
Hunter x hunter: Survival

(18th October 2021, Paul Mathers died) Dying was something I expected my entire life; being diagnosed with a chronic disease in my early teen's coupled with disturbing medications tests, it was hard to live a joyful life. And even harder to make friends and grow attached to things. Thus I preferred to stay away from people, knowing my impending death would just make them sad...I didn't wanna leave people with tears on their face.. Looking back I was such a nice guy....Anyways, I wasn't sad or depressed at my soon arriving death...I didn't sob over it like a middle school girl getting rejected...That wasn't gonna solve shit. I knew better than most, crying is a pointless endeavor, especially when I probably shed more tears than a snake does it's skin... So you could say I was a kind of expert in crying, enough to elect me as the crybaby of the year if such an award existed... But alas, the world truly doesn't acknowledge the talented, we're just left in the ever-growing dark of nothingness. "Ophelia!...Push!...I can see the boy's head," a not so familiar voice Follow Paul's journey in Hunter x hunter

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6 Chs

Ch 5

If you want to read ahead go to: https://www.patre(o)n.com/strawaloon


Paul followed Wing to his private room on 150th floor; the room was painted milky white with no over-the-top decoration to entertain it's inhabitants. His bed was neatly made with a cotton blanket rolled over the spongy matress evenly, the other belongings appeared neatly tidied up. From a single glance it was pretty obvious what kind of a man Wing was... The follow-the-rules one. A complete opposite to Hisoka.

Wing stood in front of Paul, staring him in the eye. He exerted his nen targetting Paul, he's nen wasn't ill intented, rather it was tranquil. Gon felt his body being covered by something... something he couldn't see but just feel. He felt his body being injected with energy, a sudden burst of power shot into Paul.

"This is nen, huh"

The feeling was hard to describe, all Paul felt was his muscles and bones being energised miraculously. It was a weird feeling but amazing at the same time.

"This is nen, a power everysingle living creature posseses.. Some are able to control and effectively harness this power, they are known as nen users. I will teach you to unlock your own nen," Wing spoke.

Paul had been waiting to learn nen for a long time and simply couldn't refuse.

Later, Paul decided to take the risk of forcefully awakening his nen, choosing the fastest method Wing provided him with.

Wing directed his nen towards Paul, but this time his nen was a lot more fierce. Paul felt his skin radiating some kimd of heat or rather energy. "Now, you have to control your nen before it draims your body dry, killing you in the process", Wing spoke calmly.

Paul expected this, he had already seen the anime and knew he had to control his berzerk nen or he would die due to lack of nen in his body.

I close my eyes, letting in no light or disturbance for that matter, forcing me to hone my other sense, touch, smell and feel. I visualise the seeping nen escaping from the millions of pores in my skin, "quite impressive," I thought.

I visualise the pores being close by a thin layer of nen, almost forming a blanket around me. Luckily, it worked! I felt my body, muscles and skin start feeling rejuvinated. My muscles pumped up, looking healthy again. I open my eyes and stare at my my skin and body. It was now back to normal from it's malnurished state.

"I got it in the first try," I scoffed.

I face forward, staring towards Wing's shocked face. He's mouth wide open from shock, and eyes widened to the size of a marble. it was quite ammusing face he made.

"This kid... He's a monster. I didn't even give him any instruction but he still, none the less managed to find a way to keep his nen from leaking. It's amazing. I've never witnessed this in my years as a teacher....What less can I expect from that monster's son. A beast's son is bound to turn out a beast too," Wing chuckled in excitement.

"I'm gonna turn him to a monster... A power to be reckoned with," Wing stated, laughing maniacally.

"Damn what a total weirdo, I should have found a different teacher. I should have gotten Hisoka to teach me nen.... No nevermind, a slightly crazy person is still better than a pedo," I thought, staring at the man in front of me, laughing like a madman.



"Okay kid, you've done well, come back tommorrow at 7..."PM?"...Nooo, AM. The training is going to be a reckless one," Wing spoke, resuming to his madman like laughter.

"I wince at his words, like common 7AM? That's basically torture for a kid like me.... I totally should have gone to that pedo, on third thought they're both really shitty"



I walk out of Wing's room, excited, I carried a huge smile across my face whilw walking out of his room. Not that his room was a turture chamber, well except it was, more specifically his words hurt me like a dagger. Wake up at 7?! I 've never done such a thing since I dropped out of school. I can already tell this is going to be a unpleasn't ride.



Walking along those previously malice-filled nen stairs, was like a breeze, not only because Hisoka nen wasn't protriding the hallway but also, my own nen was able to shelter me from outside nen, such as the contender's seated on the same floor, leaking their nen recklessly to eachother. I could feel their nen touching my thin armor of nen, it wasn't disturbing, rather more like a neutral feeling.




Next ch training


AN~ Thank you Orion Chung, Antonio Bennet and Bazu98 for becoming a patròn. Join my patreòn to get a shoutout and read ahead.
