
I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

As a young Peter Quill slowly starves to death in a prison cell on Yondu’s Ravager ship, another soul appears and merges with his body, causing the two souls to mix and become one. A child who lost his mother to cancer and was abducted by space pirates in the very same night… A middle-aged man from another universe with all sorts of future knowledge packed into his head… Both trapped in a much darker version of the MCU. Oh! And it’s Star Wars as well! Male Lead/Main Character: Peter Quill or Star-Lord Female Lead/Love Interest(s): ????? (A/N: I was thinking of having two partners for Peter since Star-Lord is known to be promiscuous, but we’ll see. IDK yet.) If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
203 Chs

C115 Rampage

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



🚨Insert Unhinged GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

Minutes earlier, In a shared dorm room at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Scott Summers found himself staring at his friend and roommate, Pyro, who was hastily packing his things into a big suitcase.

"Hey, Pyro!" Scott exclaimed as he barged into the room, relief washing over him. "Man, it's good to see you up and moving. We were all so worried about you."

Pyro glanced up briefly, his expression tense and guarded. "Yeah, well here I am…" He gave a curt nod and went back to packing. Scott noticed the urgency in his friend's actions and frowned.

"What's going on? Why are you packing?" Scott asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm leaving," Pyro replied, his tone flat and determined.

Scott's heart sank. "Leaving? Why? You just got out of the infirmary. You need to rest."

Pyro didn't respond, his silence heavy with meaning. Scott's mind raced, trying to piece together the reason for his friend's abrupt departure. Then it hit him—Rogue. She had accused Pyro of sexually assaulting her, and Scott had called her a liar. But now, seeing Pyro ready to flee as if his life depended on it, the truth began to come into focus.

"You… You didn't really try to assault Rogue, right?" Scott asked, his voice trembling, as if trying to convince himself otherwise.

Pyro froze, his hands hovering over his suitcase. He didn't look up, didn't meet Scott's eyes. After a moment, he resumed packing, replying only with a simple, "No, I didn't."

Scott's heart pounded in his chest as he watched his friend. The realization dawned on him, guilt and disgust washing over him. "You did it, didn't you? You touched her."

Pyro's face twisted with anger as he slammed his suitcase shut. "Rogue's a lying b*tch," he snapped. "I didn't do anything to her."

Scott shook his head, his disbelief turning into rage. "Don't lie to me! I… I can't believe I defended you..."

Scott stomped forward, knocking over Pyro's suitcase, clothes, and belongings scattering across the floor. "You're not going anywhere. The teachers need to handle this."

Pyro's eyes blazed with fury, flames beginning to dance along his body. "And who's gonna stop me?"

Scott, not one to back down, touched his glasses, moving them forward ever so slightly to reveal the bright, powerful light underneath. "I will."

The air in the room crackled with tension as the two mutants prepared to face off. But, just as the situation seemed ready to blow, a loud explosion rocked the school. The entire building shook, causing both Pyro and Scott to look around in alarm, momentarily forgetting their conflict.

"What the hell was that?" Scott muttered, his eyes darting around the room.

Pyro's flames flickered and dimmed as he looked around before shrugging. "I don't know, and I don't care."

Scott stood there, torn between rushing to whatever was happening and stopping Pyro from leaving. The screams of frightened students and the occasional explosion echoed from downstairs, pulling at his sense of duty.

Seeing his indecision, Pyro smirked and picked up his suitcase. "Go on, Summers. They need you out there. The school's under attack, and you're the golden boy, right? Gotta save everyone."

Scott glanced between Pyro, who began packing again, and the door where the sounds of chaos continued. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He didn't want to let Pyro get away, but his instincts screamed at him to help his fellow students and teachers.

Pyro's smirk widened as he saw Scott wavering. "You know it's the right thing to do, Scott. Are you just going leave all of our friends to die?"

Scott clenched his fists, the conflict clear on his face. He knew Pyro was manipulating him, but the sounds of the school in danger were impossible to ignore. "F*ck!" With a frustrated curse, he turned and sprinted out of the room, knowing Pyro would be long gone after this.

Pyro watched him go, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. He calmly finished packing, then walked to the window. Opening it up, he glanced down at the ground far below. With practiced ease, he jumped out, using his fire powers like thrusters to soften his fall before rushing off, not even bothering to turn and look back.


