
I'm a celestial dragon in One Piece

In the cold, realistic world of the Celestial Dragons, Ethan Mars stood as a beacon of potential change, a young boy whose distinct ideas and unyielding spirit would one day challenge the very core of their supremacy. This fanfic will have a new version soon so if you don't like it this try please give me a second opportunity in the next version DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT.

Cronos_512 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter thirteen:Future strategics

The sun had set, casting a twilight glow over the Mars estate. Ethan walked through the opulent corridors, his footsteps echoing off the polished marble floors. He was headed to his grandfather's study, an ostentatious room filled with luxurious wood, gold, and other precious metals. The room was a testament to the wealth and power of the Mars family, adorned with intricate carvings, priceless artifacts, and lavish furniture.

As Ethan entered, he was greeted by the sight of Marcus Mars sitting behind a grand mahogany desk. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of golden chandeliers reflecting off the gilded walls and the large, floor-to-ceiling windows offering a view of the sprawling estate.

"Grandfather," Ethan began, bowing slightly in respect.

"Ethan, come in," Marcus said, his voice commanding yet warm. "Have a seat. We have much to discuss about your future."

Ethan took a seat in one of the plush, velvet armchairs, his eyes scanning the room's grandeur before settling on his grandfather. "I've been curious about your plans to keep our family as one of the most powerful. What exactly do you have in mind, and how and how involved in these am I I?"

Marcus leaned back, his fingers steepled together. "Our family's future depends on your growth and the alliances you form. The first step was your education and training, which you've already begun. This includes not only military strategy and tactics but also physical and combat training."

Ethan nodded, recalling the rigorous training sessions with Kael and the valuable lessons he had learned. "It feels like you've been planning this for a long time. How did you know this was the path I needed to take?"

A small smile played on Marcus's lips. "Your grandmother foresaw the need for strong leadership within our family. She believed in your potential even before you were born. It's why we started your training early."

Ethan's eyes widened slightly. "Grandmother planned all of this?"

Marcus nodded. "Yes. She was a visionary. But your journey is far from over. The next stage involves building strategic alliances."

Ethan leaned forward, curiosity evident in his expression. "What kind of alliances are we talking about?"

"Influential figures within the Navy and the Cipher Pol organizations," Marcus explained. "These alliances will be crucial for your rise to power. You'll need their respect and loyalty to command the troops effectively."

Ethan frowned, a hint of reluctance in his voice. "I understand the importance of alliances, but I'm not particularly interested in forming them. I believe I can achieve my goals on my own."

Marcus's gaze hardened, his tone turning stern. "Defeating Shiki the Golden Lion is not a solo endeavor. Pirates travel with crews, formidable ones. You cannot face such a threat alone. Allies will be indispensable."

Ethan sighed, knowing his grandfather was right. "I see your point. If having allies means I can achieve my goals more efficiently, then I won't be opposed to it."

Marcus's expression softened. "Good. Your next step will be gaining practical experience through field missions. You'll hunt pirates, suppress rebellions, and enforce World Government edicts in disputed territories."

*Flashback to Training*

As Marcus spoke, Ethan's mind wandered to the intense training sessions he had endured. The harsh lessons from both Kael and his grandfather had shaped him into a formidable warrior. He remembered a particular session with Kael, where he had finally gained his mentor's respect.

The training grounds were bathed in the afternoon sun. Ethan and Kael faced each other, swords drawn. Ethan's weapon, a masterpiece with a gleaming black blade and intricate carvings, felt like an extension of himself.

Kael lunged, his movements a blur. Ethan parried, the clash of steel ringing through the air. "Impressive," Kael had said, his voice calm. "But you need to anticipate my moves better."

Ethan focused, using his Kenbunshoku Haki to sense Kael's intent. He dodged a strike and countered, their blades meeting in a shower of sparks. The battle was fierce, each exchange more intense than the last.

In a decisive moment, Ethan channeled his advanced Armament Haki into his sword. He delivered a powerful blow that shattered Kael's defense, sending his mentor to the ground. Ethan stood over him, victorious.

Kael had looked up, a proud smile on his face. "Well done, Ethan you are growing stronger every day."

*Return to Present*

Ethan's thoughts returned to the present as Marcus continued. "After gaining field experience, you'll take on command positions. You'll start with smaller units and gradually lead larger forces. This will build your reputation as a capable and decisive leader."

Ethan nodded, understanding the importance of demonstrating leadership. "And what about intelligence and espionage?"

