
Chapter 57: Into Family!

If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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Magnus looked to her in a confused child-like manner as he replied, "My grandfather's," he told her.

"When I went into the Black Vault, I met both his and my grandmothers paintings, both said that I would be a good heir and welcomed me to the family," he said looking more happier by the end.

"They've been teaching me about my heritage while I'm staying at Black manor." he added.

"That sounds very nice Mister Black," Professor McGonagall said, happy to see the young boy sounding happy, as she put it towards him finding some family, portraits or not.

"Well there you have it," Phineas proclaimed from his portrait, "he's been accepted into the family and recognised by the portrait of the last Lord Black, which by law is accepted in place of the lord himself when the last lord has already passed."

"It is only when neither option is available that the wizengamot has to get involved."

Dumbledore once again suppressed his annoyance as his attempt to manipulate the situation was blocked at every turn, he couldn't change it now.

He quickly tried to think, if he couldn't guarantee control the boy himself and he couldn't keep others from doing so he would have to arrange who would.

"I see, I understand now. But be that as it may, they still overstepped their bounds. I will have to contact the ministry to arrange for a meeting to arrange for a guardian for outside of Hogwarts."

"I can't imagine that living in Black manor by yourself even with your grandparent's portraits for company to be healthy and safe," he said putting on his best worried grandfatherly tone.

Magnus gave a childlike smile, "That's alright headmaster, my account manager already arranged for guardians for me, they've been living with me in Black manor for the past month, they're great." He said childlike still, while inwardly laughing his ass off.

Dumbledore mentally cursed as yet another avenue for controlling the boy was blocked, 'blast it, oh well if I can't arrange that, perhaps I might be able to manipulate or discredit whoever it is,' he said as he nodded his head.

"I see, it seems as though your account manager has been very busy, might I ask who your guardian is dear boy?"

Magnus smiled, "my cousin, Andromeda Tonks," he said happily.

And with that Albus felt a shred of hope that he might be able to work this in his favour after all.

"Ah, I'm afraid that might prove to be problematic my dear boy, you see dear Andromeda is no longer a Black, she was cast from the family some years ago if memory calls, and as such I'm afraid she cannot be your guardian." Albus stated while he did a happy dance in his head.

Magnus internally scowled while he blinked outwardly in confusion, "But I welcomed her and Tonks back into the family as the Heir, my account manager said I could and they're the only close family I have left." He said while looking a little hurt.

"And he was right to do so," Phineas said from above them getting nods from the other portraits, "and it was a very wise move on your part, to bring in others to help you, Andromeda was a fine Black, regardless in her marital decision, family is family."

McGonagall nodded her head, "Indeed, I remember Andromeda. A fine young woman and now a respected healer and her husband, Ted, is a respected law wizard."

"And their daughter Nymphadora who left last year was quite the rambunctious girl, I'm sure they would be a wonderful family for you Mister Black."

Dumbledore was started to struggle to restrain his anger again, nothing seemed to be going his way.

"Yes that is most wonderful, though I can't help but wonder if perhaps a better arrangement can't be made, I'm sure the sudden responsibility of looking after a second ward when both Andromeda and Edward have such successful careers."

Magnus frowned outwardly while internally he was grinning, he has seen his opportunity and he pounced on it, "I'm not sure, but we could always ask Aunt Andy, today's her day off she should be at home."

Professor Flitwick who had remained silent until now smiled, "A marvelous idea Mister Black, the floo is right over there do you know your address," he asked and Magnus nodded, "Then why don't we call her and ask her to come through and we can sort this entire matter out now,"

Magnus nodded again and didn't wait for Dumbledore to give permission before he got out of his seat and hurried over to the fireplace and took a pinch of the floo powder from the small pot off to the side before tossing it into the grating and whispering the address, "Grimmauld Place."

Dumbledore meanwhile was spluttered as Magnus went to the fireplace. Calling Andromeda here was the last thing he wanted, he knew the woman held a dislike for him.

But he couldn't very well refuse such right now given how she was apparently the boy's guardian and as Finius had already stated she would be the quickest way to sort this whole mess out.

His hands were tied and he could only watch as the green flames flared in the fire as the network connected.

"Aunt Andy are you there?" Magnus asked knowing already that she would be, and after a moment or two, a picture of Andromeda appeared in the flames.

"Magnus, I'm here what's wrong? Has something happened?" Andromeda stated over the line putting on the little show so that it wouldn't be suspected that she had been waiting for the call.

"Aunt Andy I'm in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, my Professors would like to talk with you, do you have time to come over to talk with them?" Magnus asked as he kept up the act,

"Oh, of course. but what is all this about, surely you haven't caused any trouble, Magnus, that doesn't sound like you?" Andromeda said as the flames flickered.

Flitwick who heard quickly made his way over and spoke into the flames, "No nothing like that Mrs Tonks, it's just that young Magnus's sudden appearance and placement in house Black has caused a stir as you can imagine, and the headmaster just wished to confirm such as well as your guardianship over him."


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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