Just as Pyro began packing, Carol Danvers awoke in the dimly lit infirmary of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. As she stood up, she realized with growing horror that she wasn't in control of her body. Her conscious mind was trapped, a panicked observer as her body moved on its own.

'What's happening to me? How did I get here?' Carol's thoughts raced. The last thing she remembered was crashing the jet she was flying during the test flight for Project Pegasus.

Her body moved toward the other patients in the infirmary—two women she'd never seen before. They lay asleep in their hospital beds, seemingly unharmed. Carol stood between them, her face hollow and expressionless, unable to exert any control over her actions.

After a long minute of creepily watching the other patients sleep, The door to the infirmary opened, and Beast walked in, a clipboard in one hand and a lab coat on. He froze, seeing Carol out of bed and standing over Rogue and Storm. Nervous, as he knew little about her other than what Peter told Xavier and her crash landing in the woods behind the school, he tried to call out to her. "Excuse me, Carol, right? Are you feeling alright?"

Carol's body turned on its own, her conscious mind startled by Beast's appearance. His hairy, blue, animalistic features were a stark contrast to anything she had ever seen, but her body didn't react at all.

Beast noticed the blank look on her face and her robotic movements, his concern deepening. "Are you okay?" he asked, stepping closer.

Carol's body remained motionless, unresponsive. Beast cautiously moved forward, extending a comforting hand. "It's alright, you're safe here."

As he got closer, suddenly, Carol's hand raised, and a bright blue energy formed in her palm. Before she could even comprehend what was happening, the energy blasted forward, aimed directly at Beast.

Alarmed, Beast had no time to dodge. The blast hit him squarely in the chest, launching him backward with incredible force. He crashed through the wall behind him, continuing through several more walls as he was propelled down the hallway.

The aftermath of the blast left a gaping hole in the infirmary wall, debris scattered across the floor.

Carol's body turned and walked out of the infirmary, her movements still robotic and devoid of emotion. Inside, her conscious mind screamed, trapped and terrified by her lack of control and the destruction she was causing.

Beast staggered to his feet in the hallway, shaking off the rubble. He winced in pain, a deep scorch mark marring his clothes and blue fur where the blast had hit him. "Raaah!" With a determined growl, he rushed back toward Carol.

As Beast pounced forward, Carol turned to face him, her eyes glowing with a dangerous light. "!"

Beast leaped at her with incredible agility, claws outstretched, but Carol's body reacted swiftly, raising her hand and blasting him with another burst of energy.

This time, Beast managed to dodge at the last second, rolling to the side and lunging again, aiming for a tackle. He managed to knock her off balance, but only briefly.

Carol responded with brutal efficiency, delivering a powerful kick to Beast's midsection, sending him crashing into a nearby door. He roared in pain but quickly recovered, readying himself for another attack. But before he could strike, Carol unleashed a flurry of energy blasts, forcing him to stay on the defensive.

As Beast struggled to fend off the relentless onslaught, suddenly a student appeared down the hall, causing Beast's eyes to widen.

Scott Summers, having heard the commotion, rushed over and quickly focused on the immediate threat—Carol, standing amidst the chaos with an eerie, emotionless expression.

"Scott, no!" Beast shouted, but it was too late. Scott, determined to help, took aim and removed his glasses, unleashing a powerful blast of his optic beams.

Carol's body reacted with inhuman speed, raising her hand to counter. A brilliant blue energy blast erupted from her palm, meeting Scott's laser head-on. The two beams clashed in the air, a dazzling display of raw power.

For a moment, it seemed like a stalemate, but Carol's energy gradually began to overpower Scott's. The force of her blast grew stronger, pushing back his optic beam inch by inch. Scott gritted his teeth, straining to maintain his attack, but it was no use. Carol's energy blast surged forward, finally breaking through his beam and hitting him square in the face.

The impact was immediate and brutal. Scott was lifted off his feet and sent hurtling backward, crashing into a wall with a sickening thud. He slumped to the ground, unconscious, his eyes closed.

(A/N: I had to do it to em…)

And just as Carol was about to fire yet another beam at the downed student, suddenly, the front door burst open and Colossus barreled in, his massive frame a formidable sight.

"Peekaboo!" He exclaimed as he swung a heavy, metal fist at her, but surprisingly, Carol sidestepped with inhuman speed, countering with a punch of her own that sent him staggering backward.

