
Chapter 72: Chances!

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"From what little I've heard of her, she's a harsh but fair woman, she should at the very least hear you out if you asked for a meeting."

Ted brought his hand to his face to scratch his stubble as he thought and nodded, "you're right about Bones, the woman's made of iron and will come down on anyone hard if she thinks they're up to something they shouldn't be."

"I served with her when we were both Auror recruits. She can hold herself in a fight." He mused before nodding.

"I should be able to get a meeting with her, it would likely take a couple of weeks if I was someone else, she's a busy woman, but she has a soft spot for retired Aurors, I might be able to cut it down to a couple of days at the most."

Magnus nodded, "what do you think the chances are of her believing and backing us?" He asked.

Ted shrugged, "About fair to be honest. As you said, she'd hear me out in the meeting and will take in all the facts that are presented to her."

"While we have no actual evidence of your uncles innocents, the lack of a trial transcript and the other paperwork should speak for themselves."

"At the very most we can expect her to help us in getting Sirius a proper trial and if he's innocent it will come out."

Magnus nodded, "good, that would probably be the best outcome, if there was never any trial at all then people could just claim that it was a technicality, but if he's tried and found innocent then no one can claim otherwise."

Ted nodded, "yes that would be for the best then" he agreed before yawning, "right I'll let you get on off to bed, I'm sure you'll need your sleep for your classes tomorrow, goodnight Magnus."

Magnus nodded back, "goodnight Ted," he said as the image on the mirror faded and he placed it down on the desk with a sigh as he reached up to rub his brow, sitting back in his chair.

'Well this will certainly be throwing canon out the window if everything goes through, Sirius getting freed two years before his escape, I wonder how the magical populace will react once he's announced as innocent.' Magnus mused in his head.

'I wonder what else will come to light with this, I can't imagine that Sirius will be happy with the old coot for letting him rot in Azkaban without a trial for all these years.' He thought with a chuckle.

Erebus bristled his feathers from his perch across the room 'Don't go counting your hatchlings until they hatch, Magnus.' He warned.

`You never know what could happen. You may have knowledge of the future but you are treading out into unknown waters now, be careful or else you may attract sharks or something worse.'

Magnus sighed, "technically speaking, I've always been in unknown waters, my very presence in this world will have altered things from the original, all that butterfly effect and shit."

"I've just been trying to keep them as small as possible so that the future won't drastically change and my knowledge will still be relevant to what is going to happen." He explained.

"I must have spent hours in my mind trying to plot every possible change my presence here might have effected in the future and account for them all but there's just too many of them to account for, the future is going no matter what I do, and this will just be tossing a huge rock into the waters." He said before throwing his hands up.

"Fuck it, if this changes everything then I may as well give up on trying to predict the future. I was going to be changing things for the better anyway might as well start now. I'll stop trying to predict things and just roll with the punches before throwing back some of my own." He smirked.

'Are you sure that is wise? If you stir the waters too much then something could happen that you might not be able to predict, people might find out that you are not originally from this world, it could have disastrous consequences for you.' Erebus warned

Magnus shrugged, "I'll be doing my best to keep my origins under wraps. My occlumency is coming along well so soon enough no one will be able to pull it from my mind, and I'll do my best not to get called up to testify for anything to be dosed with veritaserum any time soon, and asked where I'm from." He mused.

"I'll be changing things, but I'll be careful not to give anyone reason to suspect that I'm not from here," he said before looking to the mirror on his desk.

"And I think I know just where to start making changes to the canon, " Magnus smirked before he reached over and picked up the mirror, he had a call to make, it was time to start stirring things up.


It was the next morning at the breakfast table that Magnus had a smile on his face, looking forward to what he knew was going to be happening that day after his mirror call the night before.

Daphne who was sitting at the table across from him gave him a puzzled look, "what's got you so happy this morning? You look like you've just won a million galleons."

Magnus chuckled, "I have no idea what you are talking about Daphne, can't a guy just look happy on this wonderful morning." He smiled back.

Daphne gave him a deadpan look, "there's happy and then there's that maniacal grin that you have on your face," she said not buying his reason for an instant, "now spill it what did you do?"

Magnus smirked, "okay, okay." he said putting up his hands in a gesture of surrender, "if you must know I was up late last night and I think I finally figured out the solution to one of our class problems, potions to be precise." He smirked.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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