a different transmigation. After completing a mission for ROB,Richard receives a chance to become a ROB himself. However, standing between him and his Omnipotence is a certain magical story with a world full of wizards. ON HIATUS
"So this is where you've been!?" Richard whipped his head around to see who had adressed him only to notice a freckled ginger haired boy, a bushy haired girl and a boy with a lightning shaped scar along with a human mountain.
"Did you win?" Richard asked nonplussed, his attention mostly focused on donning his shoes. He didn't give a rat's ass about Quiddich, but that didn't mean he should ignore the highlight of the day. It was bad manners in his part.
"Yeah he did, but why do you care?" Ron asked heatedly. And while Hermione did not speak up, she too looked angry. Harry on the other hand looked disappointed since one of his first friends hadn't been at his triumph while Hagrid just looked uncomfortable.
"Well Harry, congratulations" even though Richard tried to do his best to sound enthusiastic, however from the results, it looked as if he had failed .
"He's your friend isn't he?" Hermione spoke up." So why can't you even be there for him? Harry almost got hurt today! Why can't you support your friend? You didn't even come to cheer for our house! And for what? " She looked around. "To sit here doing nothing? Do you even care about our house!? "
"You tell him Hermione! " Ron added from the sidelines with fire in his eyes while both Harry and Hagrid simply stood their ground doing best not to look awkward.
Richard felt a vein throb as his ears were assaulted by the constant prattling. However he held his temper. They are just brats barely eleven years old, Richard reminded himself. However he was not one to take advice from kids.
"Look" Richard interrupted Hermione, "I don't care for Quiddich, ok? No matter how it looked, for me, it's just a waste of time." While Ron Looked as he was struggling to swallow a toad, Hermione looked furious. However Richard didn't give her a chance to speak.
"I don't care about house points, I don't care about the house cup or the useless lessons history of magic. And I really don't care about what ever that's going on at the castle, ok?" Richard decided to put things straight. He did not want them to follow him, or him to babysit them in the future.
"I got my own life to live, so might as well as tell this to you now. I don't have time for friends." Richaed declared. "So if you could leave me alone, that would be great for both of us. I'll just leave your Christmas presents near the fireplace tonight. So don't bother me anymore." Richard turned around before walking away. However no one managed to notice the lightness in his steps.
"Git!" Ron insulted him behind his back, but Richard paid no heed to it. Instead he walked purposefully, his mind steeled for tonight's adventure.
He showered thoroughly, cleaning himself while resting. Then walked up to his room before putting away the presents. This was his way of making sure that they won't kill themselves in the future. Voldemort was supposed to return. It was fate, just like how Harry survived the killing curse. But Richard knew that adventure was not for him. The world laws and the story are two different forces, and Richard had no qualms with the world laws, at the moment. He simply wanted his story to outshine the originally written story. The story was his. And Voldemort was simply an annoying cockroach. This was his way of paying for the maintenance.
To Hermione, he left a book on advanced charms, that he had compiled from of the year. He was sure Hermione hadn't read the content within yet because it contained practical charms and spells at OWL's level as well as some obscure charms he had copied from different sources and some of the spells he had created on his own to mimic the effect of magical objects he had analysed along with practical combat uses.
To Ron, he left seven galleons. Hopefully he would use that money to buy a better wand in the close future.
As for Harry, He left a broom maintaining kit and a book filled with easy and useful spells. Richard didn't want Harry to go battle against the dark lord with only a handful of spells.
Richard sneaked out once more. Dinner was being served at the main hall, so he was able to move undetected. And soon he found himself outside the castle.
The dark forest was at sight. Richard quickly gobbled down the remains of the extremely sweet dessert he had smuggled away without tasting. He did not like sweets. However to maintain a good blood sugar level and energy, he had no choice but to swallow the sugary abominations.
Although Richard had yet to gain od, that didn't mean that he had no control over his body. After many many hours of practice, he was able to influence his body's biological functions to some degree with extreme concentration.
The desserts were quickly digested, marking the time to enter the forest. All that was left, was to actually enact his plan.