A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
None of them could know at the time, but this was meant to be the first of the many times when this scene -with the exception of the Headmaster's presence- was going to repeat itself in the coming years. And of course, it goes without saying that they could have absolutely no idea where Dumbledore's intervention that day was going to lead. Everything was now into place; the Fates had set the pieces into motion and it was now up to a young man and an even younger boy to create their future.
It had been exactly four years since the first time Albus Dumbledore trusted Severus with Harry Potter. Month after month, it seemed to become more of a necessity than a sporadic occurrence for the younger Potter twin to be left under the potions master protection as his parents were getting more and more focused with training Adrian. It wasn't that Harry was going unloved by his family; there had been no such motive behind his parents' actions. Still the facts remained.
First, it had been the experts; the elder Potters along with a fretting Padfoot and a caring Moony travelled at the far corners of the world trying to find an explanation as to how Adrian had vanquished the Dark Lord at the tender age of one. The tests were inconclusive, just as Severus and Albus had predicted. It had been proved that although, yes, it was true, Adrian had great potential, the indication of something unique just wasn't there. As the Headmaster repeated over and over during the years, it would be surprising if something out of the ordinary was found; Voldemort had been defeated under specific circumstances that demanded an extensive use of accidental magic to come forth. It had been a matter of survival and it was impossible to be repeated, a theory that was, in its base, quite true.
Then started the bouts of accidental magic. At the age of six and a half, young Adrian stopped one of his toys from falling down the stairs, summoning it back to himself. That caused quite the commotion and it was swiftly decided that, according to plan, at the age of seven, Adrian would start his magical training. So it had happened and that August had found the majority of the Potter family training with Adrian somewhere in Wales and Harry staying with Severus at Spinner's End as per usual.
It had been quite an interesting confrontation when one James Potter had found out where his son had spent that first month while the rest of the family was in Istanbul.
Dumbledore had to intervene before things got ugly; it was only after Sirius had come up with the idea that Harry could spend some times with his Aunt and Uncle, the Dursleys, when Lily had put her foot down and, in a row that Severus swore he would remember until his very last moment, James had finally been convinced. Once he was reassured that Severus's house had more wards than necessary and after a private talk with and exasperated Dumbledore, he had grudgingly agreed on Severus looking after Harry when needed.
That was how Severus ended up looking over Harry -who was in turn looking over a brewing potion in the fireplace- smiling from his armchair while supposedly reading a copy of the Daily Prophet. Things had changed drastically for the young professor since Harry entered his life. While he was still the same at school, brooding and down right scary to some of his students and still got berated by Madam Pomfrey regarding how thin he was, he had finally started to heal. With every smile Harry bestowed on him, the weight on his heart lifted slowly, up to the point where, as long as he was in the boy's presence, he found himself in a position he had forgone long ago; he found himself being happy.
Harry had been a constant surprise for him and he was grateful for each moment they spent together; his smile widened at the thought that this time would now expand. He felt a pang of guilt over it too, knowing that Harry would miss his parents more, but he couldn't help rejoicing considering how his everyday life would be starting that year. It had been agreed that Harry would stay with him during the summer while Adrian trained, but that wasn't so different than the past four years.
What was different would be what was to follow; Harry would now be spending more of his days with the potions professor. Every Monday, Tuesday, Friday and during the weekends, Adrian would be undergoing training with his parents and various members of the Hogwarts' staff, getting an early start on whatever he could in a broad field of magic. That would mean that Harry would spend his days in Severus's quarters at Hogwarts during those three working days of the week and the weekends, returning to Potter manor every night to sleep. Severus felt that he couldn't ask for more.
"The potion seems ready Sev." Harry stated, turning to look at the young man with a smile. He always called him Sev and that made him smile wider.
"Is it now?" He asked and rose to approach the fire. Harry was right. "Excellent." He simply stated and, with a swift movement of his wand, bottled the Pepper-Up potion and extinguished the fire. Harry's eyes brightened as he observed the display of magic as always and then dimmed as he focused on Severus's wand. The young man sighed understanding the cause of the boy's disappointment. Adrian, in order to train properly, had received his wand at his seventh birthday. Even if it would be used only for training, Harry had felt -once again- excluded.
Severus shut his eyes tight considering the injustice of it all; after all, Harry had shown his aptitude with magic sooner than his brother. As a matter of fact, it was on that first day four years ago when he had just brought the boy to his house that Severus first realized said aptitude. Harry had accidentally bumped on an end table, causing the vase sitting on top of it to tumble to the floor. Thing was, it never did touch the floor; it instead disappeared and subsequently reappeared with a loud popping sound on its original place, eliciting a sigh of relief from the three year old wizard. Severus was exhilarated when, after a few quick questions uncovered this was the second time something like that had happened as it seemed Harry had managed to escape a fly down the stairs after tripping on a carpet a few months prior to the incident.
And what had happened when Severus had tried to tell Harry's family? "The Row" had happened, that's what; after James almost having a coronary when he realized his son had spent a month with his nemesis, Severus found himself less inclined to share such information. It felt private, something that he could keep between Harry and himself. And anyways, the boy had since then done magic in front of his parents, a few days before his seventh birthday. Severus felt like finding James and hitting him with something heavy and ideally metallic at the memory.