
HTTYD: The White Wolf

What if there was another man in Berk, who was weary and tired of war and fighting, who had chosen to seclude himself from all problems and people...

Karito_ · Película
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

But Hiccup was too excited to notice that. Neither did he notice, somebody else watching him.


Somewhere in Berk Cliffs,

The sound of someone chopping wood was all Hiccup heard as he approached the Witcher, and yet even with all of the noise the man heard him.

"Hello Hiccup, what do you want?" Geralt asked directly, while continuing chopping the wood. In all of his years of life, he always disliked fake pleasantries.

"Geralt, if not for your human form, I would have though you were a dragon. How are you able to hear me through all of the noise." Hiccup asked the large man.

"Easy, I didn't. I sensed you." He replied when he finished cutting the last log. He turned around while wiping the sweat off his forehead. His dragon-like eyes gazed at Hiccup before he turned around and sat on the stump.

"What does that even mean?" Hiccup questioned in confusion.

"What did you come for?" Geralt asked seeing the kid about to get distracted with unnecessary things.

"I..." Hiccup started before hesitating, making Geralt confirm his guess.

"So its about that Night Fury." He stated with a emotionless tone, which made Hiccup try to deny it immediately. "No, no, no, no, no, no. This has nothing to do with Toothless." He defended himself and his new companion before realising what he just done.

"So his name is Toothless." This made Geralt smirk, "You do know that they have retractable teeth, yes?"He asked the kid.

"Yeah." Hiccup responded before catching something, "Wait, you know about the retractable teeth?" Geralt nodded at that. "What else do you know. I've been struggling to find anything about the Night Furies since they are treated as spawns of the devil." He started before being interrupted by a hand.

"Is that why you came here?" Geralt asked knowing quite well the kid got side-tracked.

"Ah" Hiccup remembered why he came. "I've been struggling with the training the new recruits were doing, so I wondered if you can help me?" He asked the last part quietly, Geralt however heard the whisper quite well.

"I'm guessing that you are lacking any physical training. And you also are not able to kill a dragon so you have been failing. Correct? Or did I mistake something?" He pointed out to Hiccup which made him somewhat sad. Geralt noticed the reaction and sighed. 'Why did the two have to be so alike?' He constantly saw Ciri in Hiccup's place and he could not resist helping.

"Well, I guess there are things you could do." This made Hiccup's head whip towards Geralt's gaze, who continued. "Physical training is not a necessity for people like you," He pointed towards the boy, "Although it does help. What you need to resort in is trickery." At which Hiccup made a face


"Yes, all dragons have common weaknesses, like how they hate loud sounds, and I use sounds to drive them away, you can use, things like, eels, light and so on." Geralt briefly mentioned.

"What other weaknesses are there?" Hiccup asked enthusiastically.

"Why are you asking me. You're the one with a dragon as a familiar." Geralt accused before getting up and walking towards his cabin in the cave. Although he did pause at one point to say. "IF you want to train your physical strength, come here, in two days. I'll show you how to properly grow stronger. " He said to Hiccup before disappearing into his home, leaving the surprised teenager all by himself.


In the training arena,

"Today, is about teamwork." Gobber lectured the recruits, "Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky." He pointed out, while the arena was starting to get filled with smoke. " One head breathes gas. The other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which." He ended his lecture there to allow the teenagers to work things out for them selves.

The group paring were not really random, Astrid got teamed with Ruffnut, Tuffnut was teamed with Snotlout. That left Hiccup with Fishlegs.

And although Fishlegs was one of the most intelligent of the topic of dragons. He was a terrible partner to have your back.

"Razor-sharp serrated teeth, and injects venom for predigestion. Prefers ambush attack, crushing its victims." The words were flowing out of his mouth subconsciously, which was very distracting in such a tense moment.

"Will you please stop that?!" Hiccup asked the large teen.

The other boy team was faring some what the same, with Snotlout bragging and making empty threats. "If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna..." He paused, seeing a dragon-shaped silhouette

"There!" He shouted out and acted, with Tuffnut instantly mimic his actions.

It toom only a second for the smoke to vanish for them to see the 'dragon' they soaked.

"Hey, its us, idiots!" Ruffnut complained. She and Astrid were covered in water.

Your butts are getting bigger, We thought you were a dragon." Tuffnut pointed out, trying to excuse their mistake. While Snotlout continued sucking up to Astrid hoping it would not ruin any possibilities.

"Not that there's anything wrong with a dragon-ass fig..." He tried before Astrid's fist met his face. shutting him up. Tuffnut met a similar fate, with a water-filled bucket instead.

What the group did not expect though was Tuffnut getting pulled into the smoke, while screaming in fear.

"Wait..." Astrid whispered to the female twin, before both of them were tail-sweeped from the floor. At that point Tuffnut also managed to get away from the hunting dragon, while screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Oh!... Oh, I'm hurt! am very much hurt!"

Hiccup and Fishlegs watched him run away in silence, before Fishlegs' muttered mostly to himself, "Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now". The moment he said that though an oval shaped dragon head appeared from the smoke and slithered towards the fat teen. Unsure of whether of not the head was the firebreathing one, Fishlegs decided to risk it and pour his water on the head.

The result was opposite to what he hoped as the dragon head released green gas.

"Oh! Wrong head." He chuckled in fear before it started spewing the gas at him.

"Fishlegs!" Gobber called out to the teen in worry, before turning towards Hiccup who was left on his own. A second dragon head appeared to his right, this time creating a spark from the friction of its teeth

"Now Hiccup! " He yelled with Hiccup following exactly what was asked of him. The lack of any power in his swing made the water come short from the dragon head.

"Aww, come on..." Hiccup let out, blaming his physical ability, or lack of, in this situation. He tripped backwards with the head of the dragon opening up its fins, making it seem even more horryfing than it already was.

"Hiccup!" Gobber, realising the danger Hiccup was in, started running towards him, hoping he could save him, however from after seeing what was going on.

Hiccup, with his hands upfront, started waving at the dragon and yelling, "Back,... back, back!" And for some reason, the dragons were falling back, as if they were afraid of him.

"Now don't you make me tell you again!" He dramatically warned the dragons. His actions brough confusion to the recruits as well as Gobber, who was flabbergasted at the scene

"Yes, that's right. Back into your cage!" He yelled out to the dragons who had entered their cave. What had gone unnoticed to most of the spectators was the eel he threw right after the dragon."

"Now think about what you've done. " He said to the dragon, before closing the doors.

After doing so he turned around, while wiping his hands on the fur coat he was wearing and saw the group, who was confused at what had just transpired. They just stood there in shock, staring towards him, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Okay, sooo, are we done? Cause I have some things I need to uh... Yep, I'll see you tomorrow." He tried to excuse himself, before noticing a figure from the corner of his eyes. A figure that had white-hair, dragon-like eyes and was grinning at him.

He nodded towards Geralt before walking back to his house.


Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the novel.

Check out my other novel, ATLA: The Master.

Cya tomorrow...
