
Party Guessed

Lydia wakes up in her bed, crying and covered in dirt. She asks Peter, who appears on the bed beside her.

"Leave me alone," Lydia tells him.

"Unfortunately I can't at least not yet," Peter says.

"Are you real" Lydia asks.

"interestingly that question could also be answered not yet," Peter says as he sits up.

Peter promises that everything will get back to normal as long as Lydia does everything he asks. He takes her down the stairs and fills her in on his plan. The March full moon is coming. It's the last full moon of winter; the ground will be thawing and worms will be crawling out of the earth. which gives it the feeling of rebirth.

"But the full moon is on Wednesday that's my birthday," Lydia said.

"Exactly," Peter says as he shows her a party on the back pool, "and Lydia's birthday party is always the party of the year isn't it? everyone wants to go to Lydia's party so we're gonna make it a very special party"

"And what if I don't," Lydia asks and Peter shows her everyone at the party dead with blood everywhere making Lydia gasp in fear.

"I think it's best if we make a plan and stick to it. That way no one gets hurt" Peter tells her.

"Why me," Lydia asks.

"Because Lydia Martin is not only beautiful, not only incredibly intelligent she's immune," Peter says.

"immune to your bite," Lydia says

"That's right, I see they finally told you I bet it sucks to be the last to know," Peter says before he disappears from her side and she hears a growl coming from the window to her right. she sees red eyes staring at her, she screams as it lunges at her.


A few days later at the subway cubby, Derek opens a wooden trunk. Isaac points to the spiral design on it and asks what it means.

"It's a triskele. Spirals mean different things—past, present, future. Mother, father, child." Boyd says

"Know what it means to me?" Derek asks.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega?" Boyd says not sure of his answer.

"That's right," Derek says impressed, "it's a spiral, reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another, Beta's can become alphas and alphas can also fall to Beta's or even omega's"

"like Scott," Isaac asks.

"Scott's with us now," Derek says.

"really where is he now," Isaac says.

"He's looking for Jackson don't worry he won't have it easy tonight either none of us will it's the price you pay for this kind of power you get the ability to heal but tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find," Derek says as he hands Isaac a chain.

"Good thing I had my period last week then," Erica says jokingly.

"well this one's for you," Derek says as he shows her around metal with bolts around it.

"Not tonight Derek so put the toys back in the box," Astrid says as she walks up to them.

"what do you mean," Derek asks confused.

"well I forgot to tell you but the pack house is finished and it has a better place that can hold them than a rusted and rundown train so bring them over," Astrid says making Derek nod as he put everything back in the box.


At home, Stiles is combing through Beacon Hills yearbooks. He's crossed out the pages of the murder victims so far and is looking for the pattern that links them.

"Hey what are you doing," Stilinski asks.

"Homework," Stiles says and Stilinski keeps walking before he realises something and turns back.

"It's spring break," he says before entering Stiles's room, "what do you think you're doing"

"Satisfying my own curiosity," Stiles says before Stilinski closes the yearbook.

"They brought Harris in for questioning this morning," Stilinski says.

"And?" Stiles asks curiously.

"They're working on a warrant to arrest him for the murders," Stilinski says.

"For all of them," Stiles asks.

"Enough of them" Stilinski answers.

"With what proof"Stiles says.

"You remember the couple at the trailer, tyre tracks found match Harris's car," Stilinski tells him.

"That's not enough," Stiles says as he opens the yearbook only for Stilinski to close it.

"Same car was also seen outside the hospital when the pregnant wife was killed. its got a bumper sticker on it a quote from Einstein" Stilinski continues.

"Wait what quote?" Stiles asks.

"something about imagination and knowledge," Stilinski says.

"'Imagination is more important than knowledge' yea saw the same car outside the rave," Stiles says.

"That means you're a witness you're gonna have to give a statement," Stilinski says.

"But what about the concert promoter, Cara? She wasn't in Harris's class, right? And what does Mr Lahey have to do with Harris?" Stiles says.

"it doesn't matter the tyre tracks puts Harris

at the scene of three murders, that's damning evidence" Stilinski says.

"No it's not enough," Stiles says as he flips through the yearbook.

"I thought you hated this guy," Stilinski says.

"I don't hate him alright, he hates me and you know if he killed them all then lock this psycho up but something is missing there's gotta be something missing," Stiles says as keeps flipping the pages of the yearbook.

"Hey, Hey you don't have to solve this for me," Stilinski tells him

"I have to do something," Stiles says still guilty for losing his father his job. Stilinski sighs before looking at the yearbook and becoming shocked.

"What," Stiles asks.

"Look at the swim team," Stilinski says and Stiles looks seeing all the victims.

"Dad the coach it's Isaac's dad," Stiles says.


At the party, Scott and Stiles talk about what they've found out about Jackson and the Kanima's master.

"We figured out it has something to do with water. You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the Kanima reacted around the pool." Stiles tells him.

"So whoever's controlling the Kanima really hates the swim team?" Scott asks.

"Hated the swim team. Specifically, the 2006 swim teams it could be a student or a teacher back then I mean who are we missing, what haven't we thought of" Stiles says.

"well Jackson's not here so are Astrid and Allison," Scott says.

"well it is Allison's first full moon and no one is here because Lydia's turned into the town's wackjob," Stiles reminds him, "We have to do something because we've completely ignored her for the past 2 weeks"

"she's completely ignored you for the past 10 years," Scott says.

"I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar.... yet," Stiles says and Scott shakes his head.

"We don't owe her a party," Scott says.

"Well she wouldn't be the town's wackjob if it weren't for us," Stiles says.

"I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here," Scott says.

"Hey, I also know some people who can get this thing going like really going," Stiles says as take out his phone.


