
I’m Sailing, Ask Whitebeard A Question At The Start

Luo Ke traveled through the world of Pirates, and even fell to the moon and was sealed. Fortunately, the live broadcast answering system was awakened. In order to lift the seal, Whitebeard answered the questions and started the live broadcast simultaneously all over the world. So with the world’s attention, [Question: Why did Admiral Sengoku publicly execute Portgas d. Ace, captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, in the naval headquarters? 】 [Question: Who adopted the newborn Ace and raised him? 】 [Question: Who knocked Garp out of the top war with one punch and successfully rescued Ace? 】 … Those who watched the live broadcast and saw all this were stunned. It turned out that Garp is a traitor to the Navy… With the continuous emergence of live answering questions, more and more secret things are known, and the entire One Piece world has collapsed.

Zane_Dean_1873 · Otras
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65 Chs

Chapter 3 Welcome to the Q&A Live Room

As a pirate group with a lot of combat experience, the moment the crack appeared, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were drinking immediately woke up from the banquet, and took out their weapons to face the crack vigilantly.

The captain of the 16th Division stood in front of Whitebeard to cover the sudden change.

And when the invisible barrier shrouded the Moby Dick, the eighth division captain Namur the murloc immediately jumped off the deck and jumped up from the sea after a while.

"Dad, we are trapped, and even the bottom of the sea is blocked by that invisible thing." That Muir shook the sea water on his head and said to Whitebeard.

Muir's words made the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates sank.

The enemy actually trapped them, is this trying to catch them all in one go?

"Gu la la la..." Whitebeard stood up and pushed the sons who were in front of him away, his eyes turned to the black screen in mid-air, and he laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that someone would want to shoot me Whitebeard, since half a year The former Ace came to challenge and I haven't encountered it again. It's really exciting!

Whoever, stand up, don't hide, let's have an upright battle. "

Whitebeard's face was smiling, but his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.

This situation made him feel something was wrong.

Because his Observation Haki had covered the vicinity of the Moby Dick, but no intruder was found at all, not even a trace of feeling.

Not only that, he didn't even notice when the crack opened. He must know that his Observation Haki has developed to the top level. Don't look at him drinking, but any trouble can't hide his knowledge, let alone the There was movement under his eyelids.

It's not easy to come!

However, what Whitebeard didn't know was that the same thing was happening all over the world when there was a shady scene in front of him.

It's just that the shady screen that appeared in front of Whitebeard was nothing at the moment, but in other parts of the world, the shady screen that appeared in front of them had already shown the picture.

What was shown on the screen was nothing but the current situation of the Moby Dick.

People all over the world can clearly see the actions of the Whitebeard Pirates at this time.

On the screen, Whitebeard, one of the four emperors among the pirates, was holding one of the twelve supreme swordsmen, Cong Yunqie, vigilantly at the shady scene in front of him.

"Eh? What's the situation, what happened?"

"What picture is this? Wait, that man, isn't that man Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors of the Pirates?"


Many people could not help exclaiming when they saw the scene on this screen. This man is one of the most terrifying beings in the sea right now, and is known as the strongest man in the world!

How could he appear in this picture?

"What happened?"


Just when everyone was in shock, all the famous people from all over the world also saw this scene.

Naval Headquarters, Marineford, on the main square.

Marine Marshal Sengoku and the Marines from the headquarters rushed over to discover the changes in the square.

When Sengoku saw Whitebeard on the screen, his expression changed, and he quickly ordered Marine beside him:

"Go check it out, what's going on, who's doing the trick?"



The same thing happened elsewhere, New World, Paradise, Four Seas, Red Line... Four Emperors Kaido, bigmom, Red Hair, Five Elders, Revolutionary Army...

And East Blue.

Sea Restaurant Bharati.

Luffy and the others are facing off against Krieg's gang.

At this time, the picture that appeared in the air suddenly interrupted the battle between the two sides, and their attention was attracted by this sudden picture.

Just when Luffy was wondering what it was, he saw a person in the picture suddenly couldn't help but scream.



At the same time, also on East Blue, a desolate island, a blond boy looked at the black-haired boy in the picture with a confused look in his eyes.


At this moment, on the Moby Dick, the shady scene in the air finally changed, and a picture appeared on it.

It was a dimly lit room, facing a wall. There seemed to be strange and mysterious lines on the wall. There was a shimmer of light in the dimly lit room, giving the whole environment a strange atmosphere.

In front of the wall is a table with nothing on it.

At this time, a figure came in from outside the screen, and then sat down at the table, facing the screen, his face was full of shadows and could not see his appearance, but Whitebeard and others could feel the other party hiding in the shadows. Eyes are looking at them.

Mysterious, dangerous, powerful... Everyone was a little horrified by such sight.

After looking at each other for a while, the talent in the picture spoke slowly, with a low voice, a somewhat magnetic male voice.

"Welcome to the Q&A live room, I'll ask questions, you can answer them, and you will be rewarded if you answer correctly. Then start asking questions now. This time you have five questions, and each question has only one chance to answer."*