
Hunting the Lycan King

Elena Petrov is a Rogue Hunter, tasked with hunting down the most vicious of the furry beasts and putting a bullet through their brain…or heart, whichever she could reach first. But when she finds herself in the grasps of the Vampire King, who gives her the offer to either serve him the Lycan King’s head in a silver platter or watch her sister be mercilessly drained of blood in front of her…she has no choice but to set out on the most difficult task of her life…hunting down the Lycan King, Vincent Blackburn. However, their first encounter doesn’t go as she had planned and she ends up in the dungeons, chained and ready to be executed by the Lycan King himself. However, as their eyes meet and a searing contact is forged in the unexpected circumstances, she hears him say the only words she never expected to hear from a Lycan: Mate.

Bloodbath008 · Fantasía
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65 Chs

Chapter 9: Clash Of Wills

Vincent's P.O.V

I tussled with a heavy burden of truth, a realization that weighed heavily upon me—a truth that demanded discretion and restraint, lest the fragile balance of our intertwined destinies be disrupted. The knowledge of her being my destined mate, a connection etched in the depths of my being, stirred within me a rough conflict—a disclosure I dared not divulge just yet.

The urgency to save her life tugged at the depths of my conscience, but a clandestine instinct warned me against revealing the depths of our unclaimed bond. The threads of fate that bound us was a force beyond comprehension, a secret I held close to my chest, shielding it from the prying eyes of those around me.

Lucien's inquiry remained in the air like an unspoken query, probing the depths of my intentions. In that unstable moment, I chose to withhold the truth, veiling her identity under the guise of valuable information—an intricate web of deception woven to protect her, and the fragile alliance that bound us.

"She possesses information crucial to my safety," I declared, my voice resolute with a sense of purpose. "Like you said previously, she was working alone without any orders from the Guild. So I need her to survive in order to obtain that information. I need to know what intentions she harbored for her to want me dead."

The weight of my words hung between us, a strategic semblance crafted to obscure the deeper truth that threatened to unravel the intricacies of our intertwined destinies.

Lucien, perceptive as ever, nodded in understanding through the phone screen, his keen gaze betraying an underlying comprehension of the unspoken depths that cloaked our conversation. His acknowledgment bore a semblance of tacit approval as if recognizing the veiled complexities that obscured the truth.

He then spoke of Elena—revealing fragments of her past that illuminated the intricacies of her existence. 

"Elena…had been a loyal soldier to the organization of Guild Hunters since the tender age of ten." He told me with a solemn expression. "I cannot imagine her doing something so reckless. I would like to know as well…what could have prompted her to such a course of action."

His words bore the weight of an untold history, an unwavering allegiance that Elena held towards their cause. A sense of admiration swelled within me, acknowledging the unwavering dedication that had defined her life—a testament to her resilience and unrelenting spirit in the face of adversity.

The revelation that Elena had acted without orders, the sheer audacity of her attempt on my life, painted a portrait of motivations veiled beneath a shroud of mystery.

However, the difficulties of her allegiance and the motives behind her recent actions remained shrouded in ambiguity—a puzzle whose pieces lay scattered amidst the tapestry of her enigmatic existence. The mystery surrounding her intentions deepened the sense of urgency within me, a relentless pursuit to unravel the truth that lay veiled beneath the surface.

As Lucien and I deliberated on the complexities of the situation, the urgency to procure the reserve of Elena's blood intensified with each passing moment. The specter of impending danger loomed ominously over her, propelling me into a frenzied pursuit to safeguard her fragile existence.

I stood amid a tumultuous confluence of emotions, the weight of the situation pressing upon me like an unyielding burden. Lucien's revelations about Elena's inexplicable attempt on my life unveiled a chasm of unfathomable mystery—a depth of motive shrouded in enigmatic silence that echoed through the corridors of my mind.

"I think it is best if you send her back to us." Lucien spoke, cutting through the haze that had descended upon me not long ago. "We have the necessary procedures to heal a hunter and her blood reservoir within our walls. It's better if she gets her treatment at the Guild headquarters. Also, as the Guild of Hunters, we have the authority to seek the truth from her."

Lucien's desire to summon her back to his guild for interrogation stirred a tempest of conflicting emotions within me—a clash between the desire for truth and the primal instinct to protect her.

Lucien's words hung heavily in the air, the gravity of his proposition resonating with a sense of urgency. He sought her return to his guild, a demand steeped in the pursuit of answers—a quest to unravel the enigmatic tapestry of motives that had propelled her to such audacious actions.

