
Hunting the Lycan King

Elena Petrov is a Rogue Hunter, tasked with hunting down the most vicious of the furry beasts and putting a bullet through their brain…or heart, whichever she could reach first. But when she finds herself in the grasps of the Vampire King, who gives her the offer to either serve him the Lycan King’s head in a silver platter or watch her sister be mercilessly drained of blood in front of her…she has no choice but to set out on the most difficult task of her life…hunting down the Lycan King, Vincent Blackburn. However, their first encounter doesn’t go as she had planned and she ends up in the dungeons, chained and ready to be executed by the Lycan King himself. However, as their eyes meet and a searing contact is forged in the unexpected circumstances, she hears him say the only words she never expected to hear from a Lycan: Mate.

Bloodbath008 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 10: In His Care

Elena's P.O.V

I stirred from my sleep, greeted by the gentle warmth of the morning sun casting its golden rays upon my face. A severe feeling of soreness and discomfort enveloped my entire being as if every inch of my body had been subjected to an unforgiving assault. 

Confusion clouded my mind as I surveyed my unfamiliar surroundings, struggling to piece together the fragmented memories that lingered on the fringes of my consciousness.

As I attempted to recall the events leading up to this disconcerting moment, a rush of memories flooded my mind like a torrential wave crashing upon the shores of my thoughts. 

The harrowing encounter, the dungeons, the vampires...and then the unexpected turn of events that brought me to this foreign place—all surged back with startling clarity.

Gasping for air, I sat up abruptly, my stare glancing around the room in a frantic attempt to verify my surroundings. And there, seated opposite my bed, was the Lycan King—a figure of authority and power—regarding me with an intensity that seized the very essence of my being.

For an infinite moment, the breath caught in my throat, stolen away by the striking presence of the Lycan King. 

His penetrating stare held an undeniable charisma, his handsome visage etching itself into the depths of my consciousness. 

A noticeable sense of vulnerability washed over me, tinged with a strange allure that rendered me momentarily breathless.

I felt a sudden surge of anxiety mingled with curiosity, an uproar of emotions that swirled within me, leaving me adrift in a sea of clashing feelings. 

The complex dilemmas of our shared history, the puzzling bond that tethered us, hung palpably in the air—a tapestry woven with threads of perplexing rapport that defied reason.

Uncertainty loomed large within me, a nagging suspicion that my situation teetered on the bluff of an intricate web of alliances and loyalties that extended far beyond my understanding. 

The presence of the Lycan King, a tough force within the dark world I found myself entangled in, cast a shadow of obscurity over the events that had led me to this moment.

As I struggled to steady my chaotic thoughts, a myriad of questions cascaded through my mind, begging for answers that remained frustratingly elusive. 

How did I get here? Where was 'here' in the first place? How was I even alive? What happened to the vampires that had attacked me? Why was the Lycan King in this room, in front of me?

The bizarre presence of the Lycan King, coupled with the bewildering turn of events that had brought us together, fueled the flames of my curiosity, igniting a fervent desire to unravel the mysteries that enveloped me.

Yet, amidst the chaos of uncertainty, a baffling sense of safety washed over me—an unspoken reassurance nestled within the confines of his eye. 

A fragile glow of trust flickered within me, an uncertain admission of the unspoken complexities that bound our fates together in ways that eluded understanding.

The air crackled with an unspoken tension, a delicate interplay of emotions and unspoken truths remaining within the confines of the room. 

The daunting prospect of facing the unknown loomed large before me, setting the stage for a journey fraught with intricacies waiting to be unraveled amidst the ungraspable depths of a dark existence.

I found myself ensnared in a moment of surreal captivation, locked in a silent exchange with the Lycan King—his blond eyes holding a mesmerizing allure that seemed to tug at the very strings of my heart. 

The intensity of his stare bore an inexplicable charisma, drawing me into an unspoken communion that exceeded the bounds of reason.

Caught in a trance-like state, I was jolted back to reality by the Lycan King's inquiry, his voice breaking the hypnotic spell that held me captive. 

"Am I really that mesmerizing? You haven't blinked once since you started staring at me."

His words pierced the stillness, questioning my unwavering stare fixed upon him. Startled, I blinked, tearing my gaze away from his captivating eyes, a sudden rush of anxiety washing over me.

