
HP: The Foreigner

Axel had lived a questionable life but after his death by his own hands he was granted a chance to live again. With the responsibility of saving the world from unknown threats, Axel begins his new journey in the drastically different world of Harry Potter as a foreign soul. . . . A/N: Here are a few things, No harem. No system. It's an AU with huge changes so if that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned. Atleast a chapter per day

Ferzd · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs

Classes and Gym Bro

Al looked at the book in front of him. It wasn't actually a book. It was just the ledger of different classes one could take at Hogwarts. The students need to submit their list by the end of their second day at Hogwarts. Only the compulsory subjects will be taught on the second day.

The compulsory subjects of Hogwarts depended upon the year. The first years had five compulsory subjects, the second years had three, the third and fourth years had two.

For first years, the compulsory classes were:

Magic Theory-I

Practical Magic



Elemental magic


Apart from them, first years were allowed to choose three to four optional classes.

Al had chosen Practical Arithmancy, Runes, Alchemy and Martial magic for his optionals.

Al couldn't actually use elemental magic right now. Space was a complicated concept and even the most basic spatial magic, Apparition was so complicated most wizards couldn't even use it.

Al had to completely understand at least the basics of Arithmancy before he could start to use spatial magic. So, he decided to take Practical Arithmancy to better understand the concepts.

Reiner were known as a family of enchanters and Al shared their aptitude for Enchanting. Hence, he had taken Enchanting.

Alchemy was something he was interested in, transfiguration, transmutation were advanced magic in this world as they were very very complicated to use.

As for martial magic, well it was the most popular class in Hogwarts for a reason. It was cool but for the first year and the majority of second year, it was basically P.E.

After finalising his choices. Al, submitted his list. "Hey, Al." He heard someone, it was Neville.

"Did you pick your classes?" Neville asked. "Yeah, what did you pick?" Al asked, making small talk.

"Oh, I picked Duelling, Herbology, magic zoology and Martial magic." Neville said.

"I see." Al said. He had considered picking Dueling too but duelling in the first year basically amounted to watching other people duel… now this was a valuable experience but Al decided to choose it from his second year as he couldn't use offensive magic right now, and trying to win a duel with random attributeless magic when others could literally throw fireballs at you was a bad idea.

After finishing his talk with Neville, Al walked towards the Slytherin common room.

Next morning, Al had woken up early to visit the school gym.

He wanted to finish the magic theory and Arithmancy course of the first two years so he could at least use spatial magic as early as possible. His goal was to finish the course of two years in his first year so that he could finish the rest of it in his second year.

Doing that much studying would undoubtedly make him sit in his room without much physical activity, so he decided to visit the gym early in the morning.

Al sighed at his hectic schedule. It was 5:00 am and almost the entire school was sleeping.

Reaching for the door. Al entered the gym. To his surprise there were a few other people. Now he wouldn't be surprised if it was his previous world but in this one, physical activity wasn't most people's priority.

"I don't think I have seen you here before." Al heard a hoarse voice behind him. Turning back Al saw a huge man, he had auburn hair and red eyes, he wore a tank top which showed his muscles quite clearly.

"Uh yes, I am a first year student." Al said quite nervously. "Well, I can see that. Who the hell wears robes in a gym?" The huge man laughed which seemed to garner some other people's attention as well.

"Oh hey a newbie!" A bulky bald guy said. "Let's see if he lasts." Another voice was heard. Soon the gym broke into murmurs and laughter.

"Okay I reckon, you've come here to get some muscles." The huge man said. "Go run four laps around the gym. And before that change into some appropriate clothes." The man handed Al some clothes and headed to train the other people who were at the gym.

Al went to a changing room that was near the door and changed into a trouser and half vest. As he prepared to run laps around the place he realised… the gym was huge.. like… stupid huge.

The gym was its own separate building near a forbidden forest and it didn't look too massive in front of the Hogwarts' castle but it was absolutely massive in its own right. Running four laps was impossible..

Al was about to ask the huge man who was probably the instructor some questions but before he could do that, he saw another guy running around the gym.

He was older than Al by maybe a year or two, and he was running at an insane speed and he didn't seem to stop, slow down or even change his pace... he was running at a constant speed and he was fast.

He looked like he was just casually jogging yet his pace was much faster than Al could ever hope to match even if he ran with all his might…

"Fuck it. Let's do it." With that, Al began running… for about five minutes until he crashed to the floor and stayed there panting heavily.

"Damn.. it… can't do more…" Al tried to stand but he simply had no energy left.

"Hey…" Al saw a young man who looked about 16 with brown skin and cerulean eyes. "What's up?" The guy said, extending a hand to help him stand.

".. hello?" said Al as he got up from the floor. His breath was still unsteady. "I'm Alan, a third year, Nice to meet you." The boy who he now recognised as the same boy who was running around the gym said.

"Alphonse, likewise." Al said, finally catching his breath. "So, you look like a first year, why are you here? I mean it's not like I don't like the fact that you're here. I'm just confused." said Alan.

"Well… I wanted to be fit." Al said honestly.

"That's a nice motivation." Alan said smiling, "But you won't be able to train properly if you spend all your energy in each step. You're running was too inefficient."

Al pondered on his words… wasting too much energy huh.. "Ah, I see.. So, what should've I done?" He asked.

Alan then ran in place as if to show me. "Uh.. I can't really explain but… something like this."

Al looked at Alan's footwork, it felt lighter somehow. He tried to copy it but he just tripped and fell. "Well your balance is too unsteady for this…" Alan said.

"First we'll have to improve your coordination, as well as your stamina. Then we'll improve your endurance and finally strength." Alan said.

"Now listen closely." Alan said as he taught Al about the different ways to improve his shortcomings.

For the next few days, Al and Alan would always meet and train together at the gym, He had felt much lighter and less tired as he continued training with Alan.

He and Alan were now what was referred to as Gym bros in his older world.

And just like that, Christmas had arrived.

Now, The real story has finally begun.

Also, have a nice day.

Ferzdcreators' thoughts