
Chapter 88: Books!

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It just made more sense to him that witches and wizards would celebrate the pagan holidays and the solstices rather than their muggle-Christian counterparts.

But why would Dumbledore not want that information shared at Hogwarts? It would seem that he needed to do some more looking into the matter to find his answers.

But nothing said that Magnus couldn't use what he knew now to cause even more trouble for the old fuck…. 'game on old man'

"That's not really that shocking," Magnus said casually, "in fact I'd be surprised if they found anything on the matter at all, given the state of the Hogwarts library," he said making sure he was loud enough to be heard by others close by.

"What do you mean?" Daphne asked both curious and wondering why he was speaking differently, her eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion.

"What I've seen the library here and in comparison to what I saw here and the Library in my family manor, the Hogwarts library is severely lacking," Magnus replied plainly.

"The Black library is easily three times the size of the library here. So clearly there must be a lot of books that the Hogwarts library doesn't have and seeing as there aren't any classes on wizarding traditions and the like."

"I don't see any reason why the library would even keep such books when there is little chance that students will ever look them out. I'd be surprised if the library has even been updated in years, as the classes have likely remained the same as well."

That got a lot of attention from the others at the Ravenclaw table and the volume level rose by at least a few notches as what Magnus had just said sent ripples down the table and the shock and realisation of the truth began to sink in for the House of the wise and witty.

Magnus could even hear the odd statement of agreement with his suspicions, many seeing the logic behind his words and some were even voicing the irritation that the place they were meant to look to for answers didn't have them.

Magnus had to suppress his satisfied smirk as his statement had the desired effect. But he didn't notice the suspicious look that Daphne was giving him.

The increase in activity at the Ravenclaw table didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the hall, as slowly word of Magnus' suspicions had started to spread to the other tables, and many of the other students became appalled with what they were hearing, and many were agreeing with what was suspected.

It didn't take long before the head table caught wind of the topic that was making its rounds.

Professor Flitwick was the first to inquire on the matter to Madam Prince, "Is what they are saying true Irma?" He asked tentatively, knowing how protective the witch was over her library and how seriously she took her role as the castle's librarian.

"I'm afraid it is Filius," Madam Prince said back with a tight look on her face, "I don't even think one student was able to find a single book yesterday that was able to give them the answers they were looking for. And it has been a sight I have grown used to seeing over the years."

"Then why hasn't anything been done about it," Flitwick said shocked, his eyes wide at the admittance that not only was the fact true but that it was a common occurrence, why hadn't he noticed it before now.

"Don't you think I've tried," Madam prince said back irritation in her tone before she took a breath and gave Flitwick an apologetic look.

"Every year since I've started as the castle's librarian I've been submitting a list of books to the headmaster requesting funds to purchase copies for the library, and every year my requests are denied and every year my list grows longer and longer still."

"It's gotten so bad that I frequently keep a rolodex with the various books the library does not have with a list of the subject matters discussed in them."

"So that when a student comes to me after not finding what they are looking for I can give them the book details so that they can order the books in for themselves so that their education doesn't suffer." She explained.

"It's infuriating, but what else can I do, other than seek to maintain what books the library has. It's why I'm so hard on students who return books late or damaged, other students will need them and I likely will be unable to get the funds to replace them."

Flitwick frowned hearing that and nodded in understanding, he didn't doubt the honesty in her words and her clear frustration with her situation.

She had been one of his ravens after all, and one of his most studious, he could tell that this was something that had been frustrating her greatly and for good reason.

She no doubt felt like she was failing the students by being unable to provide them with what they needed when they needed it and had tried to correct things as best she could with what she was able to do.

And it annoyed him to see one of his past ravens in such a spot, he would have to see what he could do to help.

He wasn't the only one. Andromeda had overheard the conversation as she ate her breakfast, her appetite slipping away with every word as her stomach tightened in her anger at the situation.

Clearly, something was wrong in the castle and she felt concerned about how this was affecting the students' education. If they were unable to get the correct and updated information when they needed it.

She could hear the shock at the head table as the other professors showed various signs of outrage and anger over the fact as many began to put everything together with their past experiences with students assignments not having what they expected.

It was clear to her that this was already having an effect on the student's education, and that something needed to be done

Setting down her spoon Andromeda rose from the table and made for the staff exit, it would appear that she needed to take up her Houses seat on the board of governors sooner than she had expected to.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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