
Hunter x hunter: Survival

(18th October 2021, Paul Mathers died) Dying was something I expected my entire life; being diagnosed with a chronic disease in my early teen's coupled with disturbing medications tests, it was hard to live a joyful life. And even harder to make friends and grow attached to things. Thus I preferred to stay away from people, knowing my impending death would just make them sad...I didn't wanna leave people with tears on their face.. Looking back I was such a nice guy....Anyways, I wasn't sad or depressed at my soon arriving death...I didn't sob over it like a middle school girl getting rejected...That wasn't gonna solve shit. I knew better than most, crying is a pointless endeavor, especially when I probably shed more tears than a snake does it's skin... So you could say I was a kind of expert in crying, enough to elect me as the crybaby of the year if such an award existed... But alas, the world truly doesn't acknowledge the talented, we're just left in the ever-growing dark of nothingness. "Ophelia!...Push!...I can see the boy's head," a not so familiar voice Follow Paul's journey in Hunter x hunter

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If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead of the webnovel or read some of my other works go and check out:



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As a child with a bedridden body, I enjoyed watching professional fights. I watched WWE, MMA and boxing regularly where I saw the professional fighters brawl while keeping a calm attitude and simultaneously entertaining the audience; throwing punches at ridiculous speeds, or predicting opponents punches and dodging said punch... It looked extremely impressive, it was nothing to scoff at, I was even mesmerized by their fighting abilities, that their quick punches were a accumulation of their handwork and years of training.

Fights were extremely entertaining to watch and never did I think in my rational mind, that I would be in a position where I would provide the audience with a good show.... But life is everything but rational. I mean, here I was in another world, without knowledge of how I got here.



I casually stretched out my arms pointing towards the ceiling, taunting my opponent to charge at me, and it worked... He ran towards me with an angered expression, "I'll tear you a new asshole," he screamed, and if his face was anything to go by, he really meant his words, I inwardly chuckled.

"Not if I can do it to you first," I responded, adding to his already increasing rage.

"AHHHA!" Kelly charged towards me throwing a mediocre punch, one that I easily dodged with my slender body. "Let's see, how can I humiliate him," I pondered, not taking the fight seriously.... I could make him drop his trousers or piss his pants, or drop a doodoo in front of the crowd" I thought, laughing manically at my despicable ideas.

Kelly continued charging at me as if he had no apparent control over his body; his movements seemed sluggish and his punches fairly weak..."Wait, when did I become this talented at boxing? I thought to myself. Well, I'll have look into that later.

I responded to his uncordinated punches with a strong right hook that I carefully wound far back to deal maximum damage... I felt his spit that was mixed with a strong colour of red ever so slowly fall unto my previously green coloured shirt that was now, just a physical proof of my endeavor.

"Ah shit, he's about to go flying back," I thought to myself, still insisted on embarassing him. I ran as fast as I could towards his torso with a single intention, to embarass him! Just before he would be disqualified for not being in the fight ring , I held his loose trousers slowing down his pace in the action and teared out his leggings due to the force of my punch earlier, hehehe, "let the real show begin," I thought to myself, revealing Kelly's unmentionables, I involuntarily started laughing like a madman, and my face temporarily formed a shape, one of a pseudobulbar affect patient.

"Smaller than I thought," I chuckled.

I looked around and to my amusement everyone responded positively to my recent action.... Mostly all, well most were laughing as loud and maniacally as me, some just chuckled, and the intense ones... Well they just kept their intense face on, I'll never be able to understand those types of people.

"Uhhuh, I guess the winner is Paaauuuul Maaaathers, from the dumpsters," the speaker announced, recently collecting himself from my little stunt. "Again was the last part necessary?" I asked myself.



After recieving my beautiful revenge, one thing continued to bug me about the little exchange I just had with Kelly. Firstly, why did I suddenly gain vast knowledge about fighting...It's weird, I never really practised fighting, of any sorts, but still, today I moved better than most pros, tchhh. I guess I should be grateful I was easily able to defeat him.

I continued to head down a long pathway, made of rich wood enveloped with a good conditioned carpet. "I guess it's time I head to the 200th floors," I said to myself, proud of the little exchange, I managed to overwhelm my opponent. I suddenly came to a halt as I felt something shroud over my entire body, it was pure malice, an accumulation of hate, something extremely sinister. I immediately started choking at this intense pressure. I turned my head slightly to the left, facing the direction of this disturbing aura, to my wildest surprise it was FUCKING Hisoka. "Ohh lord, please protect my booty," I thought, silently praying to god.

( Wild hisoka appears)

My movements became restricted, I lost control over my muscles, and my body stopped responding to my brain. It felt weird, like something other than me had control over my actions. "How did I forget about this, fuck, everyone in the 200th floors and higher have access to nen, I didn't even start training my nen yet," I cursed myself. If Hisoka wanted to violate me now, it would be the perfect chance, I let a tiny tear out of my left eye. "This twisted bastard has a fetish for young kids, especially strong one's, and I fit both categories," I thought to myself inwardly crying. The feeling of despair became even stronger as I saw Hisoka walk towards me. "Lord please protect my precious booty," I let out another tear.