"Crucial elements of our strategy," Marcus replied. "You'll work with Cipher Pol agents to gather vital information, conduct covert operations, and eliminate key threats. It's not just about brute strength, Ethan. Knowledge and subtlety are equally important."

Ethan absorbed his grandfather's words, recognizing the depth of the plan. "It makes sense but which Chipher Pol member I'm going to establish a relationship with?". And also what comes next?"

Marcus leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "The member of the Cipher Pol with whom you will interact is one that I'm going to tell you later about so be patient, continue with what I had planned to told you about, 4.-The fourth stage is to become a symbol of power and fear. We'll organize public demonstrations of your strength, such as high-profile defeats of notorious pirates or the crushing of significant rebellions. These events will establish you as a symbol of the Celestial Dragons' might."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Why is it so important to demonstrate power publicly?"

"Being a Celestial Dragon, many will underestimate you," Marcus explained. "They'll judge you based on preconceived notions. Public demonstrations will silence any doubts and bolster our family's reputation and power."

Ethan pondered this, his gaze thoughtful. "I understand. But I'll do it my way when the time comes."

Marcus nodded approvingly. "As long as you achieve the desired results, the method is up to you. The fifth stage involves navigating World Government politics. I'll teach you how to influence key decisions and leverage your military successes to gain political power.Follow me Ethan"

Marcus guided Ethan through the opulent hallways of the property until they reached another room where he resumed the conversation.

The room's opulence seemed to intensify as Marcus outlined his plans. The polished wood gleamed under the golden chandeliers, and the intricate carvings on the walls told tales of the Mars family's legacy. Ethan could feel the weight of his heritage pressing down on him, but it was a burden he was ready to bear.

"I'm looking forward to learning about politics," Ethan said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "What's the next step after that?"

"The sixth stage is about building loyalty," Marcus replied. "Through your actions and leadership, you'll inspire loyalty and respect among your troops. Show concern for their well-being and reward loyalty and bravery. Additionally, we'll establish a personal guard of elite warriors, loyal only to you."

Ethan's eyes lit up at the prospect. "I've been waiting for this stage. Having strong, loyal warriors by my side will be crucial."

Marcus smiled, satisfied with Ethan's enthusiasm. "I thought you'd like that part. Remember, the goal is to create a formidable network of allies and loyal followers who will support you in all your endeavors."

Ethan nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "I won't let you down, Grandfather. I'll make our family proud."

Marcus started to talk again."You are still curios about the CP0 Member that you will be with"

As Ethan heard that, a thought crossed his mind. "Grandfather, I obviously still curios about that, which member of CP0 would you make me establish a relationship with?"

Marcus pondered for a moment before replying. "Stussy would be a strategic choice. She has a unique blend of charm and intelligence, making her an effective negotiator and manipulator. Her influence within CP0 could prove invaluable in navigating the complexities of the World Government."

Ethan considered this. "I've heard of Stussy. She's known for her ability to blend into different social circles and gather intelligence discreetly. Forming an alliance with her could indeed be beneficial."

Marcus nodded. "Precisely. Approach her with caution, but ensure you gain her trust and cooperation. She can provide insights and connections that will be crucial for your rise to power."

Ethan felt a renewed sense of purpose. His grandfather's plan was meticulous, and he was determined to execute it flawlessly. The journey ahead was daunting, but with the support and guidance of Marcus, Kael, and potentially Stussy, he knew he was on the right path.

As the conversation came to an end, Marcus rose from his seat, his regal presence commanding the room. "Remember, Ethan, this is not just about power. It's about securing our family's legacy and ensuring our dominance for generations to come."

Ethan stood as well, meeting his grandfather's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I understand, Grandfather. I'll do whatever it takes to achieve our goals."

Marcus placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder, a rare gesture of affection. "I have no doubt you will. You're destined for greatness, Ethan. Embrace it."

With those words echoing in his mind, Ethan left the room, the weight of his destiny settling over him like a mantle. He walked through the opulent corridors, his thoughts racing with plans and strategies. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: Ethan Mars would not rest until he had secured his family's place at the pinnacle of power.

As he stepped out into the night, the cool air invigorated him. He looked up at the stars, a silent promise forming in his heart. "Mother, Father, I'll make you proud. I'll avenge you and ensure our family's legacy endures."

With that vow, Ethan strode forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The journey would be long and arduous, but he was prepared. The Mars family would rise, and Ethan would be the spearhead of their ascent.