My thoughts raced as I grappled with his query, struggling to articulate the whirlwind of emotions that swirled within me. 

I directed my gaze elsewhere, attempting to shield myself from the intensity of his scrutiny, and questioned the very foundation of my existence.

"How am I still alive?" I asked, my voice tinged with a hint of disbelief, memories of the harrowing encounter with the vampires flooding back to me. "The last time I remembered…I was in the dungeons."

The recollection of their relentless assault, the searing pain of their bites and scratches, lingered like haunting echoes in the corridors of my mind. I looked down at my hands to search for those marks, and saw the faint circles dotting all over my exposed skin. But somehow, they were already healing.

The Lycan King rose from his chair, his imposing figure advancing towards me with a sense of purpose that sent a shiver down my spine. 

"I managed to save you in time." His words resounded through the room, making me swallow a lump forming in my throat. "My apologies for what happened. My former Beta had acted without my knowledge…and so, he had been punished accordingly as well."

I didn't know why, but the way he told me about his Beta being punished 'accordingly' made me shiver in fear. I didn't like the cold tone with which he spoke, as if other people's lives mattered little to him.

"So…how am I still here?" I asked again, because even if he had managed to save me from the vampires, I had lost a great deal of blood.

"I got your blood from the Guild." He spoke almost nonchalantly, the as he moved closer to me, I found myself almost involuntarily shrinking back on the enormous bed. "I had my healers tend to you at all times. I made sure you'll be perfectly healthy when you rose to consciousness. After all, I didn't do all of this so I could let you go. You own me an explanation, Elena. A proper one."

His words, a veiled warning laced with a subtle threat, hung in the air—a tacit implication that my silence would be met with dire consequences.

In a sudden surge of defiance, I mustered the courage to challenge his veiled threats, calling out his bluff with a resolute determination. After all, he called me his mate, didn't he?

"If you truly intended to harm me, you wouldn't have gone to such lengths to heal me and seek aid from the Hunter's Guild," I retorted, my voice echoing with an unwavering conviction. "Because the only blood that could be used for transfusion is my own, and only the guild has that in storage."

The air crackled with tension, an unspoken standoff between us, as the weight of our words hung palpably in the space that separated us. 

The unstable balance of power and uncertainty danced within the confines of the room, a delicate interplay of emotions and unspoken truths that underscored the perplexing nature of our exchange.

"You're right." Vincent finally sighed. "It was Lucien who gave me your blood. But he also sealed your fate. He gave me permission to do as I please with you. So now, you are truly trapped here under my care."

I stilled, my mind reeling from the revelation of the blood transfusion that had saved my life—an intervention orchestrated by Lucien and facilitated through the guild's supplies. 

The realization of Lucien's involvement in my rescue left me grappling with a surge of conflicting emotions, a yearning to understand the underlying intentions that lurked behind his actions.

Seeking clarity, I turned to the Lycan King, poised to inquire about Lucien's whereabouts and his intentions. Yet, before I could voice my query, Vincent drew inexplicably close, his presence looming over me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. His sudden closeness stirred a whirlwind of anxiety within me, leaving me ensnared in the enigmatic web of our closeness.

"Why this longing in your eyes at the mention of that man's name?" Vincent inquired, his voice laced with a subtle accusation that resonated with a hint of curiosity. His penetrating stare bore into mine, probing the depths of my emotions with an unspoken fervor that left me feeling exposed.

"Is he your lover?"

I bristled at the essence behind his question, a defiant spark igniting within me as I countered his scrutiny. "And what if he is?" I challenged, my voice tinged with an undertone of defiance. The mention of Lucien's name stirred a maelstrom of emotions within me—conflicting sentiments that hung between the realms of loyalty and unspoken desires.

Before I could understand his intentions, a sudden surge of feeling swept through me as Vincent's lips met mine in an unexpected gesture. 

The unexpected intimacy caught me off guard, a fleeting moment of connection that left me stunned—bewildered by the whirlwind of emotions that surged within me in the wake of that impulsive act.

As I grappled with the confused whirlwind of emotions that surged within me, a sense of bewilderment and uncertainty eclipsed my thoughts. 

The unexpected intimacy with the Lycan King untangled a maze of conflicting emotions—a bewildering tapestry of desires and unanswered questions that lingered within the recesses of my mind.