Yet, a rush of protectiveness surged within me—a fierce instinct that compelled me to shield her from the encroaching claws of interrogation. I didn't want her out of my sight, especially when she was at such a delicate state. And if I had to fight the guild for her to remain by my side, then so be it.

"No." I told him firmly. "Elena won't be going anywhere."

"Alpha Vincent, I need her back with us for questioning," Lucien implored, the urgency in his voice underscoring the gravity of the situation. 

His proposition, a stark choice between the pursuit of truth and the protective instinct that gnawed at my conscience, left me grappling with a tumultuous decision. 

"Lucien, I cannot comply," I declared, my voice resonant with a resolute fervor. The fervent protectiveness that surged within me eclipsed the pursuit of answers—a primal instinct that compelled me to shield her from the probing claws of interrogation.

"If there is anything that we uncover during our investigation, you will be notified at once." Lucien tried again, but my decision remained firm.

The unspoken bond that tethered us, a connection that transcended the boundaries of reason, urged me to safeguard her existence from the impending dangers that lurked within the confines of Lucien's guild.

The air hung heavy with unresolved tension, the delicate balance between truth-seeking and protective instinct perched on the precipice of an unresolved dilemma. 

The prospect of unraveling the motives behind Elena's actions remained shrouded in uncertainty—a riddle waiting to be deciphered amidst the tumultuous tumult of our intertwined destinies.

I stood resolute in my decision, my voice unwavering as I addressed Lucien's proposal. The responsibility for Elena's well-being now rested upon my shoulders—an obligation borne from the incident that had threatened her life within the confines of my dungeons.

"Lucien, as she is under my care and the incident occurred within my pack's territory, I will take full responsibility for her," I stated firmly, the weight of my words punctuated by a steadfast resolve. "But I cannot send her back. Since you left her fate in my hands in the first place, asking me to do what I felt as just after her attempt…she now belongs to me in every sense of the word."

The echo of my proclamation echoed through the taut silence that enveloped us, a declaration that underscored my unwavering commitment to safeguard her existence until the truth behind her actions was unraveled.

Lucien's hesitation was noticeable, a fleeting glance of uncertainty etched across his face. However, after a moment's reflection, a resigned sigh escaped his lips, a silent concession to my proposal.

"Very well, Vincent. I'll agree to your terms," he conceded, his words tinged with a subtle sense of acceptance. The reluctant agreement echoed with an unspoken understanding, acknowledging the delicate balance between truth-seeking and my protective instinct that now enveloped Elena within the confines of my pack.

"Send me her blood." I told him firmly. "Unless you want her to die without any of us being the wiser. Send her blood so we can all get to the bottom of this."

The weight of the impending responsibility settled upon me, a profound sense of duty that compelled me to safeguard her fragile existence from the impending dangers that lurked within the shadows.

"I've notified my men and they will soon be delivering you with what you need."

Lucien's reassurance stirred a front of relief within me—a crucial step towards her recovery and the elucidation of the puzzles that veiled her actions.

"My men shall be waiting at the borders to receive the supply. I thank you for your generosity."

As the echoes of our conversation faded into the stillness of the moment, an air of uncertainty stayed—an unresolved uncertainty poised to unfurl amidst the difficulties of our intertwined destinies. 

I gave my men a mental command as to be prepared to receive a shipment from the Guild; however, I gave them strict advice that the guild must not enter our region just yet. I didn't know what prompted me to do that but somewhere in the depth of my mind; I was aware that no one from that organization should be allowed close to Elena.

The hunters were stealthy and organized and if one of them had been able to infiltrate my pack and lay in waiting so they could catch me offguard, then a group of them could try and do a lot more.

Also, I didn't want them to take Elena away from me, by any means they could try and use. I knew the Guild leader well, and I knew that the only reason he had let me have the first choice was because of obligations towards the guild.

So there was nothing stopping him from trying anything now, especially when he had already shown interest in taking her back…something that I could never allow to happen again. Elena was mine. Mine to protect, my mate, and mine to do as I pleased.

Yet, as I prepared to embark on this tumultuous journey, a sense of foreboding lingered within me—a silent suspicion that the truth held within its depths perils that transcended the confines of our awareness. The looming shadows of uncertainty cast a pall over the horizon, leaving the path ahead encircled in the unfathomable depths of an unresolved dilemma.