

A man is transmigrated into Harry Potter universe and becomes.... Harry Potter. With the help of a system, which named itself Wizard Academic System, he starts his journey towards his destiny. This is the story of his adventure, his triumphs, his defeats, his RISE.

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18 Chs

Chapter 3: Training Time

Third Person POV

Harry woke up at 5AM next morning to complete physical training quest before 9 AM. After brushing his teeth and taking a bath Harry gets in his tracksuit which is a tab too big for him. 'I need to shop for clothes as soon as possible.' He thought about going today but gave up the idea as it would alert Dumbledore's spy.

After 3 hours of pure physical exercise, he was too exhausted to even prepare his own breakfast. 'Oh my god, I have been acting so stupid, I can hire Dobby to do housework for me which will make staying at Dursleys so easy'.

"Dobby" He called out to thin air, a second later a small creature about 3 and a half feet, with tennis-ball-like green eyes, pencil like long nose and pointed bat like ears popped into the room. "Harry Potter called Dobby, what can Dobby do for Harry Potter?" asked the elf.

"Dobby, would you like to work for me, for a salary of course?" Harry asked the little elf.

"Harry Potter wants Dobby to work for him? DOBBY WOULD LOVE TO WORK FOR HARRY POTTER "the elf cheered.

"How about a 10 Knuts for a week as your salary and one vacation per month?" Harry inquired. He was not really sure how much would be appropriate pay for a house elf as it was unprecedented.

"Harry Potter be giving Dobby too much money, Dobby is not needing so much, 1 Knut would be fine" the elf denied.

"Dobby, that is what you deserve so accept it" Harry politely convinced the elf.

"Ok, Dobby be accepting Harry Potter's offer."

"Excellent Dobby"

After confirming Dobby's employment Harry asked him to prepare breakfast for him and also warned him not to use magic which can be tracked by ministry of magic inside the house.

After breakfast Harry asked Dobby to clean the house and wash Harry's clothes.

Once the cleaning of his room was done Harry started to ponder on how to start with wandless magic as there are no books which can help him with it. He remembered that Tom could use wandless magic as a kid, but he could not figure out how. He decides to start with meditation as he sits in the lotus position and concentrates completely on himself.

He meditated for an hour and a half after which he decided to give up this method in frustration. This time he tries to use pillars of magic which Professor Flitwick told us about in first year: Intent, imagination, willpower and magical power. He concentrates on the book lying on his table and wills it to levitate, which fails.

He kept doing it for quite some time before he got frustrated. In his frustration, he tries to levitate the book once but this time it succeeds.

Harry jumps in joy and pumps his fist in air. Now he realizes what he had been missing in his past trials. Emotions. ' Of Course, How could I forget emotions play a large part in magic. Now let's try again.'

--Wandless Magic (Novice) skill raised by 1 Level--

After 2 hours of trial-and-error Harry finally managed to succeed and raise his skill to level 1.

'But it's weird how I was able to get hold of wandless magic so quickly I at least thought it would take a day or two. Previous Harry aside from being talented in DADA was not a prodigy so how? Of course, while Harry may not be a prodigy Tom Riddle was, which explains how I was able to get the hang of it so easily.'

Finishing up with wandless magic he went downstairs for lunch. Harry was feeling very unusual as he sat down for his lunch, he had a nagging feeling like he was missing something. After devouring his lunch, Harry sat down on the couch and stopped thinking or planning about future and come to terms with his emotions.

He had been acting calmly, too calmly, for a person who died less than 48 hours ago. So, he just let it all out, all the pain, sadness, anger, regret, and fear. He just sat on the couch, crying for hours. Around him, was a torrent of magic running around wildly, as if lashing out in grief. He remembered who he was in his last life, he remembered his parents, siblings, friends, lover, dreams and aspirations. He missed his family. He missed how his mother used to worry about him and cared about him, how his father even with his stoic and disciplinarian personality loved him in his own way. He constant bickering with his siblings, fun with all his friends and tender moments with his girlfriend. He missed it all terribly.

After what seemed like hours, he got up from the couch wiping his tears. He remembered when his father once read a quote online, 'Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.'

'Give me strength mom and dad to deal with my new life, I will always love you.'