
Chapter 67: Apology!

If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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No, I needed to be patient, wait until Ted was able to tell me without a shadow of a doubt that there are no trial transcripts on file proving there was never a trial.

He had already spent a full month looking but because he was doing so carefully and on his own so as not to arouse suspicion it was taking time to do.

I suspected I would have word on the matter within the next month or the month after that, and then I could possibly start readying things to bring to the DMLE and Wizengamot so I could use the weight of house Black to demand an immediate trial and investigation.

As soon as I was certain that I had all the information, proof, and no way for anyone to block me I was going to make my move, for now, I would just have to bite my tongue and not let my emotions give away any more of my secrets.

With my emotions once again in check I pushed myself off the wall and was about to start navigating myself back to the Ravenclaw common room to try I get some practice in when I heard the sound of footfalls coming from the direction I just came.

I turned to see both Daphne and Tracey coming towards me.

"Magnus, are you okay?" Daphne asked as they reached me, some signs of concern on her face.

"You left the hall in a hurry, we were worried," Tracey added with similar signs of concern, a tad more so than Daphne.

I sighed, of course they had followed me, "I'm fine, I just needed to get out of there before I hexed Weasley. I had expected some confrontation but I guess I didn't expect that much, his words got to me more than they should have." I explained.

"I just needed some time to get my mental barriers back in place so I wouldn't send him to the hospital wing."

Daphne gave a small snort, "well I hardly think anyone would have blamed you if you had, he was severely out of line, he had no business coming between you and Potter like that, you'd think his parents would have taught him better." She rolled her eyes.

Tracey snorted, "I wanted to hex him myself for you when I heard him. If it wasn't for my own mental barriers I would have." She grumbled.

I gave a smirk, "yeah well now he's gone and put me off my lunch, I was just about to head back to the dorms and do some reading, you two want to tag along?" I asked offering.

Daphne smirked, "sure why not, but the library is closer to here than the dorms, let's head there, I've been wanting to see if its everything my mother said it was."

I nodded and the three of us started down the corridor in search of the library, but we hadn't even gotten to the end of the corridor we were in before we heard the sound of more footfalls.

I didn't think anything of it until a familiar voice called down the corridor after us, "Magnus!"

I turned with Daphne and Tracey and there was Harry coming down the corridor towards us, all four foot of him, he was rather short for his age now that I think about it, and I frowned when I remembered the reason why, the Dursleys treatment of him.

I added another thing to my list of todos, see if there was any way to get Harry out of that house and out from under Dumbledore's thumb.

"Potter," I said as I turned to face him, "something I can help you with?" I asked wanting to know why he came after me, I had a few guesses but wasn't sure.

"Your apology earlier, I accept it." Harry said catching his breath, he must have run all the way here.

"What you said before about not wanting to be blamed for something your relative did, I know how that feels, I just wanted you to know that I don't, blame you for what he did, it's like you said you aren't your uncle, it would be stupid to blame you for what someone else did."

I smiled feeling the last of the knots fade away from my gut and sighed, "Thank you, Potter, you have no idea how much of a relief that is to hear you say that, after Weasley's comments earlier I feared that you might hold the same views." I said with relief, this was going better than I had hoped.

Harry seemed to frown, "I'm sorry about Ron, I don't know why he said those things, you're not your uncle after all." He said in apology.

I shook my head, "Don't apologize for him Potter, there's no point as Weasley clearly meant what he said so your apology would just be empty words, he has to apologize for it to mean something, not you."

I said not wanting to think any more on what the hot head had said as I could already feel some of the anger inside me stirring when I thought about him and what he had said, only I was pulled from that feeling when I heard the clearing of voices behind me and smirked slightly.

"Oh of course where are my manners." I said before gesturing behind me.

"Potter these lovely ladies are my friends, Heiress Daphne Greengrass, heiress primary of the most noble and most ancient house of Greengrass, and Heiress Tracey Davis, heiress secondary to the noble and most ancient house of Davis."

I introduced them only to get an owlish response from Harry as he blinked at the three of us, clearly not knowing what to make of what I had just said.

"Um… okay," Harry said clearly bewildered as he looked at us.

Daphne gave a snort at his look, "what's with that look Potter, you look as though you don't have a clue in the world." She stated with an amused tone.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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