
Chapter 60: Vigilance!

If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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Magnus smirked, "Oh I bet he is, and I'll enjoy reading it at the Ravenclaw table, no doubt I'll have some more questions to answer when I get there, my housemates can be rather inquisitive." He chuckled.

Andromeda chuckled as well, "Well you are in the house of the intelligent. They're are bound to be hungry for knowledge when an heir to a thought near extinct house appears out of the blue." she said with amusement.

"I'm still impressed you were sorted there given your clearly Slytherin look on things." She said giving him a sideways glance.

Magnus shrugged as they neared the great hall, "well given that I discovered how the hat really sorts, it's not that impressive, just takes a little bit more thinking." He said plainly.

Andromeda nodded as she once more took her wand from her sleeve and with a wave in the air and a chant of 'Finite' she cancelled the privacy spells and nodded.

"Okay, I will speak to you again tonight, let me know how your classes go, though given how much time you spent in the library and looking over your school books I can't see you having any trouble." Andromeda mused.

"I'll mirror you before I go to bed, don't worry," Magnus replied before he started in the direction of the great hall as he tried to think more about what happened in the meeting and about his memories....

....but he was suddenly pulled from his thought by a sudden stinging pain in his backside as he jumped up with a yelp and his hands instantly went to his arse and rubbed as he turned to face Andromeda as he recognized the effects of a stinging hex and saw Andromeda smirking as she put her wand away.

"That was for last night and that Slytherin jab." Andromeda smirked, "Be thankful Nymphadora isn't here otherwise you'd be getting another from her."

Magnus winced and rubbed his backside and gave Andromeda an evil look, "You do realize that I will be getting you back for that," he said after a moment of rubbing.

Andromeda smirked and then headed towards the doors, "Just words Magnus, and that's all they will be until you can back them up," she said as she walked away.

Magnus watched her go for a moment more before he turned again and headed towards the hall giving his backside another rub as he did so, oh there would be payback alright, but to him, this just proved that he had a long way to go.

He'd have to learn not to lower his guard like that. He smirked as he came to the large doorway into the great hall.

'As Mad-eye would say "Constant Vigilance'" gotta get that down before shit hits the fan in four years… that's if I let it, still not sure what I can do but I'll do something.' He thought as he walked into the hall.

Walking into the great hall Magnus made his way over to the Ravenclaw table and after a couple of seconds he was spotted and Tracey stood up to wave him over, "Hey there you are!" Tracey called to him, "Magnus over here!"

Magnus smirked as he started over to her as she sat down beside Daphne. Magnus took the seat opposite them.

"Morning, I miss anything?" He asked as he sat down and started to make himself up a small breakfast from the food on the table, subtly checking with his ring as he did so.

Daphne shook her head, "No not much," she said before looking up at him, "Professor Flitwick has yet to hand out our timetables yet." She told him before narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Hey, weren't your eyes grey before, you decide to change them up?" she asked.

Magnus smirked as he scooped some bacon onto his plate, "Yeah you could say that, I just came from a meeting with the headmaster, McGonagall, Snape and Flitwick, my appearance raised some questions they wanted answering." He said with some amusement.

"No surprise really, though I would have prefered that the meeting was after breakfast, I'm hungry. "

Daphne gave a roll of her eyes, "Well that's no shock, the sudden appearance of a Black, let alone a Black Heir is enough to make anyone curious, though it does seem a little underhanded to have the meeting before you've even eaten." She stated at the end with mild contempt.

Tracey shook her head, "It might not have even crossed their minds that it was seen that way, some people are just like that."

Magnus gave a smirk, "And yet this is the headmaster we're talking about, you'd think he'd give it some thought." He said as he again subtly checked the drinks before pouring himself some of the milk.

Daphne caught his subtle movement as he checked with the ring but didn't say anything and just nodded her head, "true, he is meant to be knowledgeable, might have just slipped his mind."

Magnus gave a scoff, "Maybe he's slipping into senility, I wouldn't put it past him he's how old now? Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest." He joked.

Daphne gave a faint smile of amusement as Tracey giggled beside her to that statement. "True he is getting on in his age," Daphne said with a hint of amusement in her tone, "maybe it's finally getting to him."

Magnus shook his head in amusement before taking a drink and setting the mug down, "Okay enough about Dumbledore and his descent into senility, new topic, I take it the mail hasn't arrived yet." He said changing the topic.

Tracey was the one to answer, "No not yet, why you expecting something?" She asked.

Magnus shrugged, "Just wanting to read the Prophet, My Aunt had to come in to the meeting with the headmaster by floo, she said that the Prophet posted the statement that my law wizard gave about my sudden appearance, I'm just wanting to check to see that it's word for word what I authorized." He explained.

Daphne nodded, "I'm not sure when the post is due to arrive but it should be shortly," she said as she finished taking a drink of her own.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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