"What the hell is she made of?" Colossus regained his footing and retaliated, his metal fists clashing with Carol's much smaller figure.

Joining his colleague, Beast lunged at Carol's back, landing several solid blows while she was distracted by Colossus. Unfortunately, his attacks weren't strong enough to faze her.

As if swatting at a fly, Carol swiftly turned and grabbed Beast by the arm, hurling him across the room. His body crashed into a wall with a sickening thud.

Seizing the moment, Colossus landed a powerful punch to Carol's side, but she barely flinched. And in return, she turned and hit him with an energy shrouded fist, launching him out of the front door.

As silence settled over the area, the echo of footsteps reverberated down the hallway. Storm emerged from the infirmary, clad in a hospital gown, her eyes crackling with electricity. "What's going on?" she demanded groggily, surveying the chaotic scene.

Beast, battered and bruised, managed to speak. "She's out of control. We need to stop her."

Storm nodded grimly, raising her hands to summon a gust of wind that swept through the hall, hurling Carol out the front door and onto the front lawn of the school.

There, Colossus stood ready to attack, but Carol enveloped herself in blue energy, landing gracefully away from him, her feet firmly planted on the ground.

Storm followed her outside, with Beast close behind. Clouds gathered in the darkening sky above as lightning crackled, striking down toward Carol, who didn't even bother dodging.

*Boom!* A deafening, blinding bolt of lightning struck Carol, but still, she remained unfazed, absorbing the electricity. Her eyes glowed even brighter as she redirected the energy back at Storm.

The lightning hit Storm square in the chest, sending her flying backward into the mansion, crashing through multiple walls before landing back in the infirmary. "Ugh…" She groaned in pain but quickly got back to her feet, determination in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Rogue began to stir in her hospital bed, her eyes fluttering open. She saw the destroyed infirmary and struggled to sit up. "What's happening?"

Storm turned to her, wincing from the pain. "Rogue, go and evacuate with the other students."

Rogue attempted to protest, "But—"

Storm turned to her, eyes glowing with a dangerous intensity. "No buts. Go… NOW!"

Rogue hesitated, her mind wracked with confusion, but then nodded, still not fully understanding the gravity of the situation. But nonetheless, she ran out of the infirmary as she was told, away from the sounds of battle.

With Rogue gone, the teachers focused all their efforts on subduing Carol. Beast, Colossus, and Storm launched coordinated attacks, each using their unique abilities to try and overwhelm her. But Carol's power was too great. She effortlessly deflected their assaults, her overwhelming power sending them reeling.

Meanwhile, inside her own mind, Carol was in shock. 'How am I doing this? Who are these people? What's happening?!' Her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and fear. She had no idea she possessed such powers, nor did she understand why she was fighting these strangers.

As time passed and the fight progressed, the area was transformed into a battlefield of scorched earth and shattered debris, with remnants of their intense clash scattered everywhere.

Carol stood over the beaten bodies of the X-Men. Her eyes glowed with power, and her expression remained cold and emotionless. "…"

Storm, struggling to stand, was the first target for execution. Carol's body moved with deadly precision, raising her hand to unleash a final, devastating blast. Inside, Carol's trapped conscious mind screamed in terror, unable to stop what was about to happen.

But before the lethal energy could be released, the sound of helicopter blades cutting through the air caught everyone's attention. "?"

Carol's body turned toward the source, momentarily distracted by a descending helicopter. Raising her hand, she prepared to shoot it down, but before she could, the side door opened.

Professor X, seated in his wheelchair, emerged and used his telekinesis to float slowly down, descending gracefully in front of Carol. His gaze swept over the damage to his school and its staff, relieved to see that no one appeared to be killed or gravely injured.

As he landed, his eyes locked onto Carol's, filled with a sense of knowing and compassion. "I see you in there," he revealed, shocking her, though her body remained still.

'You can see me?' she asked meekly as her body began to move, preparing to attack again.

"Yes," he replied softly, "but I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to sleep for now." His voice carried the weight of his psychic command. "You've caused enough damage already..."

'That wasn't… me…' Carol's body wobbled on its feet, the glow in her eyes dimming. The unseen force controlling her struggled against the command, but it was no match for Professor X's telepathic power.

And seconds later, Carol collapsed onto the ground, sleeping soundly. "Zzzzz…"

A/N: 2421 words :)




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