At the packhouse, Astrid and Allison are cuddling on the couch staring at the lit fireplace waiting for Derek and his pack.

"When does it start," Allison asks.

"When the moon's at its peak but you can feel its effect right," Astrid tells her.

"Yeah, I feel this burst of energy like something's awakening inside me," Allison says as she looks at her hand.

"That's your wolf side trying to get out," Astrid tells her before she takes out a small wooden box from her pocket, "here"

"it's beautiful is it like yours," Allison says when she opens it and sees a necklace with a sword-shaped Crystal.

"Yes, it's enchanted to keep your clothes when you shift" Astrid explained as she took the necklace and put it on Allison's neck, "it suits you," she says before they hear the doorbell ring. Astrid gets up and opens the door for Derek and his Betas to get in.

"This place is nice" Erica comments.

"of course, my pack gets the best which reminds me your not going back to that abandoned train station I'll give you a tour around the house tomorrow," Astrid says shocking the betas.

"We get to stay here," Boyd asks.

"Yes, since I am Derek's Alpha you are a part of my pack," Astrid says as she leads them to a room with 5 cells the cell doors are all open.

"Are you sure these are going to hold because I ripped off the cell door in the sheriff's station on my first full moon?" Isaac says.

"These are supernatural proof, not just werewolves," Astrid says with a smirk.

"Mountain ash," Derek says.

"Correct the walls around each cell plus the bars are inlaid with mountain ash so once the doors close..."

"They are not getting out," Derek says finishing for her after that Erica, Boyd and Isaac get their own cell and Astrid closes the doors Isaac puts his hand between the bars and a barrier pushes him back making Astrid nod as she leaves. The moonlight seeps through a window making the betas groan.

"How come you're not feeling this" Isaac asks Derek.

"I feel every second of it," Derek says.

"Then how do you control it," Isaac asks.

"Find an anchor. Something meaningful to you. Bind yourself to it, keep the human side in control." Derek tells him.

"What is it for you"

"anger, but it doesn't have to be for everybody," Derek says before they hear growls and turn to see Boyd and Erica wolfed out.


Everyone at Lydia's party seems to be getting high off the punch which is liaised with wolfsbane. Scott looks at his hand as if he thinks he's about to sprout some werewolf claws. Lydia puts a glass of punch in his outstretched hand and he takes a sip.

Stiles hallucinates his dad arriving at the party after a funeral. He's drunk and angry.

"it's you it's all you, You know, every day I saw her lying in that hospital bed, slowly dying, I thought, 'How the hell am I supposed to raise this stupid kid on my own? This hyperactive little bastard who keeps ruining my life.' It's all you. It's you, Stiles. You killed your mother, you hear me? You killed her. And now you're killing me." H.Stilinski says before he throws his bottle at Stiles and Stiles comes out of the hallucination and realises he's crying. (An: I cried when I saw this scene the first time and it still gets me today 🥺)

Jackson has a glass of punch and it seems to wake him from his Kanima coma. He looks around, confused, and hallucinates seeing his biological parents arrive at the party. They turn around but their faces are all blurred out. Then Jackson's face is blurred out before he snaps out of it.


Astrid and Allison are standing on a clearing in the woods. The moon hits its peak before a loud crack is heard as Allison's ankles break she screams before dropping on her hands and knees.

"Allison listen to me I know it hurts and as I told you it could take hours if you fight it," Astrid says as more of Allison's bones break and reform, "so I need you to concentrate on the air in your lungs and the ground beneath your feet and let the pain in allow it to swallow you whole and when you're done we'll run wild and free"

"I can do this" Allison says as she lets go and her bones break and reform faster and in her place is a beautiful 6ft black and white wolf. she walks up to Astrid who's smiling at her and rubs her head on her shoulder.

"You look beautiful now catch me if you can," Astrid says with a smirk before shifting and sprinting into the woods Allison chases after her soon enough. They chase each other around the woods play fighting with Astrid pining Allison on the floor and Allison licks her face before slipping from under Astrid and running in a direction. They finally come to a stop on a cliff overlooking Beacon Hills and Astrid howls followed by Allison.

Back at the packhouse, Derek is sitting in front of the cells with Erica, Boyd and Isaac trying to get out but Isaac suddenly stops and looks calm and in control.

"Looks like you found an anchor," Derek asks.

"My father," Isaac tells him.

"Your father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you," Derek says.

"He didn't use to," Isaac says and Derek doesn't say anything else. He gets out of the room and heads towards where he saw a bar but gets interrupted by the doorbell. He opens the door and sees Lydia before he can ask her what she's doing here she blows powdered wolfsbane in his face knocking him out.


Scott and Stiles can't find Lydia and everyone who drank the punch is freaking out. People start jumping in the pool. Matt starts screaming that he can't swim as two guys throw him in the pool. He starts going under and everyone stands there doing nothing. Except for Jackson, who hauls him out of the water and looks like he's going to kill everyone around him.

Sirens sound as the police arrive and the party clears out in less than a minute. Scott sees Matt standing on the road with the Kanima crouched next to him, its tail wrapped protectively around Matt's legs. People are running everywhere and Matt and the Kanima disappear. 


Lydia drags Derek all the way to the Hale house. Derek wakes up and sees the floor ripped up right where Peter was buried.

Lydia takes Derek's arm and puts it in corpse Peter's hand. Then she puts the mirror in a way to make sure the light of the moon reflects on Peter's corpse.

Peter digs his claws into Derek's arm, drawing blood, and opens his eyes. Then Peter bursts through the floorboards and gets to his feet. Derek is fully awake now and Lydia looks terrified.

"I heard there was a party. Don't worry; I invited myself." Peter says before smirking.