of those around him, he would fulfill his destiny.

Ethan looked around at the faces of those who believed in him, feeling a surge of determination. He was not just a Celestial Dragon; he was a warrior, a leader, and a son determined to honor his parents' memory.

As the last light of the sunset faded, Ethan walked towards the future, ready to take on whatever came his way.