
Chapter 97: IronClaw!

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It was in the late hours of the night some days after the duel with Draco that Magnus found himself sitting in his trunk's office behind his desk with many things on his mind. 

Never had he thought that his duel with Draco would cause so much commotion as it had. 

Sure he had expected some ripples from him breaking from the original timeline of events but the speed with which things had happened since the duel had thrown him for a loop.

He had approached Andy with the letters he had received from both Professor Flitwick and Mad-eye about learning how to duel from both of them. 

Well, duelling from Flitwick, Mad-eye's letter had stated that he had been impressed with his skills and offered him lessons in how to really fight with magic, something told Magnus that the gruff old Auror didn't teach duelling in the traditional sense.

Andromeda had been more than happy to respond to the letters for him as his "guardian" saying that it would be expected for him as a future lord to be skilled in duelling to defend himself and his houses honour.

That she had actually been planning to talk with him about continuing the lessons they had been having to improve his skill. 

But that she would have called him foolish to not take up offers from other skilled teachers such as these two.

Magnus had left the matter with her and by dinner that night she came back to him with a weekly schedule for duelling lessons with both her and professor Flitwick alternating days of the week for one to two hours after class to devote to his duelling lessons. 

And an agreement with Moody to take him three days of each week over the summer holidays for his brand of training.

Magnus had agreed to the scheduling but had also managed to bargain with her to change it slightly so that he had each weekend off to do his own thing, using the excuse for homework and recovery time from the multiple lessons. 

Andromeda had seen the sense in that, though Magnus knew that he would be using the weekends for much more than just those reasons.

All and all Magnus found his schedule to be getting quite full with everything he had to do, between his classes and duelling lessons.

He found himself extremely grateful that he had the pocket watch with him, while it was no time turner it made getting through the homework assignments. 

That he was given from his classes much easier freeing up more time for him to do other things as well as have some downtime to relax and sleep, he doubted he'd have much of either if he didn't have the pocket watch.

But right now two other letters had his attention that had arrived that morning that he had put off to reading until now and both of them were very good signs as far as Magnus was concerned.

-"Heir Black

I am writing to you in response to a letter my grandson sent me concerning your words and actions involving the past actions of your aunt as a member of your house.

Words cannot express my gratitude for your actions and your apology towards my grandson for actions that were not your own. 

That night and the actions of that woman and those men have long since haunted my dreams. 

And while your actions and apologies do not help to alleviate them in the slightest, it shows great strength of character and much more to apologise for others who do not deserve it.

Regardless of what others have said about you, I find myself relieved to find that the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black has a future lord of such character and honour.

You can rest assured that the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Longbottom and its allies hold no grudges against the House of Black for the past actions of its former members.

Once again you have my thanks and gratitude.

Dowager Lady Agusta Longbottom

Regent of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom"-

Magnus had to smile when he read the letter, it was one of the first steps he had taken to start improving the reputation of his house.

Apologizing to others for past deeds could only really be received one of two ways and he was happy that Neviells grandmother had been as accepting of his apologies as he had.

But in truth, he had a second motive to doing what he had done by apologizing and disowning Bellatrix, and he had been slightly worried for the past couple of days that his plan had failed, but the second letter that he had received put his mind at ease.

-"Heir Black,

You have my deepest apologies for the latency of this letter. But I am happy to inform you that the contents of the former Bellatrix Black's personal vault have not been completely merged with the main Black vault.

The reason for the delay was due to the widespread use of the Gemini curse that had been placed on every item inside the vault, without Gringotts knowledge.

I have personally overseen the removal of the curse from every item and oversaw the transfer to the main Black vault myself.

Due to the many hours that were required to remove the unauthorised curse, a substantial sum has been removed from Bellatrix's vault to pay Gringotts fees, to the sum of two hundred galleons, the rest of the contents now lay in the Black vault as per regulations when a member of a house is disowned.

May gold overflow your vaults and your enemies fall by your blade.


Account manager for the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black"-

Magnus relaxed in his chair as he put that letter down. 

Bellatrix's vault was no more, and he now had access to all of the contents, including he hoped. 

Hufflepuffs cup. At least he hoped that was the case.


If you want to read ahead by 25+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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